Wednesday 5 June 2019

Marketing Tips for Medical Representative

Product Marketing has either strategic policies or a face, which is useful in sales department.
Until you expand your product in market, you need strategy.
After expansion of product need face for saleing until any other changes done..
Here I giving you an example...of medical representative..
India have more than 80000 pharma companies...Each has not branding, but in limited area they can sale better in generic market.
Companies which have big budget they're doing better promotion activities for product on finance level and manage doctors other ways too...or using media application or television or radio advertising....
But what is to be done with lower profile and lower budget companies???

Lower companies new medical representative struggling two months for doctor prescription
Mostly by doing regular visits????

By sample giving???


By Gift giving to doctor???

There are so many people have same product and marketing lines...
Than use marketing strategy.... like as ..

Need to make survey on doctor by medical representative as which medicine group he prefers and is that type medicine available with you or not????
If available then you must have product all kind knowledge about all range of your competition companies product, including it's ingredients and MRP and if possible... profit margin level of retailer and wholesaler...

Then other important thing is availablilities of your product his near by all area and at the city's 24 hour open medical shop...
MR have to choose few doctors, and give their precious present for commonly sales generic product. One time job giving huge benifits to individually to sales person.
Still doctor not getting interest than use quality and research documents of the said product of own company along with MRP based structure too if suitable, give details about patient profit on economic lines...
If still not convinced the doctor, used little unauthorized unauthentic way... Answer is mostly "NO" but
....HOW to start prescription..???
MR getting small daily conveyance... From that gift ?????....
But smart doctor mostly write prescription on it for few months only....
Than what necessary steps to be taken or done????
Professional approach is the answer
By making daily visit of despencery, or doctor's place and just smile, or tell him simple joke out of service criteria and maintain the product related professional relationship with daily smiling or what ever doctor has interested in his medical subject....

If possible you make read on subject and take him in discussion...mean time don't make your self out of sight...your face is important for remembering and reminding him about your precious job and making clean matter as though you are not writing our products as prescription of medicine, never mind ...
Making a small post cards in present days, instead of using smartphone one of better ideas...
If still not prescribed your product than ONLY use to make visit with your senior manager for such cleared matter as he is interested or not though your product has high quality standard which prooved by other doctors too...

Because that is not done that all doctor are not prescribing your product...of there area...
These all are faced by me in past few year and sharing experience by writing a blog...
But after senior visit mostly doctor write your medicine as prescription...
Then after you need to maintain your brand constantly on his PEN...
Just like Proton, Electron and Neutron
After few months if senior needs your presence at other area for development......
But mean while I suggest to keep in touch with old doctor on phone or else media application... For better results and changes definitely, should be seen in your performance... for yearly increment and promotions...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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