Saturday 27 April 2019

Thenos, Abhimanyu and Ashwathama

Thenos is none other than ashwathama...
Few points
Avengers symbol has hidden alphabets of brahmi lipi's "A"... like ">|"
Thenos related to the six elements...
Killed adopted daughter for soul stone!
Ashwatthaama was saved by his father Drone great sentence as like as long liver... Means Chiranjiv...
  • Lord taken his Mani duly named "Ashwattha UM" then Lord has three Mani
  • Kaustubh, Smyantak, Ashwattha UM
  • Due to specify person on directive mode using A kar and the name done as
  • Ashwatthaama which sanskrut sandhi like Ashwattha UM A
  • Only few know the chakra vyuha and they are Lord Krishna, Arjun, Ashwatthaama, drone, bhishma...
  • Abhimanyu know only six of them Al of seven house...
  • So kind of way we can say different story too...
  • Even the south Lord murugna, or kartikeyji has six elements and his self saved by  few krutika of the fire lird can not handle the urja of Lord Shankar and Parvati...the urjapind dropped by him on Earth...
But here we are focusing on thenos and Ashwatthaama... along with brahmi lipi's hidden alphabets...
In India, when you giving ashirvad, you put your right hand on the person head who is in your legs as blessings...or savings him or her... from any bad things...
Thenos has two daughters...Gamora and nebula...
Basically stone means dust or such pure things came out from body's 12 types of dust including urine, poty, air, fumes...
Here I am avoiding to write pure things due to need to do dutt path in life regular...
Jay gurudev dutt...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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