Tuesday 17 March 2020

Khadee Karuna co Rona

Khadee karuna co-rona

This is not joke but need to understand better…

At Gujarat Ahmedabad GTPL company producing 54 news channels which are understand by me in languages like Gujarati, Hindi, English including domestic and international. Other different regional language news channels if counting, than more than 100 are only news channels in India

Just imagine that what kind news we are watching every day???

Mostly same on every channel !!



No south Indian news channels are having really different news as they are giving real regional news as per broadcasters like star, Sony, zee and Surya, sun etc…

Other privet news channels also there…which are covering villages and other interior or surrounding regions news only…

No one news channel is line an international standard in India and advertising business is in 10000 lakh crod rupees!!!!!!!!

Big surprise…

Just thinking on brand and recession period of corporate sector.

Shoper stop… The bigger market brand in clothes, has multiple city’s criteria with big budget showroom.

But price are very higher of brands….

Lower shop merchant get benefits of that and than no recession feel by himself as no Price hike but parallel the material also not down grades… Than he earning with less employees or without employees too for his family…

But the government sector khadee clothes effected very highly of side effects though so many expenses on mkt promotion by govt. But benefits not gaining by government is rediculas things of any IAS …

How the business man shouting on slower marketing promotions and business is now under by me little way…

Government sector business run by govt money but privet are doing shut down due to reasons like big ground floor showroom has atleast 5 employees with minimum 25000 salary each!!!!!

Khadee has even not minor business!?

But khadee, is think for not ONLY but every people…

Making concept for lower earnings people of India but cost is minimum 400 rs top, 400 rs pajama, & after one wash reducing size is also one of non interest subject for making purchases of khadee.

IAS why not sort out this solution is big question…

Even lower price khadee clothes are not in available in showroom too is big question on IAS marketing style…

Only advertising by political people are not perfect but reaching nominally price for farmer is important…

Lower price attractive colour are good for “ALL” not for “ONLY” people

Special notes : Corona is comes from animal only it’s WHO’s statement. If we can manage birdflu, than the Corona is more easy to cover or manage proper as comes from animal.
Eat healthy food.
Make safe distance from specific perfume based smell, or safe distance from animal smell.

Covid 19 Corona is virus but if you pronounce in Sanskrut the pronouncing words are having miracle strength and power…see how

Covid means telling to someone..

Corona means Karuna…

Jay gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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