Saturday 26 September 2020

Deal with Boss, a chapter

Why hard to deal with boss ??

Let's think and consideration for little ideal condition for good work at office whatever you have as either home or office management level...

Mostly few examples are common for all which are mentioned hereunder from LinkedIn portal as inspiration way for smooth tackle and best performance skills development criteria... For all offices employees...

The unfriendly boss
See how you can make his or her either work or office life easier. Mostly bosses are need or want to complete his work as furnished finished way in corporate by without any blame on his head... 

Making work easier and Chances are need of subordinate as skills, they too are saddled with an overloaded personal and professional schedule. If he is friendly than his power of words are not getting strength as per common way...

No leadership skills
Somehow the experience is having bigger part role in this topic... wether it's upside down and down side up levels

Working with a superior who is into command and control or is disrespectful
Commands are operated by computer but need to put fingers first on keyboard... Is necessary first steps..  

If  you unknown from this rule than don't use digital world and It's probably best to head for the door. Apply for jobs and leave when you get one. If you have basic knowledge than no worries...

• A discriminating boss: 
Discrimination on the basis of gender, race or sexual orientation should not be accepted. Convey this to them and, if that fails, start looking out. 

Mostly transgender are not getting job and doing work different ways.. but now Indian Constitution changed and now a days one transgender is doing govt judge duties...

Ladies are fenomenon way attached with office routine and smart or Sharp are getting theirs own way too...

Males are having eyes on different skins of different gender but mostly skills are giving his own all offices... 

• The career disruptor: 
Upset that you didn't get the promised promotion? The pandemic has forced many managers to take tough decisions. Make the most of the present situation while quietly applying elsewhere.

Tough boss?:
Someone who has exacting standards at work can add to the work pressure. But know that they can also help you learn a lot.

Other things and narration are very unique and written by experienced... 

These all are criteria but if you have skills to attend your superior or other offices official matter by your own experience or by your presence of mind as how to tackle it on ground field instead of paperwork... You can win every where...

Mostly all need task frame work.. if you are compiling all details for meeting, than only submit your paper or work whatever you did...

My simple rules are so many but one of is... If you have no details, don't move forward for meeting...

some times employee and employer both are unknown from such odd culture whatever running outer world and if new one came with those changes and working with company as mideater than so many changes done though the behaviour of boss and worker are delightful and for that read the underline notes...

Here i must include one more thing on same criteria on different part and for that you need to see the picture and even understand by your own way and mind that why the same happen and as it is done than so many changes already accepted by the managing director....

it is little odd but truth is unique...

Jay Gurudev Dattattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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