Wednesday 5 June 2019

View on economic part of the nation

Why we forgot such things that in foreign country's govt. refuse to use higher currency even 50£ not vallid, in such transection in london, i am faced this problem. As currency value is high...

In our country, if more Rs transaction making, then instead of making sharp our RS in international market, put higher currency note like 500 and 2000 in market or any time machine of bank, which is not acceptable from my mind.

If somebody know the financial part or economy part, please pardon me in brief...
Is it necessary, if Rs overall transaction gone higher side in nation then require to make bigger note like 500 or 2000 or coin like 150..


Require to make application in Iinternational Monitoring Fund company that our RS international value is up on our increased assets of financial level?????

in such case some time it is good question for CA, economist or any expert of economy personal.

my language is may be typical but concept is right. if any quarry tell me i am happy to communicate on the same point.


Reference for indiIn economic view taken from times of India... Link given above

Photo from Hindustan times...


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