Saturday 18 July 2020

Chee means smaller Sun

Chee means smaller Sun

Person who has broad voice with loudness, trying to speak with innermost by nose way, would be harder to pronunciation, But so many Chinese doing well… I listened Chinese President today. Mountainous people are forced to speak by nose pronunciation as need of thin air reason…

The thin air has not more oxygen on higher height… But people has broad nose holes with pressed end way helping breathing smoothly.

Using nose for pronouncing words giving strength and warm healing to the head and give support to maintain mind warmest areas as per needed work..

That is known as CHI means urja power… My father certainly told me “Hey GUNGNINA” means the person who speaks by help of nose mostly…

ऊँ मणि पद्मे हुम्।

I hope topic not attached with political science.

Certainly language helping natural ways common people…

The meaning of chin is…
Chi means urja, power, energy sources
Na means “our” but speaks by help of nose..

If you say Kachina that means “Teacher”
But the Chinese alphabet senses are giving unique picture of china word..
“中國” Whatever up is down & it’s bounded in specific land…


Means Teacher and it’s pronouncing as laoshi …
In Gujarati I certainly eating ..
Daal and Lavshi
Lavshi made by wheat flour, jegar and water…
Laoshi and Lavshi mostly same pronunciation…
My father in law’s pet name is Lavshi…

तानहं द्विषतः क्रूरान्संसारेषु नराधमान् ।
क्षिपाम्यजस्रमशुभानासुरीष्वेव योनिषु ll BG 16 19
ऐसे उन द्वेष करने वाले? क्रूरकर्मी और नराधमों को मैं संसार में बारम्बार (अजस्रम्) आसुरी योनियों में ही गिराता हूँ अर्थात् उत्पन्न करता हूँ।।

तानहं द्विषतः क्रूरान्संसारेषु नराधमान् ।
क्षिपाम्यजस्रमशुभानासुरीष्वेव योनिषु ll BG 16, 19
उन द्वेष करनेवाले? क्रूर स्वभाववाले और संसारमें महान् नीच? अपवित्र मनुष्योंको मैं बारबार आसुरी योनियोंमें गिराता ही रहता हूँ।

why both pandit making different sentences are unique question. i am really thank full to the lord who made different minds every where and by that ways we can know that where to put & where to kill those type people…
ek chakra vyuha & chakra vyuha both are now i can understand…

વણશો તેવું લણશો.
પણ ઢોળશો તો ?
કદાચ કીડી પણ નહીં ખાય…

विक्षुब्ध मन यजन, खग: उवाच, किम दृश्यम विहग:?

चित्रम अक्ष नास्ति परीकल्पयेत।

मम उपमने मात्र विहंगावलोकेन सूर्य च सोम।

मामका पिता गुजरात महाविद्यालय स्थानये

My Pappa at Gujarat College, Ahmedabad…

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय।
जयतु भारत:।

नमस्ते प्राण प्राणते नमो अस्त्वपानते । 

पराचीनाय ते नमः प्रतीचीनाय ते नमः।

सर्वस्मै त इदं नमः ॥८॥

- अथर्ववेदः 11 मण्डल 4 सूक्त प्राण सूक्त

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya
Jay Hind

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