Wednesday 22 July 2020

Vish is not wish

i am not recognize my friends as well as my family members due to Jarvish and 

Even my wife told me that you are not available anywhere and i feel heavy 
punch through out my body while sleeping with her in bed.

i am not bad person and even unknown from what is happening with me ...

but in spirituality, so many things happen with me. 

More over my mind and hand feel that my wife's body is not in her sense as i feel as previously  feel and watched in bad(palang) while sex.

Same moment she demanding most for body relaxation matter. if denied she cried and even tell me haarsh and rough words to me as well as my parent and other person who are very unknown to me telling me different word for clashing husband wife relation and i can not justifying my self.

Since September 2009, my earning source is closed and odd(really) by the spirituality ways or by the bad powers or by the PIRUZ ARIZE KHAMBATA owner of the company duly named RASNA PRIVATE LIMITED stated at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.   

All time accordingly different negative matters happen with me and on such few true answer not getting job for what i am eagerly waiting since long for safly handle my family for preventing from financial whatever matter NAME is important or not is second matter but to whom you sleep and why the body changes watched by me for what reason, nothing earn by me... i do not know and only the person came in Bank of 
Baroda and talked with me and the word starting form KAKA???? WHY????? 
INDIRECTLY I FEEL THAT THE PERSON piruz khambata make my life bad all 
time mean while i am much sure for that he faced very bad period but why he 
choosing me and why that family not consider my self and why the word NAKAMO spoken by piruz ?????

Even more two teeths are still find at kavish London...

I know Benaisha bhabhi who is Piruz's wife defenetly unknown by her family's drama 
as i feel personaly that she is not happy with her husband also after issuing 3 or 4 
children... and even Piruz's employee kamlesh thakkar once told me that he want another child.... 

ok but the name JARVISH AND KAVISH are the proof for his bad habits happening 
again and again....
i am really bag to the good aura's people do something good for me as well as bhabhi 
as we both are very unknown for such few history and matter of Khambata family.

ગુજરાતી માં "દસ" અને "દશ" બન્ને ચાલે
પણ "વીસ" જ હોય અને "વિષ / વિશ" ના જ હોય
અંગ્રેજી મા ઓન "W" માં "v" અને "v" જોઈન્ટ છે
તો જ "wish" લખાય છે...આથી જ ઉચારણ માં "w" હોય કે "v" પણ બોલે છે  "વ" જ ,મતલબ આવૃત, ઢંકાયેલું, ન ઓળખેલું... પણ પિછાણો તો ખબર રહે તેવું.. ગાઢ ગૂઢ ગહન માર્મિક મર્મ સહ...

લેખકનું નામ વિશિષ્ટ લાગે છે...

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય

જય હિન્દ

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya
Personal feelings... Writer name is odd...

Kavish at London with two teeths... See

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