Sunday 30 June 2019

CHINA USA Korea India

All needs business
When consumer's products ratio getting 1:5, need another market for utilization of old secured stocks...
Same to be done by China and USA with North Korea there are very lower background... Means not having information about other countries progress mode or module... Specific for North Korea...

Previously so many big company like POSCO, Samsung from South Korea came to India for businesses and so many jobs done... Same thinking if applying by India for North Korea, may be better results should be come... Hopping better and best... A good administrative infrastructure waiting for good kind all human being... India need to make first step ahead...
Kim is my good friend...

દીકરી ને ગાય દોરે ત્યાં જાય...
Means daughter and cow always going there, where you want to move...
It's Gujarati proverb special using by me for civilien people of North Korea... All need to understand deeply for all over world...
Recently so many big things happen by shake hand...but what is suitable to you and your family is more important...
...  This is so far from weapon business... It's related to  better administrative services to common civilization of related areas big and beautiful deal...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 29 June 2019

Available products EXIM policies duties

Yes... A common street dog or animals who find out how to survive lonely, can make damage on house pet animals.. 
People who know mother are not gatherings with me regular... 
People who mostly unknown to mother are giving suggestion for respect her...
Personally I surprised from my mother's behavior... 
I am not aware from five headed goddess or panch mukhee bhagwan, and their five mind of one but regular watching my mother... with different activities and action...
Mostly in India people say "Jai Mataji"
I am still Waiting for India's economic growth...
Watching everything in night is natural power of 黎 owls, That's not as mean,
Child not born in day time...
Duties on product are not important if people not getting quality of product...
Indian common people are so far from quality products...
For getting benifits in business, maximum good products exporting by other businesses men and level of profit for making personal savings are higher in India...
Market trend of purchasing product is "lower cost, higher standards quality" which are given by India and other small countries too
Example of my observation
During my visit of England, so many Bangladesh's better products and services provided by even retailer of England on cheaper price, if compared with international standard rate conversation factor of pounds and related nation's rupees... and even compared the qualities too
Even Same for Pakistan's and India's products
I believe personally in good qualities ...
Recently India, Bangladesh, Shri Lanka, Pakistan suffering from hard core business line of important exports and EXIM policies. Even for agriculture department, so many farmers are facing various problem for seeds and it's import export Market...
I feel that so many people of these countries are staying in USA and even USA has its own people too... For work, business etcetera...
People are more available if compared with available of products range of types availabilities in USA...
as per example ...Ratio is 1:100
Means one person has choice of 100 products..
Better all smaller countries decide to provide good products to their nation's people on better service for healthy administrative level...
On such condition or without condition, no one can telling you... Please don't come at our place for business... But they increased the EXIM policies duties... On heavy part...
Asian countries rupees are almost Lower internationally if compared here mentioned name of the countries...
CHINA is maintain it's own Yuan better any how since long and if China getting more business, it's currency getting automatically high rise but if stopped international big business, internal problem arises as it has world's largest population in country... And at other countries too Chinese are staying with better standard as per individually growth level...
China mainly famous for electronic gedzet...and educated people wanted to used on cheaper available in Europe, USA Australia...
BRICS is the most powerful bank for the other nations loan matter... And China share major investment in it...
In 1995 to 2004 the international value of Indian rupees were standing sharped by such level of that time government decision of political policies... Then after 2004 to 2014 India's currency level getting so much down grades in Trade market... Due to non used of reserve fund from RBI by Dr ManMohan Singh ministry... The best decision... For future stands in international market level...

If Dr Singh used same idea using RBI's reserve fund for Indian rupees suitabilities... No one can shout now proudly for Modi as modi modi...

Mostly used RBI's reserve fund, which is not fulfill by any government of India then after...
Now other countries leaders and people are shouting "MODI MODI" for business only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And still Modi government wanted to using RBI's reserve fund again....
Very much bigger history maybe unknown by present finance ministery...
We all know that few private business man made thefts with banks like nirav modi, Vijay malya.... Etcetera
Without making savings, using old reserve fund is not good idea...
My personal view on my TVS Centra is... Very good... But other likely to showing interest for sale it... I denied always...
I Know my personal and family's capacities and other intense... Sometime...
Once I spoken words and present days it is necessary at all levels...are...
If you unknown to your nation's history, don't participate self for social civil services of your nation...
All needs growth and prosperous progress but not on cost of refuse of great culture...
Accepting new positive things are better but for that you can not abolishing old best ones....

Jay gurudev dutt
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 26 June 2019

પુત્રી મન: સ્પન્દન પિતાનું

એક વાર પપ્પા સાથે ડેટ પર જવું છે...

થોડા સિક્રેટ્સ 
શેર કરવા છે, 
કબૂલાતો કરવી છે, 
એમણે આપેલી જિંદગીના બદલામાં, 
એમને એક સાંજ ધરવી છે. 
બાળપણમાં જે હાથ તેડીને ખભા પર બેસાડતો, 
એ જ હાથને 
વ્હાલ કરવું છે, 
એક વાર 
પપ્પા સાથે 
ડેટ પર જવું છે...

કોલેજમાં ગમતી છોકરીથી લઈને, 
એમની જાણબહાર પીધેલી દારૂ, 
કેટલું વજન લાગતું હોય છે યાર, 
એક નહિ કીધેલા સિક્રેટનું.

કેન્ડલ લાઈટ ડિનર પર લઈ જઈને, 
પપ્પાને એક ગુલાબ આપવું છે. 
આટલું વિશાળ હ્રદય સાચવીને, 
ચૂપચાપ બેઠેલી છાતીનું મારે ક્ષેત્રફળ માપવું છે.

એમણે મમ્મીને પ્રેમ કર્યો છે, 
એમનું નામ ઓસ્કાર માટે નોમીનેટ કરવું છે. 
એક વાર 
પપ્પા સાથે 
ડેટ પર જવું છે....

થોડો ટાઈમ કાઢીને મારે, 
એમના જીવતરમાં રહેલા અભાવ ગણવા છે.

અજવાળામાં જઈને, 
એમના શરીર પર થયેલા એક એક ઘાવ ગણવા છે...

કાયમ સાથે રહેવા માટે, 
ગીતા પર હાથ રાખીને એમને પ્રપોઝ કરવા છે.

ખાબોચિયા જેવી જાત લઈને મારી અંદર, 
મારે સમંદર જેવા પપ્પાને ભરવા છે.

હાથ પકડીને, 
આંખોમાં આંખો નાખીને 
‘આઈ લવ યુ’ કહેવું છે,

એક વાર 
પપ્પા સાથે 
ડેટ પર જવું છે...!!

મારા તો પપ્પા દિવંગત થયા પણ
મમ્મી સાથેની તેમની પૌત્રી ની રમતની યાદોમાં
શબ્દ ની માયાજાળ
"પી તે પી"  મુક્ત મને
અંદનું ઈંદ, હા અંદનું ઈંદ
બતાવતા ગયા...

પણ હવે એ
પપ્પા નથી જીવનમાં
દિવંગત છે

પણ નથી મારું જ
એમના જેવું

ચસ્કો દૂર છે
ચડ્સ પણ નથી
યાદો ઘણી છે

ફિલ્મ જેવીકે
"બિસ સાલ બાદ" હેં?
હા નથી એવું

પણ ક્ષમતા,
દીકરી ની સમજ
ઊંચી જ જોઈ.

બેખબર જગતમાં મારી દીકરી
મજબૂત બની એવી ઠસોઠસ
નાઝુક હાથે કામ કરીને
રડીને પણ હાજરી ન બતાવી
મસ્ત માત્ર ટગર ટગર જોતી
ખુદની નિર્ણય શકિત થી
મૃગનયની ની ઝલક બતાવી
ખૂબ સારી ભણતરની
કેળવણી એ રહી...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 24 June 2019

મોબાઈલ જીવનની અધ્યાહાર વાતે

જે લય માં હોય તેને તેની પોતાની ગતિ હોય છે. તે કદાચ બીજા ને પણ લય આપી શકે છે
ઉદગીથ ના ગીતો નું સામર્થ્ય સામ ગાન પણ છંછેડી શકે છે. મનુષ્ય, પશુ, પક્ષી, અને પ્રેમી જીવન પ્રાણ તત્વ છે...
ભેદ તો માનવ ની અંદર ના તત્વના એકત્વ ના સાથે ના તાદાત્મ્ય સાથે નો જોવો પડે.
વાણી, વિચાર, આંખ નું મન મગજ મસ્તિષ્ક સાથે નું જોડાણ શબ્દ થકી યુગાબ્દ જોડી શકે .... ભલે પછે સમ્યકાક્ષર પ્રકૃતિ હોય....
મને હવે બોગદુ અને સેતુ નો ભેદ ખબર રહી
બોગદા થી સમતલથી નીચે જઇ સમતલ પર અવાય
સેતુ થી સમતલથી ઉપર જઈ સમતલે અવાય...
ગતિ નિયંત્રણ માટે બોગદા માં સૌથી નીચે ખાળ/ગટર હોય
સેતુ પર નાનો બીજો સેતુ હોય...
*જીવન ના આરોહ અવરોહ માં સહેજ અંશે તો ગરબડ થાય જ છે જ્યારે તમે ભલે લય માં હોવ* અને તેજ નવજીવન ની પ્રેરણા બની શકે....
નક્કી આપણે કરવું જ પડે...
સ્થિતપ્રજ્ઞ સ્થિર એક ચિટ સદબુદ્ધિ રાખવી કે પછી યાંત્રિક સાધન થી આસ્તે આસ્તે જાત ને ત્રિપરિમાણવીય જીવન થી "ઉત્સવ" બનાવવી...
"ઉત" મતલબ ઈશ્વર અને "સવ" મતલબ પ્રાગટય અથવા અર્ક, કોઈ વાત વસ્તુ નો નિષ્કર્ષ...
એલિયન તથા પ્રિડેટર ને શ્રધ્ધા ને શ્રદ્ધેય સાથે સાંકળી શકાય....
Writing done during running film "My Name Is Khaan"
Rizwan Khan and Mandira is leading characters name
Jigar Mehta Jaigishya

Thursday 20 June 2019

The one wheel of SUN

The SUN,

Never doing act like Hitler, Musolini, Idi Amin, but if you people doing bad things with natural source of air and it's layers of Ozon and Oxygen, nitrogen, Hydrogen, his heating automatically disturbing your skins...

Not a single doctor can save your next human generation ...

As himself on cart of seven hours and only one wheel with one driver...

Sun..has Seven hours means seven Kundalini...

His cart has only one wheel means never stoping in any situation... otherwise maybe dropping self by death...

His driver's name is MATALI and as per sanskrut matruka level it's meaning, not on earth...or any type of land places....

History is unique but need not to find depth of ancient aliens matter...

Indian God's and goddess photos telling so much truth every time...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 18 June 2019

BRICS business and individual trade

BRICS business and individual trade
At standard of economy of world level, only dollar is the most trade factors currency.
Why I don't know.
All BRICS countries are having minor currency rate against dollars and euro....
USA dollar verses lumpsump round amount as on today ... front of one unit
Brazil              4 real
Russia.         64 ruble
India.             70 ruppes
China               7 Yuan
South Africa 15  rand
BRICS internal countries ratio of currency rate for Indian currency are front of one unit
Brazil              18 rs
Russia.          1 rs
China             10 rs
South Africa.  5 RS
Other stuff are as China for
One Yuan # 10 ruble Rus
One Yuan # 2 Rand SA
One Yuan # 0.5 real Brazil
China's maximum trade market effected by present tax or duties related market war with USA....and if more effective than maybe effect shows on BRICS capital too...
China has big and small volume world. But effects are on only USA's EXIM policies and duties are not believe by per my knowledge smaller new tachnicaly sounds cheaper cost market effect by USA's EXIM policies duties... And mostly all are durable products... USA has money power or that people like to used robotics equipment frequntly ... If stop by policies, change happened in all levels money criteria as China has already made so many durable items base on electronic parts... Including mobile mania...
Other way transportation services costing is also important for China and other countries business...
Other big problem for China are population and related jobs, services, business, maintain ratio of consumer rates etcetera...
Russia has big market but major done with European low cost and fast transportation facilities by road, train or else... And mostly Russia maintain their internal Market as well as jobs and services related business...
South Africa
As same for south Africa... It's mainly getting loan from even India too... Is big surprise for me. International advertising agency always making add on poor people and other media also making different types of business but that all maintain any how still as no change in international currency market level
India has not main stream business but mostly it has EXIM policies for agriculture cloths and Mattel business... Other rich countries investment in different ways for getting benifits by consumer products but as not maintain production unit in India  but only trade level... or we can say as on paperwork and other transportation services are very cheaper if compared with dollar and euro...
Now India got steady political ruling party... And mis Nirmal sitaraman know how to manage saving money for other budget price I had seen a video clip for saving expenses she used common or public spot restaurant for refreshments...
Well HOPE is good for all...
Here I refuse to write neighbors relationship but strongly put pure professional level theory for international market strategic well giving high class best service to a common man is more important for all those countries who mostly using 20 to 25 thousand dollars daily for battle or maintain battle at border....
I have not much knowledge and experience about economic development but that I personally sharing with you as ... Meantime of Dr ManMohan sing government, so many critical conditions...done... India affected badly from that all... Even still Indian currency maintain fighting with international currency standard for standbys level...
Brazilian currency also affected by international market as there are government changed... Even in all those matter when BRICS started the Brazilian Real is about 35/- RS but now a days I seen today it is on 18/- RS...!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's hope for the best... for common people...
against dollar BRICS countries currency rate from 2000 to 2019 are lumpsump
Brazil             2 to    4 real
Russia         28 to  64 ruble
India             44 to 70 rupees
CHINA.           8 to   7 Yuan
South Africa  7 to 15 rand
What things happened during between years for currency upgrade or downgrade are still hidden but I have confirmed knowledge that in India, during Congress ministry (2010 to 2013) few people made contract with such agencies for getting few private information of related nation's top most IAS, IPS and ministers internal affairs and department... let's forget...
See the Link given here under for details
Again, let's hope for better national growth all ways..and always...
I personally interested in India's economic all levels including administration and international market trade share...

CountryCapital contribution[5]
(billion USD)
Access to Funds
(billion USD)
Voting Rights (%)[6]
 South Africa5105.75
Grand Total10085100.00
The arrangement is scheduled to start lending in 2016
BRICS Wikipedia reference

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 13 June 2019

महेताबी उजाला

1977 जुलाई की 31 तारीख
कुछ नही , बस एक बच्चे का जन्म।
बात जिन्दगीकी सांसो की।
हाथों की लकीर की।
अम्मा अब्बा की।
वालिदी महजमे की।
सिर्फ मजहबी बात नही।
कायनात के फ़साने की।
कुदरती करिश्मे की।
41 साल बाद मिलने वाली,
नई पहचान की।
"क्या नाम है?"
जिक्र गहरे शब्दों के सवाल का।
उम्र भर के तजुर्बेकार,
और ताजा बच्चा,
दशांगुल से परे
मृत अमृत, व्यक्त अव्यक्त,
लीबासी ज़ोला छोड़ा।
खुदके शब्द पकड़े।
समय को जाना।
तय किया, तहजीब सम्भालू।
वास्ता दिये बगैर
जो है उसे संभालू।
या फिर सम्भाली हुई,
न मिटती हुई,
धरोहर बांटू?
पता चला कि
कई लोग अपने ही
मज़ाक मज़ाक में
मार डालते है।
सब छोड़के
जो है सो है कि तरह
जीना ही सीखना चाहा।
बस यही सूरज,
महेताबी उजाले से
खुदकी खातून,
लखते जिगर बच्ची,
और अम्मी को
एक मजबूत जोड़ देगा।
खुदकी कोशिश जारी है।
अब्बा को भी एकस बेबस
और DOG पता था।
बाकी तो अल्लाह को पता है।
बच्चे को कब रुलाना है।
कब हसाना है।
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 12 June 2019

સાબુ સાબુન સોપ

વર્ધિત સમ્યકત્વ ના
મૂલ્ય હ્રાસ (depreciation)
ગંજી થી ખમીસ,
ખમીસ થી કોટી
ક્રમાનુસાર જ
પ્રમાણિક ઘસારા થી
શરીર થી દુર હોય છે
લોખંડી ફ્રેમ વાળા
ચશ્માં થી દેખો પણ
કાન નો સાથ ના ભૂલો
ક્યારેક મીણ પણ
અગ્નિથી દૂર
ઘસાઈ ને પાણીથી
ખલાસ થાય છે

બરતન માટે ઘસાઈએ
તો ઉજળા થવાય
સાબુ સાહેબની બુ ને
ઓછી કરે જાત ઘસાઈને

સારૂ બોલતા આવડે
અઢાર કલાક કામ કરી શકો
નવી યોજનાઓ સૂઝે
લોકો તમારી વાત માને
વિદેશ યોગ બને
હંમેશા હસતા રહો

"આ" સાબુ થી નહાવા ના ફાયદા

સમયાંતરે પ્રેમ ની પરિભાષાનો
બદલાવની જરૂરિયાત સૂચવે જ છે


Jigar Mehta /  Jaigishya

Monday 10 June 2019

Sept means SEVEN

Each alphabet has unique for Kundalini... which are attached with our body's inner with figure SEVEN...
... combination with other alphabets... for Kundalini chakra...has good sense...
Draupadi and or with not five but six brother and sakhaa krushna who has eight main queen...
After battle, during Himalaya prayaan, first lady draupadi died then other...
Skand mothers are also seven.... six krutika and Parvati... With prior care taker Agnee...
Saptarshi also in touch with north Pole's small seven stars... having special rushee named Pipplaad... that is called as URSA minor
Main vishwamitra and vasishth arundhati... that is called as URSA major
Kirat and arjun battle also made for killing varaah... But Arjun's  arrow spot in stomach and kirat's arrow entered from tail and moved out from crashed the Mind scull... means from forehead... Means one by one cleaning the Kundalini chakra...
In any how case getting the level of माँ or other way in Bengal krushna knows as kalee....
Krushna or kalee means form of either male or female and that would be define by the baby ideal sense it is acceptable as a LADY...
Here produce the Kundalini chakra picture with related alphabets... In Veda and purana, alphabets counted as Lord or Dev prakruti...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 8 June 2019

Memory Power and new pupils

“Presence of Mind is Much Important in Any Case” Professionally I learned a sentence…but not without memory power…
Must write few words for better national growth and great grill…
My parents when learned, daily two subjects exams given by them… without options questions, always using theory… means long brief details answers for all questions…
Henceforth needed sharp memory power for writing answers in short time… for daily both Paper with BEST SKILLS
Results of Gujarat board and University are 40% to 50%… In 1950 to 1975…
When my daughter parents learned, daily one exam given by them…and mostly same style for question’s answers… Not more multiple choice questions… just only 10% but mind’s memory power must needed for same style… for finished answer in short time though mostly all theory types question answer….
Henceforth needed sharp memory power for writing answers in short time… for daily paper with BETTER SKILLS…
Results of Gujarat board and University are 50% to 60%… In 1976 to 2000…
My daughter learning with very abnormal style of board paper setting style… 50% multiple choice questions answers and 50% theory style question answer…. Though daily one paper, very small version of mind using in Same board paper style exams are really very odd decision feel by me….
Results of Gujarat board and University are 70% to 80%… 2000 onwards….
Once in child hood my friends group discussion is on education of about charter accountant CA and we talked on same point as …
What Indian education system is best in world????
This had done about 1999 to 2000 ….not sure period but concept is that due to our that time syllabus and paper style we managed still our memories great power in general life’s utilities and thought that in other countries mostly multiple choice questions Answer style important are given by government henceforth they have not good memory power…
And in India right now government using same system for Indian children education, means mostly asking multiple choice questions and answers are really bad for future generations mind’s memory power…
All at top level of other countries science or else place of JOB related matter, mostly India’s people most wanted as both reasons…
One is lower finance salary package
Second is better memory power utilizing in several terms…
Since long modi government are doing better but somehow need to focus on education system and future generations mind power too…
As we all know the VALUE of ZERO
On said subject different way few words written by hand’s fingers on blog…. subject is Unemployment ratio and RBI’s slower progress….
Here I produce the Link… must see….
I must think that the first point must be not only a spot or full stop, but it’s a starting or beginig point of a new big huge LINE for making new profitable future for all kind PUPILS….
Little joke
If government taking proper grip and activities actions on the said subject, may be the bournvita, boost, Horlick, maltova, protinex, vizol, or any energy drink sales will be increased and other types of energy drink’s for children, new brand making new era of empolyment for good skills workers…at any other nations……..
in older years there are not any substance dialuted in milk for children’s good memory for as like recent energy drink….
If children increase his or her memory, that pupils benifits should be taken for national growth…
As said by Dutt Atreya Prabhu…
छात्र देवो भव:।
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 6 June 2019

Profit of company with old staff ONLY

Once in interview HR person asked a question to interviewer... That
"How would you get progress of company's without releasing old employees and not doing new employees recruitment ? Including profit level....
another sense of way...
How you get progress with ONLY old employees?
At same moment I got little surprised but now I thinking on that same way and what possible... possibilities...are
Today mostly all corporate having big competition in market and try to find easy way to saving brand and product along with finance too....
but main problem is finance...and hence by ogly dugly certainly changes happening by TOP rated MBA, HR personnels for smaller employees.....but basically it's not confirmed right things....
These all possible important things need to understand but how... It's required big thinking process of self analysis....
I have such little an EXAMPLE on same question that One man company started... with three employees and having with little bank loan...
0 MD
1   First product Maker
2   Second salesman
3   Third account personnel
Now initially the criteria of work is small... Investment is small...and with small investment luck by chance getting heavy profit...
Till time he means the managing director, was not taking intereste in facilities like car, home, club members ship, travelling etc...
Then as according implementation of utilisation of all kind working and profit sharing, managing director, means main Person needs more staff And need to encourage his own old staff by incentive or increment in salary product's need in market is heavy and as according area expansion and staff expansion should be done...... This I suggest on ideal way...
But when another expansion level needed, but commission made by himself by other loan ....  than all of sudden MD's inner selfish Ness started and solely take decision for using half loan for home, car, club membership etc...
Little important criteria focusing now...
Now the area of financial structure is changed and he can't provide proper promotion to product, sales team, administration staff etc...
Because he used his half of the business loan in his personal royal facilities or dreams....
Which is not liable....
Then he avoiding to giving increment in salary... And we all know that private salary structure is mostly less if compared with government salary structure.... for most of nominal catagoryvise employees
And government's pricing policies made on such sure level and mostly they avoiding minimum wages act and this is done actually in India...
Now due to the shortage of money MD use to start shouting...
Old employees who are giving respect him, now refusing or avoiding by not doing work properly or finding new other job in market for a new finance status...
The MD appointing new staff on Lower scale of salary and the new staff started journey with old dealers....
But due to some honest level of old personnels the all new getting little odds as dealers desire to increase or making new commission Ratio too as their families also facing MONGHWAREE... Consumer's high prices rate standard effect...
Now our titles are effective for understanding as .... how old employees giving benifits to company...
If the Managing director not used his business loan in Personal uses then no kind issue to be done... But these Happen in several companies and it is life's auckward Truth...
So if sometime MD control his own selfishness level criteria, may be many home has to be maintained so many happiness, generated prosperous healthy and wealthiness by proper finance standard....
Mostly what ever known by old employees are mostly unknown for new employees, though the work hand over process done by companies but few important skill know by only old employees.....and if MD using his own mind for promotion activities, maybe companies profit level helpful to at most lower level employees too...
Staff's welfare activities, staff's insurance, staff's family entertainment, employees mind power utilisation on such specific special project work, are most effective with present corporate home.
In ideal condition excluding salesman staff all are not making fraud cases... Henceforth need to maintain proper grip on Market, on based of sales policies mostly companies are running their business. If any miss conduct done by employees or dealers, then only as per policy decision, penalty should be taken by senior cradle mangers or management.....
But if senior management doing mistake how justify it is dependent on managing director in ideal condition...or the committee...
Henceforth, need all types of control necessary for Management and managing director.... for better future of their company and employees prosperous standard....
Panchtantra story of crow and water is better to understand, as there is pote, stone and crow but NO water
.... What would be the results???
if there is so many power in currency but if any have not potential power or idea of working, what would be results done...
Henceforth, maintain good professional relationship with smaller employees....those old small employees are always helping top level staff...
Otherwise so many possibilities to be writing but .... Avoiding....
Companies getting profit with old staff's information, experience, vision for small savings, but first need to make control on self, for all kind needed things by director or chair person or top most management personnels...
That's different points that after profit or less profit personnels changed by management....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Marketing Tips for Medical Representative

Product Marketing has either strategic policies or a face, which is useful in sales department.
Until you expand your product in market, you need strategy.
After expansion of product need face for saleing until any other changes done..
Here I giving you an example...of medical representative..
India have more than 80000 pharma companies...Each has not branding, but in limited area they can sale better in generic market.
Companies which have big budget they're doing better promotion activities for product on finance level and manage doctors other ways too...or using media application or television or radio advertising....
But what is to be done with lower profile and lower budget companies???

Lower companies new medical representative struggling two months for doctor prescription
Mostly by doing regular visits????

By sample giving???


By Gift giving to doctor???

There are so many people have same product and marketing lines...
Than use marketing strategy.... like as ..

Need to make survey on doctor by medical representative as which medicine group he prefers and is that type medicine available with you or not????
If available then you must have product all kind knowledge about all range of your competition companies product, including it's ingredients and MRP and if possible... profit margin level of retailer and wholesaler...

Then other important thing is availablilities of your product his near by all area and at the city's 24 hour open medical shop...
MR have to choose few doctors, and give their precious present for commonly sales generic product. One time job giving huge benifits to individually to sales person.
Still doctor not getting interest than use quality and research documents of the said product of own company along with MRP based structure too if suitable, give details about patient profit on economic lines...
If still not convinced the doctor, used little unauthorized unauthentic way... Answer is mostly "NO" but
....HOW to start prescription..???
MR getting small daily conveyance... From that gift ?????....
But smart doctor mostly write prescription on it for few months only....
Than what necessary steps to be taken or done????
Professional approach is the answer
By making daily visit of despencery, or doctor's place and just smile, or tell him simple joke out of service criteria and maintain the product related professional relationship with daily smiling or what ever doctor has interested in his medical subject....

If possible you make read on subject and take him in discussion...mean time don't make your self out of sight...your face is important for remembering and reminding him about your precious job and making clean matter as though you are not writing our products as prescription of medicine, never mind ...
Making a small post cards in present days, instead of using smartphone one of better ideas...
If still not prescribed your product than ONLY use to make visit with your senior manager for such cleared matter as he is interested or not though your product has high quality standard which prooved by other doctors too...

Because that is not done that all doctor are not prescribing your product...of there area...
These all are faced by me in past few year and sharing experience by writing a blog...
But after senior visit mostly doctor write your medicine as prescription...
Then after you need to maintain your brand constantly on his PEN...
Just like Proton, Electron and Neutron
After few months if senior needs your presence at other area for development......
But mean while I suggest to keep in touch with old doctor on phone or else media application... For better results and changes definitely, should be seen in your performance... for yearly increment and promotions...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

View on economic part of the nation

Why we forgot such things that in foreign country's govt. refuse to use higher currency even 50£ not vallid, in such transection in london, i am faced this problem. As currency value is high...

In our country, if more Rs transaction making, then instead of making sharp our RS in international market, put higher currency note like 500 and 2000 in market or any time machine of bank, which is not acceptable from my mind.

If somebody know the financial part or economy part, please pardon me in brief...
Is it necessary, if Rs overall transaction gone higher side in nation then require to make bigger note like 500 or 2000 or coin like 150..


Require to make application in Iinternational Monitoring Fund company that our RS international value is up on our increased assets of financial level?????

in such case some time it is good question for CA, economist or any expert of economy personal.

my language is may be typical but concept is right. if any quarry tell me i am happy to communicate on the same point.


Reference for indiIn economic view taken from times of India... Link given above

Photo from Hindustan times...


Tuesday 4 June 2019

ઓ ઇશ્વર ભજીએ તને

ગુજરાતી પ્રાર્થના

ઓ ઇશ્વર ભજીએ તને, મોટું છે તુજ નામ
ગુણ તારાં નિત ગાઇએ, થાય અમારાં કામ.

હેત લાવી હસાવ તું, સદા રાખ દિલ સાફ
ભૂલ કદી કરીએ અમે, તો પ્રભુ કરજો માફ.

પ્રભુ એટલું આપજો, કુટુંબ પોષણ થાય
ભૂખ્યા કોઇ સૂએ નહીં, સાધુ સંત સમાય.

અતિથિ ઝાંખો નવ પડે, આશ્રિત ના દુભાય
જે આવે અમ આંગણે, આશિષ દેતો જાય.

સ્વભાવ એવો આપજો, સૌ ઇચ્છે અમ હિત
શત્રુ ઇચ્છે મિત્રતા, પડોશી ઇચ્છે પ્રીત.

વિચાર વાણી વર્તને, સૌનો પામું પ્રેમ
સગાં સ્નેહી કે શત્રુનું, ઇચ્છું કુશળક્ષેમ.

આસપાસ આકાશમાં, હૈયામાં આવાસ
ઘાસ ચાસની પાસમાં, વિશ્વપતિનો વાસ.

ભોંયમાં પેસી ભોંયરે, કરીએ છાની વાત
ઘડીએ માનમાં ઘાટ તે, જાણે જગનો તાત.

ખાલી જગ્યા ખોળીએ, કણી મૂકવા કાજ
ક્યાંયે જગકર્તા વિના, ઠાલુ ના મળે ઠામ.

જોવા આપી આંખડી, સાંભળવાને કાન
જીભ બનાવી બોલવા, ભલું કર્યું ભગવાન.

ઓ ઇશ્વર તું એક છે, સર્જ્યો તે સંસાર
પૃથ્વી પાણી પર્વતો, તેં કીધા તૈયાર.

તારા સારા શોભતા, સૂરજ ને વળી સોમ
તે તો સઘળા તે રચ્યા, જબરું તારું જોમ.

અમને આપ્યાં જ્ઞાન ગુણ, તેનો તું દાતાર
બોલે પાપી પ્રાણીઓ, એ તારો ઉપકાર.

કાપ કલેશ કંકાસ ને, કાપ પાપ પરિતાપ
કાપ કુમતિ કરુણા કીજે, કાપ કષ્ટ સુખ આપ.

ઓ ઇશ્વર તમને નમું, માંગુ જોડી હાથ
આપો સારા ગુણ અને, સુખમાં રાખો સાથ.

મન વાણી ને હાથથી, કરીએ સારાં કામ
એવી બુધ્ધિ દો અને, પાળો બાળ તમામ.

કાલાઘેલા બાળ અમે , નમીએ નમાવી શિષ
સાચી સમજણ આપજો ઓમોટા જગદીશ.

*કવિ દલપતરામ*

Sunday 2 June 2019

Self Enlightening DVJM

Actuality and interview front of camera, both are surely different & that's personaly observed and feel the experience better...
Because human has such sure point of view when he/she reached such top level, mostly people denying new up coming thoughts... but if accepting, making miracles too by unique ways...
Truth is always enlightening me...
You may can't see the exact structure of lights if you see from local far distance, even not justify the horizontal colour lines, but if you move little closer to the WALL you may clearing your self as the same has not colour lines but diamond square or new spectrum
My point of view is maintaining "WALL" is better move for saving knowledge...

Jigar Mehta  /  Jaigishya

Saturday 1 June 2019

2019 Unemployment Ratio and RBI slower progress

I understand as different way...

Unemployment rate is getting high side due to ...
1995 to 2018 and even then after and still in 2019, though so many ministers changed but the passing ratio of SSC and HSC board exams pupils are very high if compared with our nation's GDP rate as well as investment as well as industrial factor, corporate sectors etc......mean while inside India, no more changes done... Even economic standard is also getting very lower stage constant at international market currency exchange factor...

Once one doolar is about 40 RS and the euro is about 35 RS ratio but then 
Changes started with different ways and from 2001-2002 to till today we are facing the imbalanceing economic development as dollar is  about 70 RS and euro is about 80 RS ...

Out of the same our RBI also taken few odd steps by used reserve funds and that is big drowback should be accepting by us now and that is happened in chandrashekhar pm time...

At said period managed rupees international cost at times about 1998-1999...he and his finance ministery used RBI's reserve fund in heavy per that time international value of India's currency...

Atal bihari bajpai prime ministry made up big bang and devloped big nuclear bomb technology but failed to maintain reserve funds and investment... as so called top nation made banned on India for trade factor due to nuclear power knowledge matter...

And Indian School and syllabus still run lesson write for proude matter about our right now  removed nominal value of currency duly named printing photo of the same in government's authorized notebook...

That is called as Mithyabhimaan.. only...

Dr manmohan sing ministry and as prime minister of India, 10 years not given satisfied progress but started internal detective work, even in not only Congress party but individually in government's officer and officials and offices and hence, both of senior friends, include pranav Mukherji, India's top most economist fight with each other... And economic standard got big fall by diging level...then decide that Mr Mukherji will be the president of India....and  than bjp's pm Mr modi taken soft corner from Congress person and Indian president Mr pranav...

Let's come to the point of education and unemployment ratio...

Previously ie before 1995 the pupils passing ratio is between 50% to 60% but after that or said period, the ratio is getting bigger volume and pupils passed more than 70% to 80% per year which is very high in ratio if compared with other sources of income and finance of investment and inventory too.... for India...

No doubt about education must and should be 100% of nation but simontusly the GDP and other scale should be raised as according then only your nation's economic ratio will be balanced....

Past government never done procurement level strategic decissde but directly apply disaster management Only...

Now a days rbi made higher repo rate and reverse repo rate but not taking or making strong policies on their nation's bank rober malya, nirav, etc...or not making force to be filled up pending loan of civilien as well as industrial and corporate sectors....

New policy decided as merger of banks which are related to nationalised banks too.... For making or showing bigger capital amount or investment in market for big stability....but reason are maybe per my personal point of view....

Now we made twice time modi government in 2019 election and he also making different modifications for better growth in his cabinet...

But things to think as ...
HOW all of sudden Euro got high standards against dollars, though BRIXIT done...????
Why India not taken any kind of benifits in past to till years...???

World's market policies on TAX and duties are getting changes ... India needs to making huge all class of empolyment and make sure profit margins too by short term gain planning, as now product costing is need to make equal rate nation wide... which are Necessarily needed... For those all steps already taken by indian government as changed road and transportation policies... effect should be raised in all durable and consumer product costing level and that is....must.... necessary...

Let's see about reserve fund details, investment, utilities of utilisation of minister's mind set up ...
Hoping best for positive possible position....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya 

RBI reserve fund policies and unemployment Ratio

I understand as different way...

Unemployment rate is getting high side due to ...



1995 to 2018 and even then after and still in 2019, though so many ministers changed but the passing ratio of SSC and HSC board exams pupils are very high if compared with our nation's GDP rate as well as investment as well as industrial factor, corporate sectors etc......mean while inside India, no more changes done... Even economic standard is also getting very lower stage constant at international market currency exchange factor...

Once one doolar is about 40 RS and the euro is about 35 RS ratio but then 

Changes started with different ways and from 2001-2002 to till today we are facing the imbalanceing economic development as dollar is  about 70 RS and euro is about 80 RS ...

Out of the same our RBI also taken few odd steps by used reserve funds and that is big drowback should be accepting by us now and that is happened in chandrashekhar pm time...

Managing rupees international cost at times about 1998-1999...he used RBI's reserve fund in heavy volume...

Atal bihari bajpai prime ministry made and devloped big nuclear bomb technology but failed to maintain reserve funds and investment... 

And Indian School lesson write proude matter about our removed nominal value of currency duly named printing photo of the same... only...

Dr manmohan sing ministry 10 years not given satisfied progress but started internal detective work even in not only Congress party but individually in government's officer and officials and offices and hence, both of senior friends, include pranav Mukherji, India's top most economist fight with each other... And economic standard got big fall by diging level...

Let's come to the point of education and unemployment ratio...

Previously ie before 1995 the pupils passing ratio is between 50% to 60% but after that or said period, the ratio is getting bigger volume and pupils passed more than 70% to 80% per year which is very high in ratio if compared with other sources of income and finance of investment and inventory too.... for India...

Past government never done procurement level strategic decissde but directly apply disaster management Only...

Now a days rbi made higher repo rate and reverse repo rate but not taking or making strong policies on their nation's bank rober malya, nirav, etc...

New policy decided as merger of banks which are nationalised too.... For making or showing bigger capital investment in market for stability....but reason are maybe per my personal point of view....

Now we made twice time modi government and he also making different modifications for better growth in his cabinet...

But things to think as ...

HOW all of sudden Euro got high standards against dollars, though BRIXIT done...

World's market policies on TAX and duties are getting changes ... India needs to making huge all class of empolyment and make sure profit margins too by short term gain planning, as now product costing is need to make equal rate nation wide... which are Necessarily needed... For those all steps already taken by indian government as changed road and transportation policies... effect should be raised in all durable and consumer product costing level and that is....must.... necessary...

Let's see about reserve fund details, investment, utilities of utilisation of minister's mind set up ...

Hoping best for positive possible position....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya
