Thursday 6 June 2019

Profit of company with old staff ONLY

Once in interview HR person asked a question to interviewer... That
"How would you get progress of company's without releasing old employees and not doing new employees recruitment ? Including profit level....
another sense of way...
How you get progress with ONLY old employees?
At same moment I got little surprised but now I thinking on that same way and what possible... possibilities...are
Today mostly all corporate having big competition in market and try to find easy way to saving brand and product along with finance too....
but main problem is finance...and hence by ogly dugly certainly changes happening by TOP rated MBA, HR personnels for smaller employees.....but basically it's not confirmed right things....
These all possible important things need to understand but how... It's required big thinking process of self analysis....
I have such little an EXAMPLE on same question that One man company started... with three employees and having with little bank loan...
0 MD
1   First product Maker
2   Second salesman
3   Third account personnel
Now initially the criteria of work is small... Investment is small...and with small investment luck by chance getting heavy profit...
Till time he means the managing director, was not taking intereste in facilities like car, home, club members ship, travelling etc...
Then as according implementation of utilisation of all kind working and profit sharing, managing director, means main Person needs more staff And need to encourage his own old staff by incentive or increment in salary product's need in market is heavy and as according area expansion and staff expansion should be done...... This I suggest on ideal way...
But when another expansion level needed, but commission made by himself by other loan ....  than all of sudden MD's inner selfish Ness started and solely take decision for using half loan for home, car, club membership etc...
Little important criteria focusing now...
Now the area of financial structure is changed and he can't provide proper promotion to product, sales team, administration staff etc...
Because he used his half of the business loan in his personal royal facilities or dreams....
Which is not liable....
Then he avoiding to giving increment in salary... And we all know that private salary structure is mostly less if compared with government salary structure.... for most of nominal catagoryvise employees
And government's pricing policies made on such sure level and mostly they avoiding minimum wages act and this is done actually in India...
Now due to the shortage of money MD use to start shouting...
Old employees who are giving respect him, now refusing or avoiding by not doing work properly or finding new other job in market for a new finance status...
The MD appointing new staff on Lower scale of salary and the new staff started journey with old dealers....
But due to some honest level of old personnels the all new getting little odds as dealers desire to increase or making new commission Ratio too as their families also facing MONGHWAREE... Consumer's high prices rate standard effect...
Now our titles are effective for understanding as .... how old employees giving benifits to company...
If the Managing director not used his business loan in Personal uses then no kind issue to be done... But these Happen in several companies and it is life's auckward Truth...
So if sometime MD control his own selfishness level criteria, may be many home has to be maintained so many happiness, generated prosperous healthy and wealthiness by proper finance standard....
Mostly what ever known by old employees are mostly unknown for new employees, though the work hand over process done by companies but few important skill know by only old employees.....and if MD using his own mind for promotion activities, maybe companies profit level helpful to at most lower level employees too...
Staff's welfare activities, staff's insurance, staff's family entertainment, employees mind power utilisation on such specific special project work, are most effective with present corporate home.
In ideal condition excluding salesman staff all are not making fraud cases... Henceforth need to maintain proper grip on Market, on based of sales policies mostly companies are running their business. If any miss conduct done by employees or dealers, then only as per policy decision, penalty should be taken by senior cradle mangers or management.....
But if senior management doing mistake how justify it is dependent on managing director in ideal condition...or the committee...
Henceforth, need all types of control necessary for Management and managing director.... for better future of their company and employees prosperous standard....
Panchtantra story of crow and water is better to understand, as there is pote, stone and crow but NO water
.... What would be the results???
if there is so many power in currency but if any have not potential power or idea of working, what would be results done...
Henceforth, maintain good professional relationship with smaller employees....those old small employees are always helping top level staff...
Otherwise so many possibilities to be writing but .... Avoiding....
Companies getting profit with old staff's information, experience, vision for small savings, but first need to make control on self, for all kind needed things by director or chair person or top most management personnels...
That's different points that after profit or less profit personnels changed by management....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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