Tuesday 27 October 2020

Naivedya नैवेद्य

नवरात्रि में कई लोग प्रसाद नही लेते पर आखिर नवम दिन में प्रसाद शब्द की बजाय नैवेद्य शब्द प्रयोगात्मक रूपसे लेते है। जिसका भाववाही मतलब खूब उच्च है। अग्निपुराण एकाक्षर कोष, संधि एवम संस्कृत मातृका से विचार विस्तार शब्द का देखें तो कुछ इस तरह समझ मिलती है।

प्रासादास्य प्रसादम नैवेद्य
घर का प्रसाद नैवेद्य

"नैवेद्य" शब्द समझ

"न" मतलब किसीभी वस्तु ऊर्जा के साथ जुड़ा हुआ मैं, हम या हमारा कुछ छोटा सा वजूद।
ऐ स्वर बीजमन्त्र में प्रचलित है जो ऐश्वर्य से जुड़ा है।

नै=हमारा ऐश्वर्य

व मतलब कुछ या किसीका भी औचित्यमय तेज जो ढंका या आवृत या स्पष्ट रूपसे दिखाई न देता हो ऐसे।

ए स्वर भी बीजमन्त्र में प्रचलित है।

वे=जो ढंका हुआ आवृत है।

"द" ब्रह्मा ने दिया हुआ है, जीसका प्रावधान सूरासुर यज्ञ प्रावधान के हिसाब से कई किताब में लिखा हुआ मिलेगा।

"य" मतलब यजन जो हम यज्ञ याग से ओर पारसी लोग यास्ना या याजना से पहचानते है वह।
दोनों का जुड़ा संधि शब्द "द्य"...

उसका ब्रह्मा के दिये "द" अक्षर का हमारा  यजन
प्रसाद रूपमें पक्व अन्न किया हुआ नवल रात्री में किसीभी वेध या न्यास बगैर खाने योग्य भोज्य खाद्य पदार्थ जो वेद के सुकृत मान्य अपौरुषेय देव को राजी रखने हेतुक सभी के साथ खाने की बात।

जिससे दारिद्र्य मिटे, कटे सब पीड़ा।

नीचे आरती ओर आश्का की बात समज़ाती लिंक दी है। सानुकूल परिस्थिति में अगर पढ़े तो अच्छा है, ज्ञानवर्धक है। कृपा बुद्धि की जय।

यहां अन्नकूट शब्द नही लिया जाता। अन्नकूट में तो देवों कोभी चयन करके खाने की उनकी भी परीक्षा होती है।

जैन जिसे आयंबिल कहते है वैसे ही पर थोड़ा अलग हर किसम का खाद्य, कुँजम कुँजम, हर सजीव के लिये बना हुआ, जो भांप युक्त, तला हुआ, शेका हुआ, सूर्यपाक कला से निकाला हुआ, स्निग्ध ओर शुष्क भी हो वैसा हमारी अभ्यर्थना से जो वेदीक देव अपौरुषेय रूप में है वह हमें भोज्य के बाद कृपासार बनाये। 

ओर तभी माँ शब्द संधान होता है।

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

जय हिंद

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Sunday 25 October 2020

दशेरा या दसहरा Dashera

People believes in so many words about this specific words Dashera or dasaharaa...

Dashera or Dushera 
दस(खोड़ा स) + सर (खोड़ा स) + अ 
द +[{(स+स)खोड़ा}=श]+र + अ
दस +हर + अ = दसहरा
दस + शर + अ =दशेरा
द + शर + अ = दशेरा

Means das means ten means 10 
Sar means heads
A means Dev or lord, or god related name symbol

Da means the word given by Brahma 
Shar means target 
A means Dev or lord, or god related name symbol

DA means the alphabet given by Brahma 
Sher mean the unit of weight in old origins...
A means Dev or lord, or god related name symbol

DA means the alphabet given by Brahma 
Sher mean the tiger based foam light and dark shade spectrum
A means Dev or lord, or god related name symbol

Das means ten means 10 
Har mean the related to lord shiv's name
A means Dev or lord, or god related name symbol

There are several different words and alphabets meaning could be taken by ancient original rushi for getting clear or giving better understand to us...

But now a days we all are in unique form and doing or acting or accepting very latest running based mobility type pronounciation for little benefits... Actually not by us but the truth hidden by the latest new born children if we are not aware good knowledge from basic side of Veda...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

People are understand present days the words meaning are as under...

*Dusherra  is a Sanskrit word which means Removal of Ten Bad Qualities within Self*:
*Ahankara* (Ego)
*Amanavta* (Cruelty)
*Anyaaya* (Injustice)
*Kama vasana* (Lust)
*Krodha* (Anger)
*Lobha* (Greed)
*Mada* (Over Pride)
*Matsara* (Jealousy)
*Moha* (Attachment)
*Swartha* (Selfishness)
Hence, also known as *'Vijaydashami'* signifying *”Vijaya”* over these Ten Bad Qualities.


कठिया वाड में तो अटक या अवंटक भी है "अदेशरा"
It's like not as 1,2,3,4 but it's like 1,3,4,2...
Mr S P Adeshra was food and drug commissioner was once found charges for such corruption... Gujarati newspaper mentioned it... See the link

आश्का आरती से लेना

बचपन से  सुनता रहा हु। पर जब समझ आया तो कई लोगों को कहा भी सही। पर वह शब्द का शर सँधान शायद ही अनुभव कर रहा हूं। आरती शब्द से कई लोगों की पहचान विविध रूपसे होगी ही लेकिन आज शब्द लिया है आश्का।

हम सब जानते है कि पंचमहाभूतों का शरीर आदर्श परिस्थितियों में एक बार ही जीवन मे अग्नि रूपी काया खत्म होने तक ईश्वर कृपा से चलता है। जिसमे अग्नि भी एक तत्व है।

आश्का करना मतलब आरती को अपने हाथों की नीचे रख कर उसकी गर्माहट को अपने शरीर या मस्तक पर चढ़ाना।

पुजारी तक उसे "आरती लेलो" ऐसे कहते है, जो शायद अपनी आर्य परम्परा से दूर है।

संस्कृत पढ़ाने वाले भी "आरती लेलो" कहे तो भी आश्का मतलब समझना जरूरी है।

संधि एवम मातृका के अनुसार एवम अग्निपुराण एकाक्षर कोष के प्रावधान अनुसार देखें तो

- निर्देशात्मक रूपसे है।

श्क - मतलब शुष्क नही पर शून्य के साथ क्षेत्रीय रूपसे जुड़ा हुआ यजन हेतुुुक क , जिसमे अभी भी सचेतन अवस्था है और गरमी से मतलब अंदरूनी या बाह्य गरमी से जीवन मे आगे बढ़ सकता है। वैसा सजीव स्वरूप।

- कार रूपी मुलाक्षर देव के नामों में नामांकित है।

यहां उर्दू शब्द इश्क भी काबिले तारीफ है। 

इ मतलब इच्छा वाला कुछभी। क्योकि इ  के बाद का तुरंत से आया हुआ जुड़ा हुआ व्यंजन सशब्द "श्क" सिर्फ यहाँ क्षेत्र ही दिखता है।

हमें आरती लेलो ऐसे नही कहना है पर कहना है कि आरती की आश्का लेलो

भारत मे शक संवत काभी प्रावधान है। नये साल की शुरुआत में कही पर विक्रम संवत राजा के नामसे, शालिवाहन संवत भी राजा के नामसे, इसवीसन ईसाई धर्मानुगत, शक संवत प्रजा का नाम था, जैसे कि द्रविड़, हूण, शक आदी। संवत जैसे शब्द भी बहुत अच्छी जानकारी प्राप्त कराते है।

कामदेव जिसका एक नाम प्रद्युम्न है उनकी भार्या का नाम रती यूँही नही होगा शायद।

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

जय हिंद

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

In Gujarat there are so many writer editor and one of them is Shri Ashwini Bhatt and he wrote Aashkaa Mandal... See the little brief story.... It's related to topic so put as little notes...

Written By Ashwini Bhatt

આશકા માંડલ નવલકથા - લેખક: અશ્વિની ભટ્ટ

વિરાટ ફલક ઉપર આલેખાતી આ નવલકથા માંડલ કુટુંબની ત્રણ પેઢીઓને સમાવી લે છે. રેગીસ્તાની ઇલાકામાં આવેલા હમીરગઢનો રાજકુમાર સિગાવલ કેશી તેનો નાયક છે. થોરાડની વીરડી પાસેથી મળેલું એક હાડપિંજર આ વાર્તાને જાણે ભૂગર્ભમાંથી બહાર લઇ આવે છે. કોનું છે આ હાડપિંજર ?
લોકકથા જેવા બની ગયેલા શરનસિંહ માંડલનું ?
પ્રથમ વિશ્વયુદ્ધના સમયગાળામાં બનતી આ કથાનું નેપથ્ય સન સત્તાવનના વિપ્લવ જેટલું જુનું છે. શૂરજિતસિંહ માંડલ, શરનસિંહ માંડલ, આજીવન લડતા રહેલા વિપ્લવવાદીઓ આ કથાના લોક્નાયાકો છે.
મંદિરની પરસાળમાં આરતી ટાણે જન્મેલી આશ્કા માંડલ , વિપ્લવની જ્યોત જેવી નાયિકા છે. એકાએક ગુમ થઇ ગયેલા તેના પિતા શરનસિંહ માંડલની ખોજમાં તે એક ખૂંખાર પ્રવાસમાં નીકળે છે, જેમાં અન્ય પ્રવાસીઓને નાનસાહેબે છુપાવેલા ખજાનામાં રસ છે. રોમેરોમમાં આગ ફેલાય તેવી ઘટનાઓથી સભર સાધંત સાહસકથા.....

Thursday 22 October 2020

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Dattatreya Gurudev has few symbols with him... Why ... How... One little notes on animals and tree at River side area...

3 Faces...

4 dogs

1 cow

1 tree near RIVER


Dogs are symbol of Veda but bed has really hard language to understand few hidden things ...

Dogs either street dog or pet dog, can eat any thing available near him, depand on circumstances... And as per needed used of that inside elements... that's either vegetarian way or non vegetarian way... They can guide us by that way, the things that, eating are necessary for life...


Cow mostly eating twice at one time ... But only vegetarian way... 

Once cow or buffalo eating fast way when they started eating then after each bite came reverse from stomach to mouth again by second ANN NALI (Don't know the English name) in mouth and eat or chew it very slowly so many times for digestion...

Ravi Shankar (rawal) Maharaj who made Bhu daan yagna at India level and wearer only sleepers or chappals the whole life, given instructions as well did the same by chewe the food bite 15 to 20 times in mouth as human base structure of digestion...

Then if the cow married and making born of good cow child then she gives us milk...


Every human has 70 to 80 percent water substances in body... Essentially needed ... WATER... We all know...

Clean water is how much important we know the things... So as the symbolic way it is represented in picture of Gurudev Dattatreya...

Tree is giving knowledge about your own steadiness on your own matter or thoughts... As positive way structure... Or as applicable for Ideal conditions ... Tree giving us fresh air and fruits too ...


It's matter about trigunatit awasthaa... Or the combination of rajas, Tamas and satva guna...

When you have proper positivity than only your inner Retas would be accepted by a proper lady who will give you wealth and wealthiness...that is lacmi Devi...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Unique name VAIBHAVI means prosperous

Art zone
I made work on my own art and get answer from from different way about Shree Mann
My daughter asked about her name to write by that same style but I have precious noy note to her... Here under discussion ... mentioned... Read...

Art zone for name about my wife's VAIBHAVI


English Gujarati Hindi
English and sanskrut

[20/10, 13:54] Dwija Mehta: Maru to name lakho!!!
Translate., please write my name too!!!

[20/10, 13:55] 
Jigar Mehta: You try with inspiration at once... See the "V" is look like face but Gujarati 1 and 7.... 
it is like ૧૭ one seven

[20/10, 13:56] 
Jigar Mehta: 
January born your mother...
July born your father...

[20/10, 13:57] 
Jigar Mehta: A is on one number place at alphabet and I is on 9 number place at alphabet in English...

You born in October means 1+9= 10 as October month... Thenth month
See the combination....

Basically Sept means seven and Octa means eight... As per Latin language... 

[20/10, 13:59] 
Jigar Mehta: So you are not in outer area...

[20/10, 13:59] Jigar Mehta: Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

[20/10, 14:00] 
Jigar Mehta: People are eager to getting Shree Ank... You are getting it politely and easy way...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya
[20/10, 14:00] Jigar Mehta: Reply me

[20/10, 14:01] Dwija Mehta
Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Little additional notes added with this..for blog

Whatever done in past but they can't refuse the Vedic NAVAGVO, DASHAGVO PATTERN

HOW.... See

Sept means seven ...
Octa means eight... 
Nova means new or nine
Decem means Dasham means ten means one is before zero... Means the child who is getting knowledge from someone knowing...

English calender names are as per required things done and As per Latin language...they get it or made it... Bug God and Goddess making their hidden master mind ...

Here with I producing few Indian languages swar....

Sometimes unknown material surprised you with smiling...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Friday 16 October 2020

युधिष्ठिर का रथ ज़मीन पर क्यों पड़ा

युधिष्ठिर का रथ ज़मीन पर क्यों पड़ा?

सिर्फ एक विधान ओर विश्वास और श्रद्धा की नैया का किनारे पर आ कर व्यक्ति को सजीव चित्रणका अनुमोदन करना या बात को छिपाना वह निर्भर करता है मनुष्य जीवन पसंद करने वाले बन्दे पर। कैसे वह सोचनीय देखें।

अश्वथामा हत:।

कृष्णके कहने पर बोल दिया तब तो ठीक था पर मन की रंजिशों में सत्यता को पार करने की तम्मन्नाने एक भ्राता, एक शिष्य, एक पति, एक पिता और एक मनुष्य को सदेह स्वर्ग प्राप्ति करवाई।

राजसूय यज्ञ में जो स्थान युधिष्ठिरने कृष्ण को दिया उसीका उन्होंने "नरोवा कुंजरोवा।" कह कर बड़ी सिफत से भगवान को भी एक बारकह दिया कि आप भी जूठे हो। भलेही मेरा कुछभी हो जाये पर असत्य बगैर भगवानभी युद्ध नही जीत सकते।

कृष्ण ने तो कहा ही था में सर्व समर्थ हु। मुझे सब कुछ समर्पण करके मुझ पर निर्भर रह कर युद्ध करो। पर युधिष्ठिरकी विदुर चाचाकी सिखाई  नीति की वजह से कुछ भी उपालम्भ न करके भलेही धीरे से पर बोलना 

"अश्वथामा हत:। (शँखकी भारी आवाजमें धीमे से) नरोवा कुंजरोवा।"

इस बात का प्रमाण है कि कोई कुछ भी कहे पर तुम क्या करते हो, वह प्रश्न को उत्तर देना वह भी अच्छे कर्म से , वह भी अपनी शरीर की कृति से वह सचमुच काबिले तारिफ है।

जब भगवान को समर्पण किया तो सोचना क्या?
अच्छी बात है। पर जो बाप बच्चे पैदा करना जानता है वह स्वयं स्वधर्म आगे जुठ फैलाएगा तो भावी पीढ़ी शायद पिता को भी ना पहचाने ओर पीता ने जिसे मैं दिया उसीको सबकुछ समझे तो वह बात कुछ विचित्र प्रकारसेसमजीजा सकती हैपर वह हमें यहांनही देखना है।

बात है कि युधिष्ठिरका रथ "अश्वत्थामा हत:" विधान से जमीन पर नही आया पर वह रथ जमीन पर आया तब जब युधिष्ठिर भगवान की धर्म रक्षा की नीति में अपना योगदान स्वच्छ रखने की बात की नोख पर बोले "नरोवा कुंजरोवा"।

इंसान ही अपनी नितिरिती को संभाल सकता है और  वही वैश्य धर्म है।

तभी तो विष्णु सहस्त्र नाम मे सबसे पहले 

विश्वम विष्णु वष्टकारो भूत भव्य भवतप्रभु

.... की बात सोचनीय है।

जो माँके गर्भ से शिशु बाहर जमीन पर आयेगावही पृथ्वी पर पैर सम्भालकर रख पायेगा। ओर जमीन पर होगा तभी फिरसे अवकाश गमन कर सकेगा।

जो "थ" है वही दूसरे "थ" से कैसे अलग हो ? उस प्रश्न का जवाब यहां है। प्रणाम।

कुछ वृतांत यहां नही लियापर बहुत कुछ लिखा जा सकता है। समझना हमको हैकि हम आज के कोरोना पेंडेमिक में अपने यहांरखे हुए मुलाज़िम को कैसे सम्भालते है।

किताबें बहोत है, लेकिन सम्भालना सिर्फ अपना कर्म है।

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

जय हिंद

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य
पृथ्वी के प्रणव ओर "प्र" स्थानिय सत तत्व को प्रणाम।

Thursday 15 October 2020

कुँजम कुँजम

I Am Me... # I AM # me

Means magic of 3 to 5 alphabets... 

How... see

AIM, AMI... Good meaning

MAI, MiA... Good meaning

I AM is I Am


IMA means Indian Medical Association...

"me" means Not "I" but it is  "i"...

सुन ज़रा, मुझे क्या बेचेगा रुपैया।
फ़िल्म बनी दो और दो पांच, पर गिनती हुई दो आंखे बारा हाथ की।
बेख़ौफ़ आँखों की नजाकत तू देख ज़रा।
है भारत भाग्य विधाता तू उठ ज़रा।
धूम से हुआ बच्चीका धुम्बक धुम्बा दादा दादी के साथ ज़रा।
मेरी ही बच्ची, मेरे ससुराल के घर पर फ़ोन पर ज़रा।
मेमनगर से थलतेज से शीलज ज़रा ज़रा।
फोन इंटर नेट की कृपा विशिष्ट हुई ब्रह्म के साथ।
बातें लंदन तक जरजरा।
एक व्यक्ति एक ही मुलाकात, बारबार।
शब्दों की समझ ज़रा ज़रा।
जब विधान बने तो सूत्र समीकरण की दिशा भी मिली जरजरा।
आज पुत्री एवम पत्नी ओर सास, मेरी सांसों से दूर है।
पर माँ से माफी मांगी पहलीबार जरजरा।
कल तो लीले रंग के बुसकोटसे पूरा घर ज़ापटा।
बटन तोड़ा जरजरा।
जोड़ भी दिया फेवीक्विक से जराजरा।
लेकिन उल्टापुलटा हुआ ज़रा ज़रा।

ज़रा ज़रा मतलब थोड़ा थोड़ा मतलब कुँजम कुँजम।

मेरी माँ हमारे प्रधान मंत्री मोदीजी के स्वर्गस्थ शिक्षक वोराबहन के साथ। एक यादगार तस्वीर।

JAY Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishya

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Kshetra क्षेत्र

Kshetra Kshetragna क्षेत्र क्षेत्रज्ञ

અમિતાભ બચ્ચન ની કેરિયર માં આ ઉંમરે પણ મંદી કેમ નથી આવતી.?
મેં કહ્યું : કેમકે., એ "તેજી" નો દિકરો છે.!

यह जोक मुझे तब नही लगी, जब मैने उनकी अगोचर त्राटक शक्ति को देखा।

यह विधान मुझे जोक तब नही लगी जब इस शरीर ने उनकी आंखों को कोन बनेगा करोड़पति में देखी।

वे बिना आंख झपकाए स्पर्धक से संवाद कई मिनिटों तक करते है।

आंख की पलक झपक को निमिष समय कहा है।

ओर अनिमेष आंखों का अतिक्रम सजीव मनुष्य को शायद ही जीवनमें पता चले।

सद् Gurudev जो मन की कुछ भी सोच को कचरा बताते है, तब वह ब्राह्मी स्थिति को शायद नजरअंदाज करते थे। 

Maybe he is in advance talk but by that way why we should forget our own sanskrut foundation...

शायद अनुभव श्रेष्ठ शिक्षक तब जब वह उच्च प्राप्त अंगत ज्ञान उसको या सबको बांट सके जो आपमे 1% भी विश्वास रखता हो।

आजनही तो कल वह बच्चा जो कचरा संघर कर सकता है उसे सिर्फ स्वर व्यंजन की क्षमता का पता चला देना चाहिये।

While playing volleyball, running, jumping, walking, supporting, receiving, recovering, servicing, mostly every time watching ball... But some how in open sky the yellow and blue colour attracting self with the green zone ...

Either night or day the ground is limited while watching ball and sky...

Every game has limited area ...

Only Gilli danda, kochamadee has capacity to building new area of new era of any special by ladudee, padudee...

But remember that अगर एकही बन्दे के पीछे पड़े तो पड़ने वाले को सात बार दांव देना पड़ता था।

Put any alphabet in cube Which is returne back to you with energy... I put Hindi क, सी..... little hard to understand but truth is also UK unique...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

जय हिंद

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Sunday 11 October 2020

Gayatri Mantra ऊँ भूर्भुवः स्व:

Here producing Gayatri Mantra

This Gayatri  mantra is giving us all time different and unique knowledge to us ... This is taken from the Ghanapathi channel YouTube... Here giving link of it...

but some how it is little incomplete according to my personal thought but if you write few words before it like mentioned here under than only it is complete Gayatri Mantra... and the words are...

ऊँ भूर्भुवः स्व:...  See the picture
Now it is complete...

Few scholers are avoiding to repeat the Om chant while singing the Mantra, but it is really important to pronouncing twice according to me....


ऊँ भूर्भुवः स्व: 

We can speak like here under style...

ऊँ Pranav akshar is how much important that is we know about it...

भूर्भुवः it is the word mentioned two based elements which are in our body and that's water and place or earth...

भू means earth

भु means water

रव means volume 

: Means air and related to volume of alphabet

And the whole word are very important to us as by the meaning, as the Gayatri is belongs to fire and our body is pronouncing or speaking whatever by mouth is comes from fire and air... As energetic alphabets...

स्व: means our self only...

Other words meaning are having big volume of chapter but I consider only the main prior three words ... And that are ...

ऊँ भूर्भुवः स्व:

After these three words, when we speaks after other words, it means it's all are with energy and spread in the sky or surrounding near by us within the fire whatever we are doing while yagna....

Matter is important to understand when we are saying different types mantra for various purposes....

When two times we are saying om than our motive is adding our alphabets and energy in the previous one main sources of pranavaakshar ... 

When we are saying only one time than it is generating new energy.... 

But for that we can't refuse to speak the main three words... Which are mentioned as...see the example...

ऊँ भूर्भुवः स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

Here we are watching that the Om is only one time...

Even in Ishavasya upnishad there are separate special notes on or about for the rule of Bhuma भूमा / भुमा

There are specific negative part of meaning for the word मा 

there are meaning as don't do it...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya
my daughter with The GARBA... Which sanskrut name is ALAATCHAKRA or AHORAATRA...

Saturday 10 October 2020

Insurance Inside Matter IIM

Today we are focusing by mind while reading on such hidden matter of IIM, means not Indian Institute of Management but it is Insurance Inside Matter...

Insurance... The most imp word in all Life though he or she doesn't deserve it but making FUTURE BRIGHT, making tension in present life, by the question starting from H and word is HOW... 

How can we relax in future?

Mostly all are not in capacity to save money from monthly earning or invest in insurance premium per month or year...

See how...

Main basic rules of about minimum wages act standard are not equal in India for government and Pvt sector...

Insurance agent mostly gives us full moon Day's statement for giving light's in our life's dark theme but it's his or her strategy's study and practice matter..., which were learnt by him for commercial based on common platform... And mostly they are starting to whom, who are having more than 25000 to 30000 rupees salaried personnel. While Indian minimum wages act is base line with 12000 rupees for present days in private sector... 

Future generations maybe get different  standard in earning, hope is good for all .. but present invention is unique...

Indian government started the Atal Pension scheme but similar started new rules in various government departments... and made fine by RTO traffic police...

Simple and sober one of that is third party car or bike or vehicle insurance ..

All above that, when we are giving or providing insurance premium, then only the agent will be moving out side trip, as incentive from company, as his or her target is completed by us and the company of insurance, giving him or her extra effort money or else things in related matter ... 

Which is huge surprised for present days in all nations, probably...

If the agent are based on commission or salary, and doing work, than why need to increase our pockets expenses high by providing insurance premium high for insurance company's target...?

The whole market of insurance are now based on main agents and than sub agent...  and than calculate insurance premium... 

They are attracting old retired people for doing the same work for achieving target of money or earning or incentive ... 

The new old age people's  has respect and that regarding few socially attached people with him or her not denied to refuse or not avoiding old person and making one time bigger payment to insurance company...

Than after they are refuse or not complete the term somehow and in many more case the money reserved by the insurance company inside for other usages of companies related extra matters... Even without frauds... They reserve so many money...

It is difficult or different matter but need to understand the things by Indian government for making separate utilities for insurance purposes and insurance related reserve money...

Once LIC only in India but now so many private companies are started making money by insurance... once I heard few words for LIC that LIC only was the king of Asia but.... But... But... 

Now the business key is open by so many way but government still in sound sleep...

My concern is only that why we Indian are giving more premium amount to the insurance company, which rules are prepared by the other Indian organisation duly named IRDA ... And by that the other way charter accountants are need to preparing other rules for saving TAX on our earning money????

I believe that the fundamental basic strategy of the guidelines of insurance are having much more loose pole ... if we are Needs better plan for saving money and tax from our earning money, we needs authentication of property of earning and proper disbursement, otherwise India is the country where only 10% people are paying tax and all government employees salary either central or states are always increased and in private sector the labour commissioner are in sound sleeping in ac chamber...

All Indian are facing the very lower salary pay in minimum wages act and even many more various scales are in different states of India... Other nations or countries who are having their currencies standard hingh in international market are having mostly same or equal remuneration Ratio and salary scale in private and government sector henceforth they are in capacity to savings proper income... for their future generations

Well ... I am not earning... Reasons are unique... Not believe by many more but my matter are focusing right part of earning of common man of India...

Here few things are pending... As my mother needs good vibes ... 

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 7 October 2020


આંખ એ દરેક ની પાસે નું ઉત્તમ રતન છે.

આંખથી જ તમે દ્રશ્ય ને પશ્ય કરી શકો છો.

ઘણા પક્ષી અને ઝષણાંમ મતલબ માછલી, મગર, વગેરે કે જે પાણી અને જમીન બન્ને પર રહેતા હોય તે પ્રાણી ઓ ને બે નેત્ર પટલ હોય છે.

નેત્ર પટલથી જ બાઝ પક્ષી આસમાની ઊંચી ગતિ થી નીચે ઝડપી ગતિ મા આવે તો પણ તેની આંક ને નુકશાન વાયુ થકી નથી થઈ શકતું. 

નેત્ર પટલ થકી જ માછલી પાણીમાં આવરણ કરી સરળતા થી મગર ની જેમ તરીશકે છે.

આંખ ના વિષય મા મનુષ્યને ચશમાં એ અજોડ દેન છે. 

હમણાં તો આંખ ના ચશમાં મા કેમેરા ફિટ કરી સ્પાયલોકો ગુપ્ત ચર વિભાગ માટે સ્ટિંગ ઓપરેશન પણ કરે છે. 

આંખની કિકી નો રંગ પણ વિશિષ્ટ રીતે સઘળા સજીવ માં વિશિષ્ટ સ્થાને હમણાં થીમને માલુમ થયો છે.

એ કિકી ના જ વિવિધ રંગનું સ્થાન યજન થકી જ મેળવાય છે કે નહીં તે હવે મને ચર્ચાનો વિષય લાગે છે. 

લોકો ચક્ર વૃદ્ધિ વ્યાજ ને મનુષ્ય ના સંદર્ભમા મનુષ્ય લોકો ને જ  કચરો ગણી, મનુષ્ય જ નો બેફામ ઉપયોગ કરે તેવા લોકો, જે મને સતત પ્રેરણા આપે છે કે જેને માન આપ્યું તો આપી જ જાણવું, અને કોશિશ સતત સારા વિચારની કરવી, તે લોકો ને પ્રણામ કરવાની ઘેલછા હું ગુરુ પૂર્ણિમા ને દિવસે નથી જ ચૂકતો...

મારી જ એક વાંચેલી વાતે હતી "અલ્લાહ ને કહે કે આંખ માં રહે" અને  એન અપભ્રંશ વાક્ય "અલ્લાહ ને કે આંખ મારે"...

આ વાતે મને ખુદે સાક્ષાત અનુભવ કરાવ્યો. 


વોલીબોલ રમતા ચોક્કસ ક્રિયા થઈ અને ચમકતો તારો ઝબકયો અને ત્યાંજ હું માત્ર એટલુંજ બોલી શક્યો...

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય...

આંખ ખુદ એક રતન છે. તન મા ર આયામ છે.

આંખ માં રહેવું અને બે આંખહોવા છતાં એક જ ટિમ ટીમાવાવી તે આંખ મારી કહેવાય.

શુક્રાચાર્ય, ગ્રીક ના સિકલોપ્સ, ત્રિદેવ મા ના શંકરકે જે ત્રીનેત્રી છે... વગેરે યાદ આવી ગયા.

ફોટા મા આપેલ વિગત આજના છાપાની પૂરતી કળશ માની છે.

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય

જય હિન્દ

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Monday 5 October 2020

Why God needs musical instruments

October 05, 2020

Shiv has Damru

Naarad has Mahati or tambura Hanuman has khanjree type kartal

Vishnu has Shankh and Krishna has Bansree and his grand son Anirudh has Bhogal

Saraswati has Sharda Veena

It's hard to mention in English as need sanskrut pronouncing alphabet and words... Henceforth using Hindi in narration.. You can translate it by Google...

Shiv has Damru

Ish v tatva which is seen by us in three dimensions but what is inside of body are unknown to us but that b tatva need to move out from that ish tatva which is harmful so how you put make a road to that convenient way... 

Damru has Naad and that is with dab dab, dham dham, and when your hand put on any body's part the voice had unique drum type nose and not on same portion but the side portion getting healing or vibration and by that way the b tatva forward by the randhra side whatever you decide to put or move out side for the inner bad tatva for saving b tatva...

The urja automatically developed by that noise on same part where you put your hand by force... It is helpful for getting Chetan tatva for b tatva... And thus the Naad Brahm using by the lord shiv...

Basically we can control inner body's air and liquid form from Naad Brahm ...

Naarad has Mahati or tambura and Hanuman's  kartal

Naarad is a media man of all lord and he need to move one place to another ... It's like the work as antahastrav and utsechak... Of our body...

Basically r is counted as for liquid form... He is using tambura and by that way the more heavy vibration using by him for moving his body at nearby place....

Inside body if antahastrav and utsechak are not fulfilled the necessary chamicle at needed place the inbuilt lisozom killing the cell... so now probably we can understand the space travel of Naarad with tambura...

Vishnu has Shankh, Krishna's flute and Anirudh has Bhogal

Shankh for front side things
Flute for besides things
Bhogal for back side

Shankh dhvani has uniq in mode and when you want spacious specific air molecular structure you can used it by it's rythem ... The moved out air of shank having forces of inner body's mouth air henceforth by that getting and giving direction to air molecular parmanviya any.... Saving self from upcoming any little vibration ... At even battlefield... You can give direct msg to the pawn where you need to move on special noise of special shank as each and every shank has different frequencies volume generation skills as per mouth...

The same is for flute or Bansree not not directly front side but you can get force of mouth air in rythem and giving or making safe distance to besides bad energy...

Aniruddh is Krishna's grand son and he is using Bhogal which is rare and great vadya which is put it's effort and effective effects back side of body by mouth's air... Hidden story is different but telling truth... Future generations need to develop his own good sanskar so need to making safe distance from past's bad things using Bhogal is good...

Saraswati has Sharda Veena

It's unique two kalash attached both side, tambura style Veena... with more vires or we can say we can getting all seven Sur with different vibration mode for balance maintain both place of our own masters mind unique thoughts...

I know little that about Prabhu ISU wha were born at Bathelham ... And his last words... People forgive them all as what they are doing, they are unknown from that...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

महाभारत में यज्ञ याग यजन प्रावधान

महाभारत में जिन यज्ञों का उल्लेख है उनके नाम ये हैं-अश्वमेध, राजसूय, पुण्डरीक, गवामयन, अतिरात्र, वाजपेय, अग्निजित् एवं बृहस्पति सब इन यज्ञों से अश्वमेध एवं राजसूय का ही किञ्चिद्विस्तृत वर्णन मिलता है शेष का केवल नाम भर ही आया है महाभारत के दो राजसूय प्रसिद्ध हैं । 

एक तो महाराज युधिष्ठिर ने किया और दूसरा श्रीकृष्ण ने अश्वमेध तो अनेक किये जिनका विस्तारपूर्वक उल्लेख महाभारत के पर्षों में बिखरा पड़ा अकेले शान्तिपर्व में ही कितने ही धर्मात्माराजाओं के अनेक अश्वमेध यज्ञों का उल्लेख है । 

दृष्टान्त हम विविध दे सकते है पर नाम रूप यज्ञ का प्रावधान हमे समझना जरूरी होता है। ओर वह संस्कृत मातृका ओर अग्निपुराण एकाक्षर कोष ओर अक्षर चिह्न के रूपसे समझ सकते है।

अश्वमेध यज्ञ

सजीव, सप्त कुंफलिनी यानी सप्त अश्व वाले घोड़े के रथमे सुषुप्त मनुष्य को जब कोई आचार्य रूप सारथी सम्भालते है तो वह ब्रह्म के द्विज आयाम में कंकण की तरह गोल हो जाता है। एकही पहिये वाले चक्र रूपी रथ में ब्रह्मांड भ्रमण से हनुमानजी को गतिमय रूपसे ज्ञान देता है, जो वायु बिचरन से जल एवं पृथ्वी पर "थ" रूपको समझने वाले ऋषि लोगों को समजाते है। लोग अश्व मेघ को न जाने क्याक्या समझते है।

राजसूय यज्ञ

यहां सूर्य नही पर सूय है। जैसे कि "समय" वैसे ही सउय । र आयाम बगैर का  "अ" या "ब " का जीव स्वरूप , जिसे स्वर्ग के समीप  या स्वर्ग को सह जीवन प्राप्त करना है वह व्यक्ति। 
उदाहरण के तौर पर विष्णु ने यज्ञ में कमल का फूल न मिलने पर आंख दी थी वह एक सोचनीय बात है कि स्व अर्ग या अर्घ्य  कितनी बड़ी बात है। 
जैन लोगों को संथारा मूलभूत बात मालूम होगा।

पुण्डरीक यज्ञ

उ प अंड इर क़
उप मतलब छोटा या छोटी 
अंड शब्द से महत्तम लोग अवगत है।
इर मतलब शरीर या इच्छा वाला सजीव मनुष्य
क मतलब निर्देशानुसार निश्चित क्षेत्र की बात।

पुण्डरीक नाम इंद्र का है जिसे यज्ञ में स्थान नही फिरभी वह उचित तोर पर तो नामोल्लेख किया है। 

पंच तत्व वाले शरीर का अण्ड से शरीर प्राप्त करने के लिए निश्चित क्षेत्र का यजन वहभी यज्ञ से होमात्मक  द्रव्य के पर्याय के रूपमे।
जैन में आयंबिल की बात भी है। आयंबिल मतलब जीवन भर या कुछ महीने या कुछ दिन नियत या निश्चित धान को ही खुराक से भक्षण से शरीर का प्रोक्षण करना या किसीसे कराना ।  यज्ञ में होता यानी आचार्यजी को मालूम होता है।

गवामयन यज्ञ

ग्वालियर प्रदेश मध्य प्रदेश में खूब प्रचलित है। 
यहां "ग्वा" का मतलब वा + ग 
संस्कृत में खोडाक्षर वाले स्वर व्यंजन होते है। 
आधा क  + आधा क = ग 
जैसेकि आधा त + आधा त = द बृहत्कथा या बृहन्नला में बृहद शब्द का प्रावधान सिर्फ बृह या बृहत के रूपमे है। वैसे ही यहाँ संस्कृत में  वाक शब्द है। जैसे की वाग्दत्ता। 

यहाँ ग्वाम का सीधा मतलब 
आवृत अ कार का अम स्वरूप ग कार के रूप में।
देवीभागवत में माँ के गंड स्थल ओर योनि की बात है।  उसीका अयन करना, मतलब किसीका अर्क या निष्कर्ष लेना या कराना।

सामाजिक रूपमे पूर्ण शब्द ग्वामयन यज्ञ

अतिरात्र यज्ञ 

गुजरात मे गरबा प्रचलित है। और संस्कृत में उसे अहोरात्र कहते है। जो नौ दिन तक देवी की पूजा अर्चना में चैत्र ओर आसो महीने में होते है। 
जब घटोत्कच युद्ध मे था तब रात्रि युद्ध हुआ था। तब राक्षसी माया का सामना करना भारी था। 
उसी को एक दिन को अतिरात्र यज्ञ कहा है।
अति मतलब ज्यादा 
इर अत्र मतलब  त्रिगुणातीत गुणः त्रयी अवस्था वाला शरीर , जो अंधकारमय अवस्था मे होता है।
इसीसे धर्म की स्थापना के लिये कर्ण को शक्ति से घटोत्कच का हनन करने हेतु कृष्ण ने दुर्योधन को मजबूर किया कि जिससे धर्म क्षेत्र की स्थापना में र आयामित राक्षस क्षेत्र सीमित मात्रा में ही रहे।
घटोत्कच शब्द भी विशेष है।

वाजपेय यज्ञ
वा ज ई पय

वा मतलब लेफ्ट साइड। अघोर पंथी में वाम मार्गीय गुप्त साधना पथ प्रचलित शब्द है। स्त्री का एक नाम संस्कृत में वामा भी है। जिसे पत्नी कह सकते है। ब्रह्मा को स्त्रष्टा कहा है। यहां शब्द अनुसंधान विशिष्ट है। वा मतलब डाबी बाजू होना पर अ कार युक्त निर्देशन में पश्य होकर।

"ज' मतलब "वह हे ही" ऐसे बल पूर्वक या भारपूर्वक अपनी बात को रखने की बात या उसके प्रचार की बात। ज खास कर जल शब्द को ज्यादा प्रचलित करता है। पानी का प्रभुत्व दुनिया मे 70% है।

उदाहरण ज के लिये पानी जैसा भाव जो बहता हुआ है पृथ्वी पर, व्योममे ओर यहां तक कि उत्तर और दक्षिण  ध्रुवों के पास भी कुछ मात्रा में भाव बहने का है ही।
यहां मतलब उदाहरण रूपसे देखे तो वाक्य प्रयोग। 
द्विजा जिगर की ही पुत्री है।

ई मतलब इच्छा। संस्कृत मातृका ओर अग्नि पुराण एकाक्षर कोष के तहत।

"पय" का मतलब पंच महाभूत का यजन होता है पर पय का मतलब अर्क या निष्कर्ष भी है।

वाजपेय मतलब वाममार्गीय जो दिखते नही पर है ही उनके समग्र  जीवन दरम्यान के सत्व गुण अर्क को परम् सत तत्व में जुड़ने जुड़ाने की बात का यज्ञ।

अग्निजित् यज्ञ 

अग्नि को जीतना मतलब समझने में कुछ ऐसा होगा। शरीर एक कायास्थ अग्नि है जो हमारे चेतन तत्व से चलता है। हमारी वाणी भी अग्नि से ही चलायमान है। हमारे शब्दाक्षर, वाक्य प्रयोग पर सिर्फ हमारा प्रभुत्व रहे ऐसे सोचके किया जाने वाला यज्ञ।

इसके अलावा भी कई यज्ञ है जिसमे से कुछ इस प्रकार है.....
जपनाम यज्ञ
देव यज्ञ
ब्रह्म यज्ञ
संयम यज्ञ
इन्द्रिय यज्ञ
आत्म यज्ञ
द्रव्य यज्ञ
स्वाध्याय यज्ञ
ज्ञान यज्ञ
प्राण यज्ञ
आहार यज्ञ
दान यज्ञ
विश्व जीत यज्ञ
नरमेघ यज्ञ
गौ मेघ यज्ञ
सर्व मेघ यज्ञ (12 प्रकार के मेघ होते है)

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya and Jay Hind

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

पुरुरवा राजा एवं जहान्वी उर्फ गंगा

पुरुरवा राजा ने धर्म के द्वारा प्रजा का पालन करते हुए बहुत यज्ञों द्वारा बजन किया । सैकड़ों अबोध, हजारों बाजपेय अतिरात्रि, द्वादशाह यज्ञों द्वारा बार-बार यजन करके, सप्तद्वीप समुद्रों वाली पृथ्वी का चक्रवती राजा हुआ, आमानुसिक बल से उसने सम्पूर्ण महीतल को जीता दुर्भिक्ष, अकाल मरण, व्याधि, राजा पुरुरवा के राज्य में कहीं भी किसी को न हुआ, उनके राज्य में सभी अपने धर्म में तत्पर रहते थे सभी मनुष्य सुखी रहते थे।
जब राजा पुरूरवा यज्ञ करते, तभी शून्य वसुन्धरा सब शापों से मुक्त हो जाती थी । और जो मनुष्य राजा के पास यज्ञ में जाते थे उनकी इच्छा को पूछकर उसे पूर्ण किया जाता था । ।

गङ्गाजी के जाह्नवी कहलाने की कथा बड़ी मनोरंजक है । पूर्व काल में कोशिनी के गर्भ मेंसम्पन्न सुहोत्र पुत्र 'जह्नु' में सर्वमेध नामक महायज्ञ का आयोजन किया । अपना सर्वस्व उन्होंने यज्ञ में होम कर दिया । इस महायज्ञ के पुण्य प्रताप को देखकर सभी देवता बड़े प्रभावित हुए ।  गङ्गाजी तो उन्हें पति रूप में चरण करने के लिये अधीर हो गई । 'जह्नु' ने गङ्गाजी का प्रस्ताव स्वीकार नहीं किया । इस पर जह्नु और गङ्गाजी में मनोमलिन्य पैदा हो गया । देवताओं ने इस मनोमलिन्य को अशोभनीय समझकर दोनों में यह समझौता करा दिया कि गङ्गाजी जह्नुके घर में पुत्री के रूप में जन्म लें । ऐसा ही हुआ, तभी से जह्नु पुत्री होने के कारण गङ्गाजी का नाम जहान्वी हुआ।

जिस प्रकार सीताजी की प्राप्ति जनक द्वारा यज्ञ के लिये भूमि शोधन करते समय हुई थी, उसी प्रकार बृषभानु को भी राधिका पुत्री की प्राप्ति यज्ञ के. लिए भूमि शोधन करते समय हुई । वह कथा पद्मपुराण में आती है।

यज्ञ का ज्ञान विज्ञान - गायत्री उपासक पंडित श्री राम (प्रसाद) शर्मा

किमेकम द्वारे श्रीमान किम उपस्थित?

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Saturday 3 October 2020

Native's Disease, treatment foreign country's

Native's Disease, treatment foreign country's

Once I was watched TV serial duly name taarak Mehta Ka ooltah chashmah but somehow that the character vise scientist, got skin disease from very odd case and nobody doctor repair or given good treatment to him by any medicine at that time…

… in such case his Gujarati neighbour’s wife asked to her mother and her mother replied her by few question

…. one is from which native he is belongs to and second by what things by eating the same done….

This is very ancient Ayurveda therapy regarding treating any disease…

Mostly skin problem arrived from different type of cosmetics and water...

Each place has so many different types of material, mineral and there all are are available in water and if the person, who is so far from that, and eat all kind things and using of different type of cosmetics on his or her body, the skin disorders automatically generated somehow and thus the the clinically doctor getting patients regular…

this I know better as few cases are in my life also avialabe and I am staying at Ahmedabad since long and several time, I used to drink water, which is available by natural sources… means available at without filtration by RO plant...

Sensitive... specifically for that I used to drink water from the place where tea available, at the tea counter at road side area in Ahmedabad…

People are attract to attend response or achieved clean water by RO plant (River Osmosis) but somehow the natural source of water whatever available surrounding you is really needed and helpful for even our own self and inner stimulation…

Since long i regularly read the newspaper and top most leaders and top most hero heroines, basically who are most popular in world or level based criteria, who are getting cancer or else kind of lungs cancer patient or got any different kind of heart disease, they all are using foreign treatment … 

but where, why, what reasons, which condition, how?? the answer is, when They are using specific clean water and food, than only problems started with their body ...diseases are use to with and by more cleanness of water and food

This last line read twice for understanding...

they are not taking their own city, state or nation has that availability of medical treatment but somehow choosing foreign treatment…. Which are more clean ever as they believe... But things are so much different...

… reason behind same is very unknown… maybe it is about HiFi society or getting more clean criteria or in need of higher drugs … 

After Sonia Gandhi so many more were and are going to achieve medical treatment at foreign side. few days back, I read about Sanjay dutt will be appeared at USA for his lung cancer…!!!!!

Why…??? India has may be not level best doctors in hospitals as per required necessary things...

130 crore people available in India and those all have good medical treatment according to my best of knowledge at specific government hospital too…

Question is unique but it’s answer is better than best but denied and avoid to do so as considering its far better but doing and applicable it in life procedure is better than ever…

Indian all are having smaller salary version as per minimum wages act at private standard. Government only has big budget for salary but now a days there are probably problem as if no income or without proper income how they would be give salary to govt employees???

This Corona season has 30% salary deduction of all Gujarat state MLAs part…

This season has major odd cases in world and if Indian people consider the local for vocal than better and best idea is making self use to with available things for making self better Now and best in future for opposing natural hard situation... so many jungle cut off but new are added by children by plantations.. 

sun heat waves are not saving life outer side but if you have air condition than only you survived at home only ???? what about outer side world and work of like building construction ... you can do work from home for banking not for building...

Covid 19 novel Corona is coming from air by SARS family's viridia group... people are know this things but unknown from its formation did by some long untold procedure which are hidden and Even forbidden from us...

If good perfume has expired date though maintain alcohol level, each food and fruits has such expired date than why not the virus and bacteria... 

Indian Ayurveda has its solutions but the things are so far from us... Like wise example already given previous lines....

DNA also has unique singularity code given or prepared by nature... We can change DNA or add DNA and making clones... Things to be noted once... And human clones has also getting virus and bacteria but treatment is also unique... For specific special word CLONES...

WELL, we are common people wanted to sleep 8 hours regularly if available than more happy...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya