Monday 24 December 2018

Differences of ram and Krushna

If someone asked what is the difference between RAM and Krishna?
Main basic difference belongs to their death
Ram had Samadhi & Krushna was killed by his own cousin brother
Other differences is,
Ram never laugh & Krushna never cry
Me and my father's memory
That's sanatan SATYA,

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 22 December 2018

Vaju and Aashka

Vaju and Aashka

In spirituality sense, both has specific special powerful reason for doing such Acton.

For getting fast speed for atikraman needs water as speed with air body needs cool effect for saving body from fire and if want more information....See Dr strange Holly wood movie.

In other words for doing better work or as per Vedas mythology, getting such things from God fire AGNI needs water components for cooling effects, as per my personal ideology, there are no any religiously demand for getting

In Islamic region most people washing hands and legs by water before namaz and that's called VAJU...

In Hindu region after praying gods people doing aartee by fire lamps for specific god.  The specifics styles of taking aartee by hand is called as AASHKA.

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 19 December 2018


लोन माफी छोटे किसान की जरुरत। जमींदार के  पास कमी नही होती।
जिसका खेत , उसीकी बगैर मजदूर खेती, उसी को लोन माफी मुनासिब।
भारत को लोग पढ़ा लिखा देश समझते हे तो जुठ की बुनियाद पे वोट देना और मांगना बंद होना ही चाहिए।
अँधेरे मे खाना कभी कभी अच्छा, लेकिन देश दिन में चले वही अच्छा।

खेत या कृषि पेदाश मे लॉन्ग टर्म मुनाफा तभी होगा जब केंद्र और राज्य सरकार एक चित्त सोचेगी वर्ना विपक्ष का CM लोन मांगता रहेगा और रूलिंग PM देश उन्नति की बात करेगा। हुआ है
थोड़ी गहरी सांसो से कई बार अच्छा लगता है।
सोचो गहरी सोच से होने वाला कार्य कितना मुनाफा दे सकता है।
जन्म दिन और मृत्यु दिन भले किसी बड़े व्यक्ति के हो पर अब्दुल कलाम जी को सदर नमन जिन्होंने कहा है अगर अच्छा लगाना चाहते हो तो कम करो।
विचार और आचरण संदिग्ध परिस्थितियों में अलग न हो तो शक्तिमान असाधारण रूप से परिपक्वता हासिल कर सकते है।
मगर व्याप्त रूप से मगज के विचार सराहना कभी काबिले तारीफ हो सकता है लेकिन ज़िंदा रहना चाहिए, वही मौजूद जरूरत है।
कूछ भी करो, सांसे चालू रखो।
शारीरिक कचरा अपने आप मिलेगा।
संजय और धृतराष्ट्र...
अग़र शब्द समजो तो गीता की जरुरत कृष्ण अर्जुन के विभिन्न नामो के साथ नहीं रहेगी।
कुछ बड़ी बात है ...
महत्तम चैतन्य ऊर्जा पूल के दोनो ओर ,
आनंद ही आनंद, शर्दी के साथ मुह भी खुल्ला, स्त्राव की गतिभी बहोत थी, बदबूदार खुशबु गायब थी।
Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Efforts at fort

People choosing new government cause they are willing to achieve better services from government. if old government has no funds, or running party's working systems not saving funds, how will the new one will give peace to nation's people without finance?
Cupboard needs few papers...

Maybe BSNL has not record of his own billing matter history & main thing is that still they are not producing same billing formats and doing various changes according, like Indian people changing government, as need short term gain always in only farmers and fertilizers chapter

During Chandrasekhar ministry, happened with gold matter for controlling rupees international standard. These twice duration, if as previously, this time also government not fulfill the reserve stock in RBI again, then Mr Raghu Rajan statement maybe confirmed right...that degradation or down credit of RBI...

Life is precious and medical transcription is not may be prescription of doctor and if drug and pharmacology inspector not checked the on line salable medicine than who will give right answer of about the medicine's working capabilities of time duration as well qualities controlling and doses like it is BID, TID, QID?...

It's time to make self perfect on thing that posters are not biggest brand but self recognize level, as public servant is the biggest any social media...

Sleeping with Small head, large body's substance excluding bone. Maybe there are not seen eyes but feel that warm air came out from mouth. Shrinking chick due to coldness.

Maybe not necessarily represent smaller lighter Ray in darkness shining at a time but ......
Yes but....
If shining, no one can stopped it possible bad or good effect....
Related to contact parameters...

A child's words...
At raatranee banglow, ramdev nagar, stetlite...
Company based at white house, punchwati circle, c g roead ahmedabad
Put my left hand on boy's  Head who has not cleared his babree

Blessings are good for all
Blessings to any one is better
By doing work blessings to all as humanly is the best for Every moment forever..
Believe that bawa has no need of cream like Vaseline but what about mixers in vyom....
Happy moment on Thursday...
Jay guru dev dutt...

What ever happened in life but the camel's company is still available and I gladly respond whatever knowledge received by special supremo.
I never seen god but the TATVAARTH is better than all kinds respond.
We can say
Negative to Positive
Words effect
Now waiting for

Jay Jishnu

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 16 December 2018

शनै: शनै: (होले होले / धीरे धीरे)

शनै: शनै:
धीरे धीरे

शनि की वक्र दृष्टि तभी अच्छी हे,
जब यम और यमी भिन्न हो।
भेद अंतर तभी सूर्य को केन्द्र से खबर रहे।
शनि तो उद्यमी पिता का वक्र दृष्टि वाला पुत्र हे जो हमेशा पिता के कचरा के प्रबंधन में रहा है।
कचरे के सात्विक तत्वार्थ के अर्क के औचित्य संभालने की लगन में मग्न हे।
सूर्य, सवर्णा, यम, यमी एक साथ,
शनि अकेला फिरभी उसे  तो संस्कार वर्धित मूल्य का अधिगृणन कराना हे।
सूर्य शनि की युति अलग निदान कराती है।
वेद सूक्त मे सिर्फ यम यमी की बात सर्वोत्तम?
शनि का नामोलेख नही।
साडा साती की अगत्य अष्ट प्रकृति पाने से पहले या धारण करते पहले है ही है।
सूर्य, सवर्णा, यम, यमी सब तेजोमय ऊर्जा वाले जाने के बाद स्थानीय गमन वृत्ति की परिसीमा शनि तय करता है।
वक्रद्रष्टय शनि केलवणी से पर हे।
ओजस के बाद काली मेष, आपके संस्कार की छोटी चिंगारी की धूपसली, जो आपके नेतृत्व मे है, वह आपको ही नहीं पर समग्र समाज को आने वाली विपद से बचाती हे।
हाथ का स्पर्श भले अलग हो पर साणसि से पकड़ी हुई मौजूद स्टील तपेली सतत वहनीय ऊर्जा का साभान कराती हे।
तपेली भले चूले से उतरे पर
सहज साँज़ा चुला प्रदीप्त रहे।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 14 December 2018

Universal language

Knowledge is about sarvatrik language...

All animals and birds language are calling as sarvatrik language...

We can speak so many language on different levels, But animals and birds are not...

Nature has specific word language and that's written in our vedas and As per sanskrut it all has good meaning....

Wind noise.

Water noise
Khal khal khal khal

Fire noise
Bhad Bhad bhad bhad

Earth noise
While walking or striking by an object ....

Sky noise
Which we calling as PALSAAR
NASA recorded few noise as brief description...

I would like to inform you that we have capital of our own body as property given by nature, but we are making races behind money.....

Here produced hot photo telling code like....
Yellow fire
Blue water
Green earth
Brown tree
Red main elements of body
Gray is about mixer of things happen in black and white....

Sometimes I laughing on other odd sentence but like to interest in growing India country's economy at worldwide

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 7 December 2018

Meanings of जय श्री कृष्ण

Interesting sentence
Meanings of जय श्री कृष्ण

Meaning of ज is things are 100% surly there ....

Meaning of य is whatever there are must be with positivity and we can able to pray for our better position....

Shree श्री meaning is about the lady or Maa from which you can define things as per casht or ling (wooden material) like that is tree or fruit or leaf or Groot or seed....

Meaning of कृ related with fertility or fertilizer process or production...

Meaning of ष related with absolutely unbreakable, unstoppable, unfinished things from whatever you getting every time...and half things available in both meaning as in man and women and combination or jointly it is ONE as half and half.....

Meaning of  ण related with individuals man and woman yoni and shishna symbol...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Holy & Diwalee

Holy and diwalee are well known religious festival of Hinduism. Both are mostly coming after every six month, both has big but similar different enlightenment period history scale...

One is maintain home's light, and from all home of society's all small lamps, maintain big huge image of sky's stars. if you see the place from higher roof....we called Diwalee...

Other maintain by fire situation at one place out of home or at common plot of society, and due to big place, you can see the SUN kind mode of fire while watching from higher roof of place...we called Holy...

So many stories are behind that but the word BEYOND is giving me different enlightenment period story for said process...

New year type diwalee festival maintain by world all religious as approximately seventy 70 times in a year by different countries different place ....

But the HOLY maintain by INDIA only, in and as well cultured human mankind....

That is different things that people understand different myth of same about fire or Agni.....

Few Africans old tribes doing different style for fire that is also different and discussed another time...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 6 December 2018

MIND - Main Internal Negotiable Demand

Professionally, if you have experience, you need money according that in job or business for savings.
Spirituality telling different things if you have experience, you need to spreading or sharing liable person.
You can save culture.
Save your good positive energy thought by writing on paper or book. After reading maybe helpful to anyone, that's time would be unknown to us but goal must be oriented for mankind...
Spiritualities are like children game like telephone, one sentence spoken by first child in other ear and passing whispery one by one and after ten passed the eleventh child speaking loudly, what he heard, if correct then the first one gaining right to speak another sentence.
Mind it... God gives us best storage system like body and it's inner part...
Main Internal Negotiable Demand
Take maximum positive energy...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 23 November 2018

Journey of eyes

Three type of person are available....

Those who are looking back to you...

Those who are looking to your face eyes...

Those who are looking before you...

I adjusted my style with cross connection for watching truth....

Believe me... so many truthiness find by such generated ways...
Prayer is good
असतोमा सद्गमय
तमसोमा ज्योतिर्गमय.....
I focused on priority of country's economy and got little benefits...

Hope you join me for better national progress...

Need to focus on making better home...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya


Mostly in India all watching television with two digital function. One making on and off television ams other is for channel and else operations.
While other country having one remote facility only which is wise. India sending so much setelite but need to developed good function for all as we one man has only one wife or one woman has only
one husband.
Or need to developed facilities in set top box for on and off any TV....
Electricity mode not counted here at once...
Happy moments....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 11 November 2018

New year's spot wish

Media is helping us for fast sharing good or bad things or thoughts.

Who reads it is also big question.

One positive spot want maximum spread action in short time.

They are getting or not is depended on popularity of the spot thinking matter.

When the alphabet "A" find with symbolism, people are not knew that how it is important?

So many people used to start word and using between the word same alphabet with having either positive or negative energy.

Matter is simply short, but more important in our life that what we are sharing on Media and what kind the wave are running in the world?

Be humble and careful for your thoughts from which you are speaking so many words or sentences.

Happy New year

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 7 November 2018

हैप्पी दिवाली

दीपावली पर्व पर बदलते चहेरों की भीड़ में एक नेक उम्दा चहेरा और उसका मन, असाधारण मानवीय संवेदना व्यक्त करते हुए दीपावली पर्व को काली रात में बदले हुए शहरो के नाम से प्रभावित न होकर सिर्फ मानवता का संदेश पहुँचाना जरूरी समजता है ।
कृपया नागरिक शास्त्र में राजनीति का ध्यान रखें।
छात्र देवो भव।
जय गुरुदेव दत्त।

Sunday 4 November 2018

कल्याणं अस्तु

विदेशस्य च प्रांतीय स्त्रीस्य नग्न अवस्था सन्देशम, भारत देशे नास्ति सुचितार्थम  कल्याणं।

प्रधान समाचार कार्यालय प्रेषित नग्न स्त्री चित्र नखलु दर्शितं सत्य दिशा निर्देष।

शुभदीपावली पर्वे सर्व जन हिताय च सुखाय प्रार्थना करिष्ये।

कल्याणं अस्तु।

जिगर / जैगीष्य

Friday 2 November 2018

सूर्य कलंक इतिहास

2nd November 2018

सौर कलंक कहां गए!

दुनिया को उजाला देने वाले सूर्य पर भी अंधेरा होता है. इस अंधेरे को सौर कलंक या सौर धब्बे भी कहते हैं. धब्बों की संख्या बढ़ने को सौर सक्रियता में वृद्धि और संख्या घटने को सौर सक्रियता में कमी का प्रतीक माना जाता है.
ठीक इस समय सौर धब्बों की संख्या बढ़नी, यानी सौर सक्रियता में वृद्धि होनी चाहिये थी. लेकिन, ऐसा है नहीं. वैज्ञानिक पहेलियां बूझ रहे हैं कि सूर्य के इस आलस्य का आख़िर कारण क्या है?
अनुभव दिखाता है कि सौर सक्रियता दिखाने वाले कलंक औसतन हर 11 वर्ष बाद अपने चरम पर होते हैं. अगस्त के मध्य में रियो दी जनेरो में हुए अंतरराष्ट्रीय खगोल विज्ञान सम्मेलन में भी सूर्य की सुस्ती पर चर्चा हुई. अमेरिका में बौल्डर स्थित वायुमंडलीय और अंतरिक्ष भौतिकी प्रयोगशाला में काम कर रही जर्मन सौर विशेषज्ञ मार्गरेट हाबाराइटर भी वहां उपस्थित थीं.
"सौर सक्रियता-चक्र औसतन 11 साल लंबा होता है. इसका मतलब है कि वह 9 से 14 साल तक भी हो सकता है. पिछली न्यूनतम सक्रियता को अब 12 वर्ष हो गये हैं. दूसरे शब्दों में, सूर्य इस समय शांत ज़रूर है, लेकिन वह अपने सामान्य दायरे के भीतर ही है."

Sonnenfinsternis in Asien Flash-Galerie
सूर्य की सुस्ती

सौर सक्रियता का पिछला चरम सन 2000 में देखा गया था. उसके बाद धब्बों की संख्या लगातार घटती गयी. जुलाई 2006 में पहला नया धब्बा देखा गया. अनुमान था कि धब्बों की संख्या बढ़ते-बढ़ते 2011-12 तक अपने चरम पर पहुंच जायेगी. तब यह संख्या 100 से ऊपर भी जा सकती है. लेकिन, अभी तक तो ऐसे कोई लक्षण दिखायी नहीं पड़ रहे हैं. 2009 के पहले 90 दिनों में से 78 दिन एक भी धब्बा नहीं दिखायी पड़ा.
2008 में तो सूर्य ने अपनी सुस्ती की हद ही कर दी. 266 दिनों तक वह बिल्कुल कलंकहीन रहा. कलंकहीन रहने का सबसे लंबा रेकॉर्ड है 311 दिनों का, जिसे सूर्य ने 1913 में बनाया था. लंबी शांति का कहीं यह मतलब तो नहीं है कि सूर्य जब जागेगा तब आकाश को हिला देगा ?
" दो भविष्यवाणियां हैं. वैज्ञानिकों का एक हिस्सा कहता है कि नयी सौर सक्रियता बहुत ज़ोरदार होगी. दूसरे कहते हैं कि वह ख़ासी कमज़ोर होगी. पिछली रुझानों से यही आभास मिलता है कि वर्तमान दुर्बलता जितनी लंबी चलेगी, भावी सक्रियता भी उतनी ही मद्धिम होगी. वैसे, दोनों की संभावना 50-50 समझनी चाहिये."

सौर सक्रियता का महत्व

सौर सक्रियता को, यानी सूर्य पर के काले धब्बों के घटने-बढ़ने को आख़िर इतना महत्व क्यों दिया जा रहा है? इसलिए, क्योंकि ये धब्बे ही उन सौर आंधियों को जन्म देते हैं, जो कई बार पृथ्वी तक भी पहुंचती हैं और यहां रेडियो-टेलीविज़न जैसी दूरसंचार सेवाओं को अस्तव्यस्त कर सकती हैं.
समझा जाता है कि सौर धब्बे तब बनते हैं, जब सूर्य के भीतर विस्फोट-जैसी किसी खलबली से ऐसे प्रचंड चुंबकीय क्षेत्र बनते हैं, जो किसी फ़ौव्वारे की तरह तेज़ी से ऊपर उठते हैं और अपने साथ के अरबों टन परमाणु कणों को अंतरिक्ष में उछाल देते हैं.
20 साल पहले, 1989 में ऐसी ही एक घटना के साथ सूर्य ने कुछ ही मिनटों के भीतर एक अरब टन अयनीकृत परमाणु कणों का एक ऐसा बादल उछला, जो 10 लाख किलोमीटर प्रतिघंटे की गति से पृथ्वी के चुंबकीय क्षेत्र से भी टकराया.
ध्रुवीय प्रकाश, बिजली ग़ायब
12 मार्च की उस रात को रंगीन ध्रुवीय प्रकाश की एक ऐसी अद्भुत लीला पैदा हुई, जिसे अमेरिका में फ्लोरिडा और क्यूबा तक देखा गया. साथ ही कैनडा के क्यूबेक प्रांत में बत्तियां गुल हो गयीं. 12 घंटे तक बिजली ग़ायब रही. पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा कर रहे बहुत से उपग्रह भी बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुए.

संयोग से ऐसी प्रचंड सौर आंधियां बहुत अधिक नहीं आतीं. तब भी, हर सौर सक्रियता के दौरान दो-तीन बार आ सकती हैं. यदि उनकी भविष्यवाणी की जा सके, तो कितना अच्छा रहे. अभी-अभी सूर्य ने सक्रिय होने का पहला संकेत दिया है. उसके चुंबकीय क्षेत्र के ध्रुव बदल गये हैं. तो क्या अब सौर आंधियों के लिए तैयार हो जाना चाहिये? मार्गरेट हाबरराइटर कहती हैं:
"न्यूनतम से अधिकतम की ओर बढ़ रही सौर सक्रियता की विकिरण-मात्रा के बीच 0.1 प्रतिशत का उतार-चढ़ाव हो सकता है. लेकिन, विकिरण के स्पेक्रट्रम को, उसके वर्णक्रम को यदि बांट कर देखें, तो यह उतार-चढ़ाव कुछेक क्षेत्रों में दो गुना भी हो सकता है या धुर-अल्ट्रावॉयलेट अथवा एक्स-रे किरणों के मामले में दस से सौ गुना भी हो सकता है."
भविष्यवाणी टेढ़ी खीर
दूसरे शब्दों में, यह भविष्यवाणी कर सकना बहुत ही मुश्किल है कि सूर्य के धब्बों की संख्या बढ़ने से किस प्रकार का विकिरण सबसे अधिक बढ़ेगा. गनीमत है कि पृथ्वी का वायुमंडल हर सौर आंधी वाले विकिरण से हमारी रक्षा करता है, हालांकि ऐसा करते हुए वह कुछ गरम भी हो जाता है.
हमारे वायुमंडल का तापमान सूर्य के धब्बे बढ़ने के साथ बढ़ता और धब्बे घटने के साथ घटता है. सन 1650 से 1700 के बीच सूर्य 50 वर्षों तक काफ़ी निष्क्रिय रहा था. तब, क़रीब उसी समय पृथ्वी के उत्तरी गोलार्ध पर एक लघु हिमयुग आ गया था. लेकिन, इस समय वैज्ञानिकों को किसी हिमयुग से अधिक यह चिंता सता रही है कि सौर विकिरण से हमारी रक्षा करने वाले पृथ्वी के चुंबकीय क्षेत्र में 2012 में एक असाधारण बड़ा छेद पैदा होने वाला है. यदि उसी समय सौर सक्रियता अपने चरम पहुंचती है, तो दूरसंचार और बिजली आपूर्ति सेवाओं में भारी गड़बड़ी पैदा होगी.
कहने की आवश्यकता नहीं कि सूर्य का उजाला ही नहीं, उसका अंधेरा भी पृथ्वी पर हमारे जीवन के लिए असीम महत्व रखता है.
रिपोर्ट: राम यादव
संपादन: महेश झा

Sunday 28 October 2018

Wise choice

In huge world, wherever you move and get good things for humanity and spreading everywhere, are good for all level, we can say good child for that episode....

But only picking one place in the world and for their people only getting prosperity and spreading there, are better for such few personal level, that we called as man or woman in that episode...

In sales person (ideally) getting salary for sales products by reached at target, no matter how he sales or where he sales products in the world and henceforth he get the level of children...

While the employers getting benefits at one place, and distribute such happiness at his related criteria from his benefits, called as man or woman's individual soul creation....

Here counted humanity instead of family...

Important is ... Front of the sea, ocean, you drink only such separated water, and that is life....

Those such matters are important for understanding spiritual level ....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 25 October 2018

तासिर कुछ सांसों की

तासिर कुछ सांसों की

तासिर भले ही अलग हो दवाई की,
"दवाई" दवाई ही रहती है,
कुछ भी कहो, दवाई से ही
अपनी तासिर बदलती है।
खुशनुमा सवेरे से सूरज की
गरमी नही पता चलती,
ठंडी रातो में फूलोंकोभी
स्वातिबिन्दु पाने मे कशमकश होती है।
काली रातो में आंखोंकी
अमी पता ही नहीं चलती।
कहा, नहिवत मत सोचो,
देश भी इंसान के कर्म से चलता है।
मनुष्य हूँ, मैने सोचा था, करूँगा,
लेकिन, किन्तु, परंतु ने बताया
साँसे भी कुछ लेके कुछ छोडती है।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 20 October 2018

GDP or gas diesel petrol

China and USA not only for one another.
GDP of countries are as per today's divyabhaskar news paper...

China 6.5%
India 8.2%

USA gdp rate not given but ref from Google only 2.2% very much nominal and making rules for world trade are very highly appreciate!!!!!!!!!

Given figure are maybe wrong.

IMF and other world economic companies are announced that India is very up coming country....

If really theses are the happen, why not currency level getting changes in present time....

I proud on my country as per such culture and it's other activities which are very pure for all kind people for such level and getting growth from the world trade....

but Indian rupee has down fallen in world trade level is not appropriate...

Once the "A" leader are spoken few words against other "B" leaders management but when the actual things faced by the"A" leader, still no kind special down fall watching in petroleum products rates are maybe shame full to all leaders as ONLY for votes speaking are not now approved by Indian civilian people, as All Indian MLAs higher salary gone from those all poor Indian people....

All new generation of India, needs Lower debt on their own head and their new generation of own country...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 18 October 2018


....October 2018

Ahoraatra, navratree,

Gujarat is very famous for it's Raas duly making with wooden DANDIYA and Garba duly making by CLAPING HAND.

While Bangal is famous for Durga puja by picking up dhoop in hand with dance with dhol, nagada, taash...

The word GARBA is coming from the language sanskrut and proper word is "Garbha Deep". The meaning of the word GARBHA is in English language is  "inside", but in proper way we can understand as a pregnant lady's womb where baby staying for nine months, who is inside the tummy. For one baby somuch many hands coming for saving the mother and a baby. 

Even more the one name of lord vishnu's wife is lakshmee devee is HASTINAD PRABODHINIM. in the middle of the war, duly seating WITH vishnu, in the RATH MADHYE HASTINAD PROBODHINIM. may be my words are very much less for telling or writing the meaning of NAAD but concept is very much clear for the level garba as so much hand making noise of two hand duly clap and then not any more bad things coming near child.

Even the goddess Durga's one of name's meaning is staying at the best seed... reference from Durga saptashatee...

RANDAL'S HUDO IS ONE OF THE OTHER NAME OF GARBA AND there are so much things can write but my composition is very short and sweet and may be understand by proper people.

Few other names or style of Garba are...
Hudo, Tipanee, Gofan, tin tali, hinch, raas, sanedo, popatiyu, dodhiyu....etc...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya..

Friday 12 October 2018

अव्यवस्था entropy

वर्चस्व वार्तावली:, संक्षेप समये, उत्तामोतम विचारे प्रधान कर्मस्य आचरण: वेगवान च प्राणवान निरामय भवेत।
यज्ञ च यूप समय उत्तम कार्य निरामय यदा कदा भवेत् उत्तम हुतद्रव्ये।
श्री स्टीफन हॉकिंग नियम प्रधान स्थाने।
नित विचारे त्रिशंकु, रोहित, जिगर, विश्वामित्र च शुन:शेप ।

जिगर महेता / जैगिष्य

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Importancy Raman lamp and Modh

I had attended and seen so many marriage but understand rarely of few religious things....
One of them is 

Raman Lamp and 

Second one is For Head's Modh...

Raman Lamp pick up by family's elder woman, or mainly mother of the boy who is going to marriage with lady.....yes not write girl but lady... Boy marry to LADY....

For all religious ceremony ladies who are involved in that, wearing modh on head.... With special reason...

I am trying for understanding and finding such few marriage ceremony..... but still answer is unknown to me... Your help for reasons would be considered as good work....

My wife told me that previously due to long ceremony of marriage don't broken home's puja, the lamp take along with the boy's jaan, hence the Raman lamp which is the embosing with mostly Ganesha, pickup by mother of the boy....

Second one is that is the information to all of the people that you may blessings the boy who is going to marry with a Lady.... during night journey ( heavy sense)

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 4 October 2018

Stocks and price of products

Don't think ever on petroleum products price higher when your internal set up off with price and products quality and quantity  matter.

Stock details must maintain for all range of products with cheaper price.
Than apply for availability of all products in range and handle proper

Since long so many changes done between Farmer's products and farm's fertilizer.

Steady import export value of seeds are hidden by officers hence local farmers are in different mood for fertilization but actually needs are different as per India's scenario...

Must maintain stocks as ....
Old products utilizing prior and make new store of new stock...

Just clicking and write blogs

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 1 October 2018

Agenda matter

In international political agenda, though parties change in government by election, but mostly all running program are and other planning of good governance are not having more different changes if you really want to give peace to your country's people.

Special specific for kanya Rashi people....

Nothing to discuss more, but that's true, all are behind money or currency, no one before the same

I have no earning source but done better earthopaarjan for country's pupils


I am good human for all excluding one and his name started with alphabet P

Modi with his mother hirabaa

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 29 September 2018

Currency symbol

30th September 2018

Udaya Kumar conceptualized the design for Rupee symbol for Indian currency. The symbol is designed using the Devanagari letter र ‘Ra’ and Roman capital letter ‘R’. The letters are derived from the word Rupiah in Hindi and Rupees in English, so the symbol is meaningful to both Indians and international users. The symbol also uses the Shiro Rekha, the horizontal top line which is unique to Indian Devanagari script. The two horizontal lines form an "equals" sign, which also evokes the tri-color Indian flag. Ambika Soni approved the new rupee symbol on July 15, 2010. Udaya Kumar was awarded prize money of ₹250,000 for his efforts.

I personally believe that this is one of the most odd mistake of this universe, done in India for it's currency level...

Really very high thinking about pravdhan, savdhan, grunan, adhigrunan of "R" factor in all kind people and animals...

But considering with economy or any kind transaction of currency symbol is presently very hard to get growth in international market with symbolism ...

But India is growing up so fast as per IMF, Nilsson, etc finance company watching the growth....

That's my personal view about symbol...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

द्वारं किमेकं? नरकस्य नारी |

द्वारं किमेकं?
नरकस्य  नारी |
Where or what is the the door ?
Female, for male

30th September 2018
Really need more fruitful explanation in this case as recently Indian supreme Court made little bad decision on such topic.....That is after marriage Male or female making relationships to other are valid...

I strongly denied same sentence...

The judge need to explain few points if he has...

See, one male for one and only female is most wisest theory....

But one for all and all for one is maybe harmful to society in Indian culture....

Every individual human need the source for his own special energy bank that he saved his energy but every time all are different is little odd ...isn't so???

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Stupid policy decision

See the foolish policy decision of Indian government and RBI...

No one blind person decided the currency in India by his own self knowledge what ever learn by him or her in school of blind man association....

Mostly they assume and presume by hand and size of currency notes

But recently foolish government and RBI not made major difference in currency size and very hard to justify for blind man as which note has how much volume....

I had given attached photo in blog but even any commons man see the foolish decision....

Mostly made same height and length in currency notes are really bad for blind man or blind woman.... even blind children....

See the examples of RS five and ten
See the examples of  RS 200 & 500
See the examples of currency photo attached herewith...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 15 September 2018

Saving government expenses, IDEA

For strong economy need few changes like.....

Target oriented work at all levels in government base project...

Each and every transaction of cash voucher need revanue stamp must either government or private sector....

MLAs have no expenses about neither even for phone bill not electric bill. Need to pay by their own pocket not from government budget even control their traveling expenses too by video conferences...

Need to make rules for only 12 casual leave and 12 previlage  leave which are not cumulative forward during whole service of  government employees...

RTI ACT  (right to information act) is good but  figure must be compiled by authorization and what ever figure given by same department, must be true, if not true seen, need cross examination on same by other sources of Prime ministry office and on wrongly liabilities seen, consider the all related employee for Court proceedure and make them suspension order until get Clean chit and that all rules effected to private agencies too because may be some time given survey is wrong....

This is important as Prime Minister it self spoken wrong figure on 15th August 2018 speech and Data came from RTI department only or related government lesioning department or agencies only....

If wrong figure spoken by PM, in democracy, may be gadget of India can do better work if publicly published same figure every month... from saved expenses government do better job....

For transportation need to develop more horse power engine for pickup at a stroke 40 to 50 tone weight by trucks and for that need to develop better roads which are presently not done properly and not in time by government Road and building department though Mr Gadkari told few good words to Indian people on one channel interview....
Presently got the point during watching mostly transportation by Indian railways through big Ken....and that is only inter state transportation but for inter district transportation need few changes required now after freedom of 70 years....

Need policy on dairy product cost and need policy decision on same as recently petrol and Diesel price hike gone in nation but no price change in milk products.... previously seen that without price change in crude oil automatic milk products price changed without any intimation!!!!

Welcome your ideas for better national growth....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 14 September 2018


Previously one STREET dog bits one pet dog whose owner is our relatives. Got inspiration from same and made poem as under

At night, dogs are barking
They have sense of eyes and nose
Little more ears too
But barking base is unique
They define aura, smell and eyes
Nothing to write more
But telling true episode
So many baby dog Lost
Few front of me in society
Just like malesiyan flight in sky
Mystry about lost dog still puzzle
Mostly street dogs dislike pet dog
Barking against pet dog
Few even bite to eat pet
While pet got everything from owner
Pet dog has no questions about self
But one unknown street dog
If came in other portion or area
So many scary faces happened by dogs
Children feel like they have horrible face
Children getting scary feeling
Between dogs crowd
Street dog has few questions
For animals and humans
Who you are and whom you are?
Even dog has questions
Who I am and whom I am?
But answer is common as question
In spiritual level
Me Kono E
Whose five (elements) I am?
Little hard to believe and explain
But true is unique
understand By people
On new sun rise day
One day maybe....

Not only dog but dedicated to all animals who are always not shouting like human but done better job for special specific aayaam means period...

Guru dattatrya photo shows importancy of four dogs, one cow, one tree and River. Dogs consider as four Veda and I consider dogs as pure chhand, with special mind...

Jay Guru Dev Dutt

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 11 September 2018


Poem on   "LEAF"

Once Green and wet..
Today brown and dry..
Nothing to discuss,
between period,
Suffering so much..
Sun shining .. More..
Sucks all Haritdravya..
Not having capacity for
any medicine ark now..
But having good stylist
capacity of Self demolition
Wind can crushed smoothly
with even the earth's
small and sharp hurdles..
Now reached the royal Target..
All air particles passed
Through my small holes..
My capabilities and capacity
Improve for changes...
I can make hot air to cool air
Through my small holes..
Nature design my grill..

Dedicated to so many companies and their people, who have logo of leafs...
Very phenomenon for seeds and Groot..

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 10 September 2018

Non Branded Survivalist

Well.... today I want to go focus on non branded matter....we can see in photos too...

Not proper shop, but lady teaching boy that, how to sale or how making better presentation for products...

Now I consider same as
Non branded survivalist person and his or her future thoughts for human mankind....

Branded question is very commonly touching heart,

Non Branded question is so much rarely upcoming in this world but when touching heart, you will like to give reply that answer till end....

Even if you are not right person for the same job but you try till end for giving satisfaction what ever at front side ....

Sometimes non Branded is very strong and fruitful if your research is on right track...

Little different but true things are very unfortunately uncommon and when coming on face, the information about matter if not liable but curious mind constantly finding answer, maybe not on your time but other person can help you by your spiritual sense like clouds of your thoughts could be helpful to all human mankind and save all kind important things in Long time but for that required things should be given by you in Time to other by any way .... For compiling matter....

Higher think isn't best sometimes, but better to do work help me with good soulmate is once harmful to my hand whatever in it, it's hurts .... I feel completely, denied to do job at store and went back to home for sleeping in same not helping me but whatever will come in nation, will be definitely helps to all person in nationality modes....

Once my senior told regional language that

लखेलू  बोले

Means briefing if properly that,
What ever you writing or savings data, any time will helping another for betterment in positive mode only....

Whatever it is
Either branded or non branded...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 9 September 2018

CT zone

Hollywood  film without song
Bollywood film with song
And time slot or time period or
Moving by or from stopped time to future and
Trying to make better than past
Or making changes in past like film approachable things of Persian prince or prince of Persia

Very hard to believe but understanding about another faze's time travel process...

Matter about speed of time travel from one to another faze's by Theater or Cinema zone means

CT Zone

Hard to explain and understand matter but but..... true are truth....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Heera mean diamond

Heera mean diamond

ह  ईर  अ  = heera practically made from solid hard carbon serial and very hard to break up the same....

Diamond is the word from old Latin English but if you define to make sandhi as per sanskrut....

ड़ाय  ईम  अंड

Means two, second, dwitiya

ईम अंड
Means the baby who will make birth on Earth by mother

And capacity of him or her  that is belongs to all range of sajeeva, not only human but animals too till born months time period

Little hard to explain and understand same matters but true sense....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 3 September 2018

Beej Mantra एँ

Beej Mantra " एँ "

...एँ .....
Jain muni
Padmaprabhachandrasagar Muniji
Recently made mahashatavdhan session between 7000 people, really appreciate his memory power, he is just only 15 year old and not studied after 8th standard, India TV news channel broadcasted the program on television, I admire myself for writing about few things.

If you Looking in past, shreemad rajchandra, guru of Mahatma Gandhi made same shatavdhan in 18th century...

Shatavdhan meaning
More then 100 things to be memories at a stroke, after reading or watching matter showing you front of people....

I personally interested in the poster behind the 15th years child, which shows the power of beej mantra and that mentioned above....

Few beej mantra are you can see in photos....

Mantras has three parts

If you mentioned FUT after mantra that is pulling

If you mentioned SWAAHA after mantra that is streeling

If you mentioned NAMAHA after mantra that is napusakling

But beej mantra has unique is pertaining Matters with level MAA....

When human children born, first come first ever he or she cried and we can hear same voice .... Familiar..... starting with same alphabet mentioned here above in starting.....

In Vedas so many brief description given but I just put only 0.0000000000000001% of myself.....

Children first know only her mother's lap, hand, feeling in ideally modes....

It's comes from natural power of Bonding.... same is happening when you get a chance to make concentration on the said beej mantra, your surrounding all natural power giving help you to remember all things according and you can share your thoughts or things with people's spirit and spiritual sense....

Sanskrut word Ai is basically attached with meaning of Aishwarya....

When baby born called as A
Vishnu name is "A" kar
and it's Aishwarya started by not crying but the words "Aim or Ain"....

Few beej mantra mentioned in photos with the 15 years Muni

It is a beej mantra...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 1 September 2018


ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
मृत्योर्मामृतम् गमय।
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥

अल्लाहु अकबर-अल्लाहु अकबर..
अश्हदुअल्ला इलाह इल्ल्अल्लाह..
अश्हदुअन्न मुहम्मदुर्रसूलुल्लाह..
 हय्या अ़लस्-सलात..
हय्या अ़लल-फ़लाह..
अस्सलातु ख़ैरूम्-मिनन्नौम..
अल्लाहु अकबर-अल्लाहु अकबर..!!

*ઈશ્વર આપણા આશ્રય તથા આપણું સામર્થ્ય છે, સંકટને સમયે તે હાજરાહજૂર મદદગાર છે.*
ગીતશાસ્‍ત્ર 46:1

Amen...... Amen.....

खुदावंन्द येशु मसीह के नाम मे आप को सुबहा का सलाम...

Friday 24 August 2018


People are getting married and then got baby

My parent got marriage in 1977 January and their names are

Jigisha (mother)

Gaurang (father)

After marriage got me in same year 1977 July

They discovered my name JIGAR

Ji + Ga + r

Few matter hidden by me here for better understanding...

Till then we can say this is aarsh darshan...from both special names or Mantra ie Jigisha and Gaurang....

Then my nearest said me bad words to me about my parent and their behavior and even of their karmas....

Then sadkrupa given by punya tatvarth and I learned my name


That's my life's Arshkalp... 

That I don't know for how many times it will give good, better, best my and other live by thoughts....

I am saying certain specific sentence for me to my related people...

I am best man and best father with such bad thoughts....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Mantra darshan, Aarsh darshan

Kalam, Kadachee, Barachee

Paulatsya rushi
Matsya kanya

Agastya rushi
Khalu means Satya


Yup for yagna
Mekhala for binding boundary of yagna

Abhishth Ann mean pavitra prasad

Drupad mean yup
Dron guru

Aum dram dattatreyay namaha
Aum namaha shivaya

Rushi who was in samadhi got the words after or during his sadhna from supreme power and than getting alphabets and than same spoken by himself called as words...

That are not in perfect form but when or after understanding of such level rushi getting it's so many meaning full structure after arrangements of such words called as Mantra....or Mantra darshan

After prepared mantras, and when rushi given the same to his shishya and shishya repeatedly spoken same for getting special benefits...and if got benefits by the said so called aradhya dev or Lord, of that mantra, called as Aarsh Darshan...

Few matter written more but cut by supreme power.... that about Arshkalp....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 21 August 2018

BSE and economy


Bombay Stock Exchange

Many Indian are not awaring or unknown of stock exchange words meaning but getting income from market by investment, that is very odd matter...

Few words from stock exchange market

Venture capital
Fashion for trade
American antity
Double digits growth
Stock performance
Golden quadrilateral
Nifty future
Cash flow statement
Date reduction
Risk tolerance
Abidita margin
EPI business
LATAM EM formula

India is not only country where people investing money in stock exchange which is not getting growth consistent while election time.

Present time, stock market up but rupees down field against dollars and Euro....

If only individual income matter is important then what about country's growth?

So many chartered accountants making foolish wrong balance sheet and government auditor passed same... reason only income or status of posh gorgeous life only?

Where country and it's economy stands, that are also important, if not bigger stock exchange in nation...

Well, my concerns about getting steady income as well as heavy growth of country, without stock exchange figure...

Let's try at least once....

Hopping best for India....

Jay Jishnu....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 20 August 2018

Suchee and Shruti

सूची और श्रूती

Sanskrut has certain rules for students about learning ....

Mostly all are common but few are different from present culture.... whatever present students learning in school excluding sanskrut....

Teacher learning students and give notes, students compiling same, that's called as suchee ....

Meaning from that you can make your own notes or other side knowledge for future's further studies....


While compile notes, hearing the shloka's raga and remember in mind is called as Shruti....

There are certain rules for remembering all, called as Rules of suchee and Shruti...

Shruti know as saam gaan, udgith's geet, etc...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 19 August 2018

Chhatra devo bhava

Presentation should be perfect and Target oriented.

Crowded people has no face and no ears, hence what kind executive decision has value in people.

Two faze in India...

Mr singh done worked without party promotion speech...
Mr modi doing work with part promotion speech...

Indian government needs to do few urgent kind of work like, controling on all MLA's and leaders expenses budget matter as really sources are available in phone, travel, accommodation etc....

See the Karnataka government phone bill amount is 235 crores!

In Kerala, state government need more fund for effected flood people...

How government will provide?

What things happen on phone?

Rather next election has so many questions as well as election commission may be feeling guilty for all kind of election expenses in Indian region for all Indian....

Indian need to develop educated smart work with shave, not without shave....

Think Wise.... next generation of India needs minimum debt on his or her or it Head in future, may be starting now....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 17 August 2018

Food eating Tradition

So many countries have so many versatile style about eating food. India has also various tradition in even every states too.

I would like to discuss or text about South Indian brahmins eating food style on shraddh period....

There are few matter about hands....

If you would like to give food to God given by fingers that is called as Dev Arpan

If you would like to give food to Rushee or saint you have to use hand's between portion of fingers and wrists that's called as Rushee Arpan...

If you would like to give food to you pitru mean died relative, use your thumb that's called as Pitru Tarpan...

If you would like to eating food your self, use your wrist part and that's called as Swa Arpan....

Here few words are same like Arpan and Tarpan, both meaning ate very different...

When you eating food, there are ancient tradition under, may be wrong but mostly effective....

On kel patra or patrala paper as per given photo food will be ready to serve....

Taking water in hand and making border surrounding the patrala paper...namaskar to the bhojan mean food...

Then first eating RISE, called as APOSHAN Bhaat...

Then whatever you would like to eat according.....

Then last again eating food called as rise or Bhaat by the hand's wrist part... that's actually called as BrahmBhojan....

After eating all food or making the paper clean, don't stand up without hand wash. Again namaskar the food plate and pick up the patrala paper for giving same to animals, like cow ....

I texted word doing NAMASKAR to the food because it's Agni or fire which is doing or making coolness to our sanskrut called as Jatharagni Shaman...

Here few matter are not texting as I don't have to open dark secret....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 15 August 2018

World Media and India

I seen and observed so many television channels but my mind making question for satanderd about India and it's position that where it stands in international level.

Only International Monitoring Fund (IMF) statement is not enough for me about India's economy,(personally)

There are not only religion level or republic level are enough for understanding incredible unique stage of representing India... as well prosperous prospect of working as well visiting or investment in this country....


There are so many news or Media channel but they are not briefing present situation of India as well stands of such level like economic, political, social, science and scientist....

Matter discussed about only problems or individual prime Minister's honesty level.

Showing debate on country's flood, quack matter not showing growth of infrastructure and economic part....

Even their country's investment made in India is also not showing and not discuss by Media and made debate about refugees!!!!!!??????

Foreign country's news channel showing India with cut off map of Kashmir!!!! Even Google too...

Even one of episode seen by that, India's Prime ministry visit made in there country and just made only one line for news and other side in India domestic local news channel broadcast full program of PM whole day and getting TRP high...

So funny... since 1947






India..... Bharat, Hind, Hindustan, Arya Pradesh, many names it has but now people waiting for it's golden time.....

I hope honestly that India's PM Office getting right figure from government and non-government agencies...for better progressive level at all stages....

Where India stands actually and basically may understanding will be made by people in time not after time....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 13 August 2018

Why God given Son, not Daughter

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्या, ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
अभ्युत्थानम् अधर्मस्या, तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ।।

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे ।।

પ્લમબર ગમે તેટલો એક્ષપર્ટ હોય,
પણ એ આંખો થી ટપકતુ પાણી 
ક્યારેય બંધ ના કરી શકે,
એ માટે તો *દોસ્ત* જ જોઇએ....

You can understand true but painful is that you are not understand truth on true time...

World's Most Beautiful Sentence

"..But, I'm With U."

World's Most Painful Sentence

"I'm with u, but..."

Words Are The Same, But, It Matters Where They Are Placed...

Why I am preferred Dutt Bawni stuti everyday, here under small answer for same....

Whatever children you have faced but must try to give and keep safe life....either he or she..

Hanuman dada has son !!! Who is Pawan putra means Wind's son ....

Why not mentioned about daughter????

Hanuman Dada has hybreed son duly named Makardhwaj and done by female crocodile after lanka dahan....he is doorkeeper of AhiRawan....and I personally feel that, like ram and Krishna puran mentioned details as hanuman SON .... 

why don't they have Daughter????

Really big question for understanding our dirty religious MAN power....

But that all are Prachin and arwachin but in present mode India getting and running movement on slogan like

Save Daughter, Learn Daughter...

Even if thinking wise there are (in ved puran) no such understanding about sister's daughter, Even Shreemad Bhagwat is detailing about Abhimanu's son Parikshit and his grand son Janmejay....

not mentioned anywhere daughter's birth....

Sita came from earth and draupadi came from yagna with brother, but what about other's daughter.... 

Even in DeviBhagwat mentioned history about son and daddy mostly....

Shiv parwati has daughter but during times of Ganesha's first death OKHA died due to mother's shrap or bad sentence and reborn at rakshas or asur home,....and married to Krishna's grand son Aniruddh!!!!

Even in childhood, for savings Krishna, yashoda's daughter given her balidan called as devi who not killed by Krishna's mama ....and gone in sky and made bhavishyavanee...

Really a big question arise in my mind for ved, puran, shashtra....there are so many examples about son ONLY...why not about DAUGHTER...

I personally appreciate such things after understanding in life ....

God...thanks to you, for given inspiration about DuttBawnee ....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya