Sunday 27 December 2020

Why chandrayaan calopsed on moon's pole

Why chandrayaan calopsed on moon's pole... See the parts of Indian chandrayaan calopsed on moon's pole showing in the photos..

A big bang theory... How.  See ... Let's discuss few points on same in short while...

Sun planetary systems has its own magnetic field

As each all has, earth has also it's own magnetic field along with moon

SUN and the whole solar planetary systems moving forward in universe with fixed speed limit...

Earth and other planets are also moving forward and surroundingly moving to sun.. with according speed limit...

The only sub planet of earth's Moon, is also moving surrounding way to earth with it's own speed limit...

Each and all are related with and attached with such fixed magnetic field force...

Now read the blog about space debris as mentioned here under...


Space debris started from 1955 and increased day by day as according the earth's expansion of rocket science and curiosity of human to know about universal structure mode made by whom.... and the north pole changing processes started since 1500 but that time it's worked very slowly as per sun and the whole planetary systems moving in universe but it's speed limit changing from 1990 as so many space junk incredible way increased in earth orbit by Human...

... The north pole is forwarding from Canada to Russia side... See the photos references from AFP.....
iSRO us doing best but the technical way we hitter hard by natural ways...

See the other sources of sun's black spot theory and magnetic field force changing processes... References by NASA...

See the additional important video for understanding the loosing magnetic field of such object on moon... And main things is about not worked at moon's pole...

I have few words and sentences which meaning are unique way... As like raghvadiyam poem read left to right is krushna kathaa and right to left raam kathaa...


Natu natu baaree maa Jo...
નટુ નટુ બારી માં જો

Jo maaree baa tun tun...
જો મારી બા ટુન ટુન

લીમડી ગામે ગાડી મલી
The other is unique definitely different way. Read left to right or right to left ... Both are common...

Our planetary systems has same unique mode... When getting different places several times as other are also getting changing places as time is the unique factors with the distance mode...

I believe that the earth's moon and earth it self has not more changes but the other field force may be giving changes to the magnetic field force... For chandrayaan of India...

I surprised now why any of one agency mentioned here under are not declared the truth reason behind Indian chandrayaan calopsed story...

• ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana)
• CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales)
• CNSA (China National Space Administration)
•CSA (Canadian Space Agency)
• DLR (German Aerospace Center)
ESA (European Space Agency)
ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)
JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
• NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
.ROSCOSMOS (Russian Federal Space Agency)
•SSAU (State Space Agency of Ukraine)
.UK Space Agency

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya 

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