Thursday 17 December 2020

Sun and black spot with Corona

Matter of inner recreation or kind of making self saving from hybreed form material ... the complete graph of sun and it's black spot increase and decrease story... reference by NASA tweet and video...

The important is as constantly changing places with lost on record is mostly priority based things on this first purvadharanaa... 

For sun's black spots...

It's beautiful way decrease counts... 

But recreation of same and getting count near by 250 to 300 is also unique...
We need not to forget that Along with same earth facing changes in pole places too... 

And even more Mars has two deep hole with lines since long and recent days or months Neptune has getting white to black spot or clouds within record time ... NASA has reported on same earlier... They made purvadharanaa or believe that as universal electricity is responsible for same...

Neptune has unique name in sanskrut and that is VARUNA... Means covered water...

Since long we are also facing Naval Covid 19, Corona from SARS group based viruses and it's after treatment people facing fungus types sicknesses in nose and ears... as after therapy of Corona... Recent days medical terms put right sign on it... Gujarati language news agency report...
Sun has it self Corona structure... Which is is not cross by any one or any planet... The Parker doing better job but the sun or our planetary systems has unique attachments with our body either it's Human, animal or birds or insects...
In 1920 approximately the bird flu was done tremendous work out and after 100 years human facing Corona... With same SARS group... 

The body of human has got considaration as sun and Whole body has proverb...
Pinde te Brahmande... પિંડે તે જ બ્રહ્માંડે... Pine means body and Brahmande means at univers...

Let's hope for better and best for not only Human but for all animals, birds, insects and the earth along with the planetary systems...

For further about sun and black spot with Corona... you can see NASA's report posted tweets... Here giving link of same which has video graphics understanding...

In September, scientists announced that our Sun has entered a new cycle — a determination that relies on the work of scientists around the world, including hand-drawn sketches of the Sun’s surface and sophisticated models of the solar magnetic field.

YouTube video also available...

You can read the further information about Neptune urf VARUNA planet's white and black could history... which link is giving hereunder 

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar G Mehta / Jaigishya

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