Friday 13 November 2020

Raakshas Veda

What is Raakshasa ????

What is Raakshasa vedas ????

Basically the fifth Veda is Ayurveda, but the same practical way in need of approach to human, animal, birds, hybreed.. henceforth in some regions in the ancient times the same Aayurved known as Raakshas Veda... And Shree Maha Atharvan rushi generated the Atharva Ved samhita as the one of most prior based structure of shloka and mantra and by that hidden effects of that chanting, released got from the bad or negative part of body or the else or  only from the combined 3 or 4 body's elements, instead of  panchmahabhut body's structure...

Bollywood film Rudraksh has little limited notes in same word and inspired me to write the blog.... About Raakshas Veda... See the link and it's time duration is 1.00.00 to 1.08.00....

The useful or meaningful words comes from alphabet which are specific sign of such symbols and the process of making that helpful to other by someone is known as muni, rushi or mantra drashtaa...

And if people accepted all as correct than the things considered as sat tatva prakruti which makes more better and best things in future... and If not than....the Sam was known as AVIDYA... Instead of Vidya...

Human body is made from five elements, we all know that but if from four or three or two some one ready to run that body by his own knowledge and if successful getting  it..than the society know as the person as God or Raakshas ...

How... See..

From The Brahm Vidya aayaam, the person who introduced himself as new or his knowledge is different from other and if that is somehow wrong in other eyes or if it is proven wrong theory from established knowledge or the new comers knowledge is poor against the scholar Acharya and if that person denied to surrender him means that Acharya than the ancient aarys society know him as Raakshas...and certain rules for him means Raakshas and if that Raakshas denied or disobey those rules than the established Arya society killed that person.

The world's all languages are proofs of certain method of sajeev survival skills by using speaking specific pronouncing alphabet more and more...

First was Brahmilipi and after cracking code when earth has seven bhumandal... than the man body getting seven chakra than so many things available on earth and still available...

Raakshas known as Agni veer, Aagiyo Vetaal known at mehsana district Gujarat, few other name would be there in Indian small region... for Raakshas...

Famous Chanakya had one minister and his name was Amaatya Raakshas...

Raawanaa was king of all asura or Raakshas Why....???

Raawanaa one name is dashanana... Means the person who knows the all 10 ten dimensions knowledge which we are know as the 2d, 3d 4d or .... 10 d videos...

We are knowing about 3d film but Dubai's mall has 10D show for children... It's looking live, real... But shooted on reel...

Raawanaa made the shiv Tandava stotra which content are developed inbuilt the BEEJ Mantra method...

Henceforth he knowing as the king of king of all asura or Raakshas...

Beej Mantra means processes of shlok or mantra and by tgat the DNA of one beej will not empty until and unless the earth disappear from universe's place ... Remarkable sentence....

Few examples of beej Mantra

Om gam ganpataye namaha

Om shan shanishchraya namaha

Alphabet than the word with same alphabetd god name... And Namaha mean like pranaam but not pranaam but as giving kind of respect way ... Meaning full words...

Learn the words ....

Raawanaa, Kumbhakarna, Vibhishan and Shurpankha

Raawanaa means buna hua R... Means furnished R mean one person's AshtaNidhi rup Which can used by other for Brahm Vidya and that is either in his knowledge or without knowledge.  A word KIRAAT is famous for same work... The other two phases are related to chitrkut ... Means we can see the photo in two phases not on three d but two d... chitra means photo and out means deep unsolved or hard questions...

It content consider with Jainism's parshwanath and moreover better understand you can see the Hollywood film the prince of given below... Sands miracle for time travel...

Kumbhakarna means the whole processes by the Karna means ear and by ear the whole Face

Vibhishan means the person who developed himself better way in all surrounding Raakshas caste... Or that kumbh or kalash...

Shurpankha sister means the lady who eat other God or Sura or sat chit tatva by the kaamvasnaa and giving save factor to the brother whose face famous... As like for raawanaa... Other way the Man getting his sperm down and thus he looses his enlightenment knowledge or Vidya...

By the beej mantra the person making new words and that way the new mantra making new god... either himself or other....

It's like the hybreed viruses matter relating theory... 1920 bird flue is now getting Covid 19 naval Corona... From SARS group...

And his Vac means speech or toungue still not considered as cine. means PAaP...  We know the word as Vaccination point of view... Word vaccine ... 

Vibhishan is like Dasyu... 

विभीषण मतलब जो विशिष्ठ रूप से भीषण मतलब भयानक हो वैसा। 

Further see the link for understanding language how helping to establishing new words and other religious

Hybreed Viruses about Corona and hibru language

Reference taken from Google pdf which are mentioned in Hindi language...

... आर्यों के अत्याचार का शिकार माने गए दास या दस्यु ही राक्षस समझ लिए गए हैं | वस्ततः राक्षस शब्द का अर्थ दस्यु या दास के काफ़ी पास है | परंतु राक्षस को भिन्न नस्ल या वंश मानना कोरी कल्पना ही है |

पहले के लेखों में हम देख ही चुके हैं कि दास या दस्यु कोई भिन्न जाति या नस्ल नहीं बल्कि विध्वंसकारी गतिविधियों में रत मनुष्यों को ही कहा जाता था |

राक्षस कौन हैं और वेद में स्त्री राक्षसी के भी वध की आज्ञा क्यों दी गई है ? यह देखेंगे –

ऋग्वेद ७ |१०४| २४

हे राजेन्द्र !  आप पुरुष राक्षस का और छल कपट से हिंसा करने वाली स्त्री राक्षसी का भी वध करो | वे दुष्ट राक्षस भोर का उजाला न देखें |

यहां राक्षसों को यातुधान ( जो मनुष्यों के निवास स्थान पर आक्रमण करते हैं ) और क्रव्याद ( कच्चा मांस खाने वाले ) कहा गया है |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|१७

जो राक्षसी रात में उल्लू के समान हिंसा करने के लिए निकलती है, वह अन्य राक्षसों के साथ नष्ट हो जाए |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४| १८

हे बलवान रक्षकों ! आप प्रजा में विविध प्रकार से रक्षा के लिए स्थित हों | विध्वंसकारी और रात्रि में आक्रमण करने वाले राक्षसों को पकड़ें |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|२१

परम ऐश्वर्यशाली राजा, हिंसा करने वाले तथा शांतिमय कार्यों में विघ्न करने वाले राक्षसों का नाशक है |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|२२

उल्लू, कुत्ते, भेड़िये, बाज़ और गिद्ध के समान आक्रमण करनेवाले जो राक्षस हैं, उनका संहार करो |

स्पष्ट है कि राक्षस शब्द तबाही मचाने वाले, क्रूर आतंकियों और भयंकर अपराधियों के लिए प्रयुक्त हुआ है | ऐसे महादुष्ट पुरुष या स्त्री दोनों ही दंड के पात्र हैं |

इसी सूक्त के दो मंत्र राक्षस कर्म से बचने के लिए कहते हैं –

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|१५

यदि मैं यातुधान ( मनुष्यों के निवास स्थान पर आक्रमण करने वाला) हूं और यदि मैं किसी मनुष्य के जीवन को नष्ट करता हूं | यदि मैं ऐसा हूं तो, हे भगवन! मैं आज ही मर जाऊं | परंतु यदि मैं ऐसा नहीं हूं तो, जो मुझको व्यर्थ ही यातुधान कहता है वह नष्ट हो जाए |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|१६

जो मुझको यातुधान या राक्षस कहता है, जबकि मैं राक्षस नहीं हूं, और जो राक्षसों के साथ होने पर भी स्वयं को पवित्र कहता है ऐसे दोनों प्रकार के मनुष्यों का नाश हो |

जो सदाचारी जनों को झूठे ही कलंकित करे और स्वयं राक्षसों – आतंकियों का समर्थक होकर भी सदाचारी बनने का दंभ करे, ऐसे भयंकर समाज घातकों के लिए भी वेद में दयाभाव के बिना विनाश की आज्ञा है |


Moreover the word used for making full name or mantra for society is important and if  you can get it's mastery, never can defeats you...

Dasyu means the yajan of D  for U...

The word is Da sya U...

And that is the theory of making one god or Raakshas either good or bad...

Let's together praying for the VACCINE of Corona.......

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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