Friday 12 April 2019

RPAD or UPC or speed post rules

Basically a registered postal address RPAD, Under Postal Certificate or service, speed post only counted as  government officials documents, non other than else... Not even courier receipt... because of non availability of courier in Indian interior areas ... henceforth government decided to count the postal proof as acknowledge for Indian judiciary only as RPD, UPS, UPC, Speed Post...

You can confirm your self by right to education act, but my mind concept is cleared about our old legislative documents vise clause...

This is due to only reason that non availability of courier services in Indian interior areas ... henceforth government decided to count the postal proof for judiciary only RPD, UPS, UPC, Speed legal documents proof...

This information need to share for every new comers and for those who are shouting at news channels for debating... mostly all political people...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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