Friday 31 July 2020

Negative to Positive pic's Pixels

Negative to Positive Mega Pics All as  Pixels

Recent days so many various high pixel cameras are coming to town from various branded companies and people has much more satisfaction from that is major question created in my mind… about inside tore matter of photography images...

Previously we can make film positive after getting negative and henceforth the work satisfaction generated by mind… as we made negative to positive on paper by colours...

Now a days we are getting direct four colour picture in camera without film and without by focal lense through one eye and the advanced technology inspire and attract zieus lenses, people getting bigger led screen via latest technology and getting direct positive in side the cameras…

Though it is miracle done by biggest or major pixel camera by scientist but the satisfaction of one eye is gone and the work done by both eyes…

More enjoyable things are find by people and find the third eye vision too… hahahaha... 

My concern is that previously if you have negative film role, you can make very much bigger size positive and put it in decorative frame and hang on it or put it on the home’s best wall for different purpose… but now a days probably needs more pixels for big photo images making... As needed by default??? 

The time of making the paper positive by the negative of film role is gone and god gives us sense that you can make positive form of paper by the camera’s inner side 4 color screen is people taken as science.. and made “pics all” as “pixle” and in very few times all mountain's pics are touched by the humans… and pending only the deep portion of mountain…

Well, my concern is only that now the latest geographical news is very odd and mostly relevant to the pole changes method…

Is according to the scenario India also get very much higher standard in space, astronomy and satellite concern. luck by chance recent days the pole changes with 155 km per year speed and unfortunately India's mission chandrayaan collapsed on moon... my mean to say about failure of that mission is basically the wrong calculation of the recent days moon North and South pole...

if earth pole is changing then automatically the moon pole is also changing but somehow Indian scientist or even all world scientist refuse this thing and the mission moon is collapsed at the the moon surface as India decided to put his robot on moons Pole...

Miracle in wrong calculation by technician of astronomical figure...big surprise...

Moon is sub planet of earth. Earth is main 3rd number planet of soler system... Any other astronomical subject if comes to earth from univers..., first he has to faced moon ... as moon always wanted to safe earth... Henceforth we can see somany spots on even common eyes...

When all kind of mountain pics are find by human then only need to focus on that pics, as are there any trouble or not ???? but human made satellites and put satellites in space and by that way not only the mountain peak but they are trying watching other countries inner criteria also and make disturbed things by such bad minded people to whole good civilian population... Reason behind same is unknown... 

When all other countries in a criteria are find guilty by one nation's supreme power, then they trying to watching on other planet as are there any other pixel or pics available or not??? Specific for Mars...

Hubble space telescope helping much more on same criteria.... even Hubble telescope has much more power in inner side focal lens as we are knowing the same as the word pixel... It find so many new pics of universal territory...

still one kind good person photograph remember in my mind ... you and I made such few words on that part also as Mr Mohammed Ali Zeena, Pakistan's ex president was weared one sided glass only on his eyes...  other way Mr Gandhi, Mr Bose, Mr Saverker were  weared two sided round glass on eyes...

branded one sided ophthalmologist's spacts..

We can make specific word on the round glass of spact but present moment Jay Gurudev Dattatreya....

Sometime, our own few odd negative works also can gives us strength to prove ourself as positive personality.. I have proof... It's like just "narova kunjerova" but mostly I need to define my own life's pics better, when I see down from any pics, means my own legs... New children should be have happiness... 

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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