Saturday 28 November 2020

वासना शब्दका मातृका विचार विस्तार

Here I put few good thoughts on recent days porn factor whichever people are considering as BP and using ladies as standard down Grade matter...

Language is Hindi ... and the word is taken from the different blog Which link given here....and that word is VAA... And VAAH

यहां एक शब्द सोचनीय है। "वासना", "काँ" ओर "कँ" में भी भेद है।

"कँ" को पृथ्वी पर दिखाई दिया हुआ ब्रह्म क्षेत्र कहा है। 

वेद हमे "कँ" ओर "खँ" ब्रह्म की बात जो यजुर्वेद आधारित है वह अनुभवी लोग कह सकते है। वह भी क्षेत्र प्रावधान से।

"काँ" को स्त्री पुरुष सम्बंध से प्रावधान किया है। जिसे "काम" भ्य कह सकते है। मुझे जीसस देव का जन्मदिन ओर देव के प्रादुर्भाव की वार्ता पता है। मुझे मरियम जी को मान देना ही चाहिये। वह भी जीसस से ज्यादा।

"वासना" शब्द का मातृका विचार 

"वा" मतलब आवृत या ढंका हुआ निर्देशित "अ" कार

"स" मतलब सबसे अच्छा

"ना" मतलब हमारा "अ" मतलब जो हम जानते है जिस तरह से, वैसे अर्थ में।

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

For more understand see the adult clips of Bollywood film HAWA...

Bhagavad Geeta as other languages

Yes today is Saturday and think on said subject means Bhagavad Geeta as others language...HOW

Yesterday I made blog on Geeta's total 91 joints alphabets...see the link...

Today I learned that there are total 90+1=91 words are using as joint alphabets in the said book... That is a miracle point of view for Sankhya yog related Matters if understand better on the focused points...

Here I considered maximum without vowels, only two different alphabets jointly shows in shloka.... In English it's showing vowels as a, u etc but in sanskrut it's not .. there are also vowels but if you focusing you can find as said joint alphabets...
Kshetra has ksha

And probably more are to be seen after read the pages by you...

Trying hard to understand thunder energetic alphabets spiritual power of individual energy... Few things hidden by sat tatva... But Vedic sanskrut speak with force of hands and mouth ... So many unknown from that...

The unique significance and remarkable energy field attached with numbers, which were spoken in ancient Arya samaj as Shree Ank...

Or Gujarati literature king of king Shree K Ka shastri's notes are beautiful on same...

Photo of used joint alphabets of Geeta's adhyaay shloka vise ... Mean...see... Dhru is in shlok 2 of adhyaay one are mentioned as 
Adhyaay 1
1 Dhru (2)

Adhyaay 2
6 Klai (3)

Total 90 joints are there with different alphabets and it's energy even more repeating also there...

See the two photos notes...

ie. Alphabet in according ways...

If we consider the first of all only that's
Dhrut Rashtra Uvach than that DHRU is 91 numbers joint cor connected alphabets ...
Thus the alphabet and words itself telling us time travel...

90 means NAVAGVO and 91 means the process would be started of decided by lord or god on specific man or woman or animal or bird or insects...

Human body has nine means Nava and gvo means hole or human body has nine holes...

Bhagavad Geeta is unique details

Lord krushna's total 40 names taken in different shloka as 76 times... 7+6=13

Only 11 chapter has 26 name of lord krushna... With repeating...

Arjun's 20 different names taken in different shloka as 147 times in bhagwad Geeta's all chapter and it's with repeating...1+4+7=12

In Hindu regional religious using 12 13 shraaddh Vidhi or saravni Vidhi or saziya,  etc..

Total Geeta has five grammar's chhand and those are
Anushtup chhand 645
Indra vajra chhand 10
Upendra vajra chhand 4
Upjati chhand 37
Viprit purva chhand 4
Total 700

Geeta has totally 29 questions...

Ancient cultures mesopotamia, Babylon, Greece, yahudi, Arabi and present days Afrikaans, Russia, Spain, Italy, German has many advantages taken from the said jointly alphabet energy on different ways and words or pronouncing it as according...

All languages are different but the few spores joint alphabets used in different places with different languages only for specific command mastery.... Of said sat tatva...

Few region of world are using specific alphabet example like

Greece has S in name like arthos, parthos, aramis, etc... Three masketiyars... And many more...

Russia has s and spa example way Rasputin, Sputnik... And many more...

Hibru language has god name yahavaha...
Yahova god's name has little changes and the name is without vowels... While sanskrut has maximum god name with vowels... Reference notes taken from Father Valece's book "Shabdalok"... य:व: means यहवह

Here little magical words twisting...





VAA MEANS somany with different alphabets...
Vaan means left side And Vaan means body and Vaak means toungue and Only VAA means Knows or knowing the air related matters as HAVAA means air... And it's maximum used as anupad means ":"... And it's pronouncing as "HA"... In sanskrut... So many times you can find in shloka...

Sanskrut symbols are very unique ":" & ";"

The whole meaning of shlok line are 

Vyas is spoken to Ganesh that From me, the shuk son of vyasa) is telling and SANJAY knows or not knowing...

The blog is written by me after getting self Covid 19 Corona positive....

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 26 November 2020

Vedic Gayatri Pariwar and Yellow colour

After rushi vishwamitra Gayatri pariwar is soundly established by pandit Shri ram Sharma in the latest world ie after 1900 century to till time.... Even his daughter and son in law still joined with this Abhiyaan...

Previously so many rushi did their job but mainly known by the respective person...

Why Gayatri sampradaya chosen yellow colour cloth

One note is in my mind that before kidneping of sita , she was passed from fire and only her Shadow taken by raawanaa…as panch mahabhut sharir...

Her yellow colour ornaments are put by her at rushmyuk mountain to sugriv as the path findding by raam... And the ornaments giver to her by Devi Ansuya ... Wife's of rushi atri...

Here we are considering Why the Gayatri sampradaya chosen yellow colour …

Basically sun is red but we can see it’s reduction flame only henceforth we can see it’s yellow colour… on natural way... Otherwise morning and evening colour of sun in pure atmosphere, we can see more different colours by eyes of sun, cloud, sky...

Fire has not any shadow and I have experience on match box stick experiment… If you put light on match stick, the fire can not reflect it’s shadow on wall….

Color Wavelength Frequency Photon energy

Violet380–450 nm 670–790 THz 2.75–3.26 eV

Blue450–485 nm 620–670 THz 2.56–2.75 eV

Cyan485–500 nm 600–620 THz 2.48–2.56 eV

Green500–565 nm 530–600 THz 2.19–2.48 eV

Yellow 565–590 nm 510–530 THz 2.10–2.19 eV

Orange590–625 nm 480–510 THz 1.98–2.10 eV

Red625–700 nm 400–480 THz 1.65–1.98 eV

Even in regular life we can see the lamp light also yellow…

Though light has spactrum of each individual colour… But yellow has unique significance remarkable point of view for the sign of fire…

When we wearing white it’s reflation of lights different and mostly people elect to wear it’s for funeral most of time in India…. Which has also different spectrum….

Sodium light is yellow and it’s giving us two things

One is shalaakaa means black and lightable linings on board or screen by spectroscopy and by that science student find the distance of two light lines… Jain regional ritual's has words about Ramayana and saying as Trishashti Shalaakaa Ram charitra...

We have to manage just the distance of our own Agni's Shalaakaa for getting always enlightenment lighting in our life...

There other things as vyatikaran shalaakaa means shrung and gart means waves graphic design on graph scale that way the science student finding the width of light and black lining of sodium  positive Field of X and Y axis…

Even more the field of our sanskrut or any else alphabets energy field also we can get in These graphs… See the below picture about the X an Y axis with alphabet energy field…

When red and yellow mixed we can get "O"range colour...

See the other examples of lamp and Shiv Linda’s shesh naag … Wherever the shivling with lamp there are flag and Naag MUDRA or the Murthy or sculpture is there and that people consider as lord Shankar poison matter storyline but my part to focus eyes as kshetra and kshetragna matters…

Even more Indian flagship has Also little Mattel umbrella over the flag's attached rode...

Basically Gayatri is a Vedic science, related to yagna and yaag along with Mantra and the body’s five elements with seven kundalini Shakti, dhyana and body’s yogik kriya matter…

When any part's area defined by us we can manage it properly and the same criteria used by Gayatri pariwar or Muni or Rushi or Mantra Drashta's Praneta...

Brahm varchas is the suitable one of word for such little yagna, when done by any HOTA or Aachaarya... Yajmaan has only Havi and Aachaarya giving proper guidance that how to making yagna...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Bhagwad Geeta's 91 joints

In past year 2011 there was such a legal transparency made in Russia country about bhagavad Gita as is it be so true story or true matter what kind of us that thing and legal case merge in that court here I provide the link of that video and then after provide the link of about Russian court decide that bhagavad Gita is worldwide accepted book

Link video shows that ban in Russia for bhagavad Gita

Link news copy shows that Russian court accepted that bhagavad Gita is valid...

See the other link of web newspaper cutting or Web news about same matter

See the case history on Wikipedia link given here...

There are other stories about the only photo of UFO and it's shown in Russia side only and it's image is like giving here by one of my friends painting... And it's showing that the fire are spreaded all over different places of earth...

... 25 दिसंबर, 2020 on the same day  in Hindu religious years calender margshirsh month's mokshadaa ekadashee or agiyaaras available... And as per 5157 yugaabda time year will be cleared of Shri mad bhagvad Gita Which has अविश्वसनीय रहस्य.... Geeta has cleared 5157 years...

भगवत गीता के साथ कई रहस्य सम्मिलित, उनमें से एक गीता में संख्या 9 का importance है। 

महाभारत में कुल 18 त्योहार parva हैं और गीता में भी कुल 18 हैं अध्याय है। इन दोनों का योग 9 है। 

'श्रीमद्द भगवद गीता' में कुल akshar की संख्या भी 9 है। 
गीता में भगवान भगवान कृष्ण के 108 नाम और कुल 108 सुवाक्य हैं।
"योग" शब्द गीता में ९९ बार और कुल ’801’ विषयों का वर्णन है। जिसका टोटल 9 है।
गीता में योग के लिए 54 श्लोक है। सरवाला 9
भगवद गीता में 234 विभूतियों का वर्णन है। सरवाला 9
गीता में राम, प्रहलाद, भृगु, ओर कृष्ण अर्जुन के विविध नाम को देखे तो कुल मिलाके 90 लोग के विविध नाम है।

Any difficulty please do Google or else translate captions thanks...

Ved has unique two factors.. Navagvo and Dashagvo... Means 901 or 910... Means new starting...

Today I learned that there are total 90+1=91 words are using as joint alphabets in the said book... That is a miracle point of view for Sankhya yog related Matters if understand better on the focused points...

Here I considered only two different alphabets jointly shows as like....

I will considering briefly put all alphabet details but sanskrut is unique and hard to compile by me as being Human sanskrut was not my main subject in graduation... But I did it with chamestry...

But trying hard to understand thunder energetic alphabets spiritual power of individual energy...

The unique significance and remarkable energy field attached with numbers, which were spoken in ancient Arya samaj as Shree Ank...

Or K Ka shastri notes are beautiful on same...

Photo of using joint alphabets of Geeta's adhyaay ie. Alphabet in according ways...
If we consider the first of all only that's
Dhrut Rashtra Uvach than that DHRU is 91 numbers joint cor connected alphabets ...
Thus the alphabet and words itself telling us time travel...

90 means NAVAGVO and 91 means the process would be started of decided by lord or god on specific man or woman or animal or bird or insects...

Human body has nine means Nava and gvo means hole or human body has nine holes...

Bhagavad Geeta is unique details
Lord krushna's total 40 names taken in different shloka as 76 times...

Only 11 chapter has 26 name of lord krushna...

Arjun's 20 different names taken in different shloka as 147 times...

Total Geeta has five grammar's chhand and those are
Anushtup chhand 645
Indra vajra chhand 10
Upendra vajra chhand 4
Upjati chhand 37
Viprit purva chhand 4
Total 700

Geeta has totally 29 questions...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 22 November 2020

त्रसरेणु परमाण्वीय वज़न प्राचीन भारतीय प्रमाण मापन एकम

तुलामानं प्रतीमानं सर्वं च स्यात् सुलक्षितम्।
षट्सु षट्सु च मासेषु पुनरेव परीक्षयेत्॥

(अर्थ - राजा को प्रति छः माह पश्चात् भारों (बाटों) तथा तुला (तराजू) की सत्यता सुनिश्चित करके राजकीय मुहर द्वारा सत्यापित करना चाहिए।)

मेरा एक मित्र जो फिलहाल केनेडा है यह ATCO weighing scale में काम करता था। तब तो कुछ मालूम नही था पर जब कुछ पन्ने पढ़े तो उत्सुकता जागरुक होने से यह गुगल पर से मिला तो छाप दिया।

...रत्ती भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप का एक पारम्परिक वज़न का माप है, जो आज भी ज़ेवर तोलने के लिए जोहरियों द्वारा प्रयोग किया जाता है। आधुनिक वज़न के हिसाब से एक रत्ती लगभग ०.१२१२५ ग्राम के बराबर है।
" गुँजा का बीज जिसपर "रत्ती" नाम का वज़न आधारित है
  • ८ धान की एक रत्ती' बनती है
  • ८ रत्ती का एक माशा बनता है
  • १२ माशों का एक तोला बनता है
  • ५ तोलों की एक छटाक बनती है
  • १६ छटाक का एक सेर बनता है
  • ५ सेर की एक पनसेरी बनती है
  • ८ पनसेरियों का एक मन बनता है|

यहां हम त्रसरेणु की बात सोच रहे है। जो अति प्राचीन परमाण्वीय वजन को दिखाने के लिए लिखते थे।

भौतिक विज्ञान की आज की शाखा त्रुटि ओर भूल को व्याख्यायित करती है, पर पुराने ज़माने में उसका प्रमाण हम यहां देख सकते है। उस वक्त भूल का तो अंदाज़ रखे बगैर सिर्फ त्रुटि ही थी और वह भी टेन रेस्ट टू माइनस सेवन (ten rest to minus seven) हो मतलब 0.0000001 हो तब!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

त्रुटि मतलब जिसे हम निकाल नही सकते क्योंकि वह जब मापन यंत्र बना तब उसके मोल्डिंग की वजह से रही हुई खामी।

भूल मतलब भौतिक मापन यन्त्र के प्रयोग दरम्यान अपनी आंखों से निष्पन्न हुई खामी।

उदाहरण तोर पर वर्नियर कैलिपर्स, माइक्रोमीटर स्क्रू जो जानते है उनको पता होगा।

प्राचीन भारतीय माप पद्धति

प्राचीन भारत में माप की कई पद्धतियाँ प्रचलित थीं। अत्यंत प्राचीन काल के बटखरों का आनुपातिक संबंध दहाई (...) पद्धति पर था। इसका अनुपात (कुछ अपवादों को छोड़कर) 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 160, 320, 640, 1600, 3200, 8000, 128000 का था। इन बाटों की सबसे छोटी इकाई 0.2565 ग्राम सिद्ध हुई है।

मनु और याज्ञवल्क्य ने प्राचीन भारत में प्रचलित जिन मान-पद्धतियों का वर्णन दिया है उसकी रूपरेखा इस प्रकार है:

8 त्रिसरेणु = 1 लिक्षा; 

3 लिक्षा = 1 राजसर्षप;

4 राजसर्षप = 1 गौर सर्षप; 

2 गौर सर्षप = 1 यवमध्य

3 यवमध्य = 1 कृष्णल; 

5 कृष्णल = 1 सुवर्णमाष

16 सुवर्णमाष = 1 सुवर्ण; 

4 सुवर्ण = 1 पल

त्रसरेणु या त्रिसरेणु और लिक्षा संभवत: काल्पनिक मान लगते थे पर जब एन्सियन्ट एलियन वालोंने अगत्स्य ऋषि का बैटरी का प्रावधान कॉपर यानी तांबे के ज़रिये बताया तो आज वह सच लगा तो विधानमें "थे" से "सच हे" पढा। 

राजसर्षप, गौरसर्षप, यव और कृष्णल वास्तविक मान थे जिनका व्यवहार सुवर्ण जैसी कीमती चीजों को तौलने में होता था। मनु के अनुसार 10 पल का एक धरण होता था। चाँदी के लिये एक भिन्न मान भी था, जिसका विवरण इस प्रकार है:

2 कृष्णल = रौप्यमाष
16 रौप्यमाष = 1 धरण
10 धरण = 1 पल

जैसे 4 सुवर्ण का 1 पल होता था, उसी प्रकार 4 कर्ष का भी एक पल माना गया है। मनु के हिसाब से 1 कर्ष 80 रत्ती का होता था। चरकसंहिता में कर्ष के आधार पर बाटों का विरण इस प्रकार दिया है —

4 कर्ष = 1 पल; 

2 पल = 1 प्रसृति

2 प्रसृति = 1 कुड़व; 

4 कुड़व = 1 प्रस्थ

4 प्रस्थ = 1 आढ़क; 

4 आढ़क = 1 द्रोण

चरक की मानपद्धति में द्रोणभार 1024 तोले अथवा 12 4/5 सेर होता था। किंतु अर्थशास्त्र के अनुसार द्रोण 800 तोले अथवा 10 सेर का ही होता था। वैसे चरक और अर्थशास्त्र की मानपद्धति एक ही है। अंतर केवल कुड़व के वजन के कारण था। अर्थशास्त्र का कुड़व 50 तोले का और चरक का कुड़व 256 तोले का था।
कौटिल्य ने द्रोण से भारी बाटों का भी उल्लेख किया है। इनका विवरण इस प्रकार है–

16 द्रोण = 1 खारी = 4 मन
20 द्रोण = 1 कुंभ = 5 मन
10 कुंभ = 1 वट्ट = 50 मन

हीरों की तौल में तंड्डुल और वज्रधारण मानों का उपयोग होता था। 20 तंड्डल का 1 वज्रधारण होता था।
भूमिमाप के लिये अथवा दूरी और लंबाई नापने के लिये सबसे छोटी इकाई अंगुल थी। शास्त्रों में, विशेषतया अर्थशास्त्र (2। 20। 2-6) में, अंगुल से भी नीचे के परिमाण दिए हैं।

8 परमाणु = 1 रथरेणु;
8 रथरेणु = 1 लिक्षा;
8 लिक्षा = 1 यूकामध्य;
8 यूकामध्य = 1 यवमध्य;
8 यवमध्य = 1 अंगुल;

अंगुल के बाद की इकाइयों का विवरण इस प्रकार है –
4 अंगुल = 1 धनुग्र्रह
8 अंगुल = 1 धनुर्मुष्टि
12 अंगुल = 1 वितास्ति अथवा 1 छायापुरुष
14 अंगुल = 1 शम या शल या 1 परिरथ या 1 पद
2 वितास्ति अथवा 24 अंगुल = 1 अररत्नि या 1 प्राजापत्य हस्त (इस प्राजापत्य हस्त का व्यवहार मुख्यतया भूमि नापने में होता था)
28 अंगुल = 1 हाथ (चारागाह मापने में उपयोगी)
32 अंगुल = 1 किष्कु (छावनी में लकड़ी चीरने की माप के लिए)
42 अंगुल = 1 हाथ (बढ़ई के काम के लिए)
84 अंगुल = 1 हाथ (कुंए तथा खाई की माप के लिए)
4 अरत्नि = 1 दंड;
10 दंड = 1 रज्जु
2 रज्जु = 1 परिदेश;
3 रज्जु अथवा 30 दंड = 1 निवर्तन
10 निवर्तन = 1 धनु
2000 धनु = 1 गोरुत अथवा कोस,
4 गोरुत = 1 योजन

प्राचीन भारत के इन मानों का प्रचलन तथा प्रभाव पूर्वमध्यकालीन और मध्यकालीन आर्थिक जीवन पर भी प्रचुर रहा, यद्यपि आनुपातिक संबंधों और नामों पर प्रदेश और शासनभेद का भी प्रभाव पड़ा। श्रीधर के गणितसार में पूर्वमध्यकालीन मानपद्धति का विवरण इस प्रकार है–

4 पावला = 1 पाली; 

4 पाली = 1 मड़ा (माना)

4 मड़ा = 1 सेई; 

12 मड़ा = 1 पदक

4 पदक = 1 हारी; 

4 हारी = 1 मानी

मध्यकाल में तौल के संबंध में रत्ती, माशा, तोला, छटाँक, सेर तथा मन का उल्लेख मिलता है। इसकी मानपद्धति इस प्रकार थी–

8 रत्ती = 1 माशा; 

12 माशा = 1 तोला

5 तोला = 1 छटाँक; 

4 छटाँक = 1 पाव

4 पाव अथवा 16 छटाँक = 1 सेर; 

40 सेर = 1 मन

सामान्यतया 1 मन = 40 सेर होता था। 1 सेर की तौल अबुलफजल के अनुसार 18 दाम थी। दामवाला सेर प्राचीन 1 प्रस्थ से तुलनीय है। अकबर ने सेर का मान 28 दाम कर दिया था। अकबर का इलाही दाम लगभ 322.7 ग्रेन के बराबर था। इस प्रकार उसके 28 दामवाला मन 51.63 पौंड लगभग 25।। सेर के बराबर था। जहाँगीर का मन (मन ए जहाँगीरी) 36 दाम अर्थात्‌ 66.38 पौंड था। शाहजहाँ ने सेर के मूलभूत मान में परिवर्तन किया। उसका सेर (सेरे शाहजहानी) 1 दाम के बराबर होता था। इसी सेरे शाहजहानी का नाम औरंगज़ेब के काल में आलमगीरी पड़ा। इस काल में 1 मन 43 या 44 दाम अथवा आलमगीरी का होता था। भूमि नापने के लिये अकबर के काल में बीघा-ए-इलाही प्रचलित था जो 3/4 एकड़ के बराबर था। शाहजहाँ तथा औरंगजेब के काल में बीघा-उ-दफ्तरी प्रचलित हुआ जो बीघ-ए-इलाही का 3/5 अर्थात् 0.59 एकड़ होता था।

2018 से विश्व की बदली हुई वज़न तोलमाप की प्रणाली की जानकारी देने वाली वेब लिंक

भारतीय वज़न का प्रावधान दर्शाती लिंक

मापन से सम्बन्धित भारतीय ग्रन्थ

  • ब्रह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त का २२वाँ अध्याय (यन्त्राधिकार)[1]
  • यन्त्रराज या यन्त्रराजागम -- १३७० में जैन मुनि महेन्द्र सूरि द्वारा रचित
  • यन्त्रप्रकाश -- सन १४२८ में नैमिषारण्य के रामचन्द्र वाजपेयी द्वारा रचित
  • यन्त्रशिरोमणि -- सन १६१५ में जम्मूसर के विश्राम द्वारा रचित
  • तुर्यतन्त्रप्रकाश -- सन १५७२ ई में काम्पिल्य के भूधर द्वारा रचित
  • यन्त्राधिकार -- पद्मनाभ
  • दिक्साधनायन्त्र -- पद्मनाभ
  • ध्रुवभ्रमाधिकार -- पद्मनाभ

कुछ भारतीय मापन यन्त्र

  • ब्रह्मगुप्त ने अपने ब्रह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त के 'यन्त्राधिकार' नामक अध्याय में अनेकानेक यन्त्रों का विधिवत वर्णन किया है, जैसे- घटिका, शंकु, चक्र, धनुष, तुर्यगोल, याष्टि, पीठ, कपाल, और कर्तारी।
  • सम्राटयन्त्र
  • ध्रुवभ्रमयन्त्र[2][3]
  • दोलायन्त्र [4]
  • तिर्यक्पातनयन्त्र,
  • डमरूयन्त्र,
  • धुर्वभ्रमयन्त्र,
  • पातनयन्त्र,
  • राधायन्त्र,
  • धरायन्त्र,
  • ऊर्ध्वपातनयन्त्र,
  • स्वेदनीयन्त्र,
  • मूसयन्त्र,
  • कोष्ठियन्त्र,
  • यन्त्रमुक्त,
  • खल्वयन्त्र

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

जय हिंद 

जय हिंद

गायत्री वाले पण्डित श्री राम शर्मा को हिमालय के छाया पुरुष बहुत मदद करते थे ऐसा पढ़ा है।
12 अंगुल = 1 वितास्ति अथवा 1 छायापुरुष

 Present days the world is using below mentioned calculation... Five photos...

These all are means matric calculation sentences are available in Victor campas box's upper flap inner side...

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Bye bye recession, planning

India need to focus on internal set up only... Not only India but every country... Who believe that the smaller volume business are useless... Basically mobile, TV fridge, internet are not increasing sales but the need of vegetables, fruits, seeds, beens, salads products are making volume of smaller businesses in Worldwide recession...  
See the simple example...

My visit to the vegetable shop

First Customer:  Give me 100 grams of Tindola


second customer : give me 100 grams of Bhiloda.

Vegetable shopkeeper : Both are the same. May I give you 200 grams? (For increased sales promotion marketing style)

Myself: One is from Rajasthan, and the other is from Gujarat. Both states has different name of same one agriculture product... Surprised matter isn't it's true????

Little joke is here but matter if we understand depth, the major problems automatically we can solve... When recession is there...  

See the Chinese President sentences on internal business... Read the giving link blog...

Government need to understand demand and availablity of each and all smaller products after compiling details of all inner states, all consumer and durables items sales Ratio ways...

... Jai Hind....

Jay Gurudev Dutt

Jigar Mehta

My mother with Ushtra, camel, Unt... At UNTCANTHESHWAR TEMPLE RIVER SIDE...

Friday 20 November 2020

Neighbor's marketing strategie's and our compliance

India has big international market and marketing tricks without internal states collaboration and adjustment with arrangements, but seen so many times that when import export standard going high scale, it is directly effects our currency's international value... and some how made degradation...

Once we faced for agriculture related seeds and fertilizer cost, if our export scales higher, cost of desi producton and retail or wholesale standard needs not going down, but need to touch higher scale, but if it's gone higher, the dollar, pound, Euro, became strong instead rupees strong internationally... 

Once it's surprised me in in running or near to ending of 2020 we needs standard Ratio in international business market for Indian currency level...

Indian farmers suffered lot by that way...

Somany big trader getting benefits of EXIM policies reverse way... 

Government need to focus on said part at all levels, when and if China making slow down international productions or trades, India can get benefit but not on losses of international currencies downgrading ... 
This is epic news for all EXIM policies related People...

Indian government need to focus on demand and availablity

I liked China's president's decision,.. 

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya


US BRICS flying look

Miracle of 2020's second last month's news... 

Brazil has Amazon River but still Corona has not vaccine...

Russian President Putin's Parkinson is not major problem...

India still not having strong opposition main leadership Face...

China traders has problems with world's EXIM policies...

South Africa has still so many Tribes with safe zone... 

USA has two president in Corona Time... and tobe vice president is a lady Kamala Harrison...

England has Boris and Morison named big brand, but second lockdown at London...

It's flying look of us BRICS...

As God is Great... And old is gold...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Extra Dhinchaak Shot...
See the photo story... Or make the photo story of your imagination...
We are one
Finger tips or real DNA tips of God
Leafs steps
Groot of trees
Lamp of flowers

Krushna Pinglam

Wednesday 18 November 2020


હાલરડું... હે માઁ, તારા પ્રેમ માટે હું રડું છું...

મતલબ ઊંચો છે.. નાના બાળકની ન કહેલી પણ એને શબ્દ સાક્ષાત્કાર મા સાંભળી ને માઁ ની અનુભૂતિ ની એક વિનવણી છે. જે બાળક કદી કહેતું નથી પણ લોકગીતો ના શબ્દો માં છુપાયેલી મમતાની સ્નેહ ગાંઠ છે.

...હાલરડું માને ગાવા થી બાળક રડતું અટકે એવું કહેવાય છે પણ હકીકત મા તો બાળક ને અપાતી માની સ્નેહ શુભાષીશ છે...

હાલરડું ... મતલબ ... "માઁ તું ગા, નહિ તો હું રડીશ" અથવા, "હું રડું છું માટે તું ગા" ... એમ નહિ પણ "તારો અવાજ મને ગમે છે, તારી હૂંફ મને છે, એ અહેસાસ મારી પાસે રહે એ આશય થી છે"

મારી દીકરી દ્વિજા માટે મારી પત્ની વૈભવી એના અવાજમાં હવા નહતી ભરાતી તો પણ પૂર્ણ રાગ સાથે ગાવાની કોશિશ કરતી હતી તે આ હાલરડું છે...એના શબ્દો ને યાદ નહતા પણ મુખડું યાદ હતું આથી નવા શબ્દો બનાવ્યા છે...

હાલરડું :- આલ વ્હાલ ને આલા......... આ...... લા...

આલ વ્હાલને આલા
દ્વિજાને હિંચકા ઘણા વ્હાલા..આ..લા 
આલ વ્હાલને આલા
દ્વિજાને ઊંઘ મા આવે સપના સારા..આ..લા
આલ વ્હાલને આલા
દ્વિજા ના માઁ બાપ છે સારા મા સારા..આ..લા
આલ વ્હાલને આલા
દ્વિજા ના ઝાંઝર છે તરોતાઝામાઝા..આ..લા
આલ વ્હાલને આલા
દ્વિજા ને બજરીયા છે લોખંડ જેવા..આ..લા
આલ વ્હાલને આલા
દ્વિજા ના દાદા દાદી હતા માખણ જેવા..આ..લા 

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય

જય હિન્દ

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

અનુક્રમે દ્વિજા, વૈભવી અને હું, વાલમ જૈન દેરાસર...

Tuesday 17 November 2020

श्वास उच्छ श्वास

मेरा श्वसन कहां पर है।
पूर्ण विराम ही सोचा प्रश्नार्थ नही, 
पूर्ण विराम क्या हो सकता है?
एक एक श्वसन क्रिया की आवर्तन किसीभी योगिक क्रिया से परे है।
शरीर की सप्त कुंडलिनी को पहचाने या संस्कृत के एक ही शब्द के सप्तमी विभक्ति रूप को वह भी सोचनीय है।

एक गुजराती आलेख का आमुख का शीर्षक था,
"उछिना श्वास"
उन्हें कोन समजाए राधा का पिता भी वृषभान था।
कृष्ण का "अ" ध्राण बनने से पहले वह एक बेटी भी है।
कृष्ण को बचाने वाली नन्द की बेटी भी तो पराम्बा रही।
कहां गयी? आसमान में कंस से? 
जवाब है लिखा हुआ, "हाँ"।
ज़हरीले पान, तम्बाकू, मसाले, निकोटिनेमाइड चाय वाला या तो कॉफी का केफीन उस वक्त नही था।
फिरभी मौत तो त्यजि नही जाती थी।
जहां पर शस्त्रो वाली लड़ाई है उसको छोड़ कर विश्व मे हर 10 स्क्वेर मीटर पर कुछ न कुछ हिसाब से मौत है।
मेरी बात तो सिर्फ प्राण वायु पर सीमित है। 
उदान, समान, अपान औरभी कुल 10 किस्म के वायु मण्डल में है।
मेरी O२ एवम CO2 की जानकारी कम है, लेकिन आजही अचरज वाला आश्चर्य हुआ।
वही मेरे लिए रयिणाम हुआ।
विक्रम संवत २०७७ का पहला ब्लेंक डे मतलब खाली दिन, मतलब धोखा दिन बहुत कुछ कह गया।
लेकिन फिरभी में अपने स्वच्छ श्वसन की तलाश कर रहा हुं।

खास नोंध :=● वायु के 10 नाम●


My wife's words for me.. Useless Facts I have... 

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

जय हिंद

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Sunday 15 November 2020


What is Rugved ved?
As per Agni Purana ekakshar Kosh, sandhi & matruka
र+उ+( क+क )+वे+द=ऋग्वेद
"क" दो खोडाक्षर, "व"+"ए" स्वर से जुड़ने से "ग" संधि
जैसेकि "बृहत" नही पर "बृहद" वैसे
"र" आयामित, "उ" नन्हे पाँच क्षेत्रीय "क" से जाना/कहा/सुना गया हुआ ऊर्जा वाला "क" वेद

What is Raakshasa ved?

थोड़ा उल्टा पुल्टा

अ र क्ष स = रा क्ष स

ब्रह्म में निर्देशित या दिखे हुए "अ" कार रूपी सत तत्व को रक्षा देने वाला सूंदर वेद।

वेद मतलब ए वद। 
कहा गया हुआ
सुना गया हुआ
देखा गया हुआ

को संभाला हुआ और वह भी गुप्त रूपसे।

राक्षस वेद पांचवा आयुर्वेद है। लिंक पढ़े।

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

जय हिन्द... 

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

CALI KO Mill and kitchen as Restaurant

Calico or Kaliko or CALIKO
Personal memories notes....
CALI KO Mill and Restaurant Hindi English language sentence means restaurant and mill of lord goddess KAALEE

Ahmedabad is one of most popular from the said name at once as the only was huge mill or company or organisation which was produced cotton clothing to very different fabrics material clothing to market... And it's founder was Mr Sarabhai and his family... Yes of course the Indian Great scientists.... family of Dr Vikram Sarabhai... My grand father (mummy's original daddy) ie NANA was general manager in it and my uncle was on supervisor post in same organisation...

By the name Calico, Ahmedabad known as Manchester for cloth once...

After my marriage and after few years, I came to know that my brother in law's Father in law's also was manner in it...

And  Mr Chandrkant Shah uncle and my Nana Mr DhruvmannKant Bhatt Both were friends in same organisation....

When I was worked for sharbat company, it's MD was once said to some one that he want to put out his daddy from MILL...

Today Diwali and watched The TV show on TLC channel the restaurant impossible and I watched the epic episode of Kaliko Kitchen.... I surprised and start writing few things which ifeel it's important...

See the website of said restaurant in USA available...

USA has city, name California, isn't it?
Basically Kali or Cali mean Devi lord or Goddess which is narrated three types of form in shiv Maha Purana...

1 Veer Bhadra (male) and Bhadra Kali (female) as ready to accept such force of man or ready to support the Shiv Gana Bhadra..

2 Daughter of Lord Shiva and Parvati but that time her name is KAUSHIKI...

3 Mother of Shiva or Aghor Shiva or rudra as saving a child...

See the link to know what is Kali

Recent days just passed away the Kali chaudas day regarding Diwali...

In village some children doing mer MERAIYU, which is fire part small rituals ... Of Diwali ... 

Any way this time few odds with new year day...

Vikram Samvat 2076 last day is very important to me and today not new year day but only a blank day or blank tithi... it's presenting very good senses for all on all levels... 

Happy Diwali...

शनिवासर दीप पर्व संध्याये प्रज्ञा ज्योतस्य जातवेदोम आवह त्वम कायास्थये च मनोविचार क्रियाये। शुभ ज्योत पर्व शुभकामना।

... વિક્રમ સંવત 2077 ના નવા શુભદિન પહેલા આ વખતે પડતર દિવસ, જેને ધોકો કહે છે ગુજરાતી ભાષા માં તેવું છે.... જે રવિવારે છે અને સોમવારે સવારે બેસતું વર્ષ અને એજ દિવસે તરત ભાઈબીજ છે...
કમાલ છે ભારતીય કલન્દર... તિથિઓ...

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय। जय हिंद।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 14 November 2020


मेर मेरैयु MER MERAIYU

वाक्य की वैदिक समझ एवम मेरी  प्रथम पूर्वधारणा अनुसार...
मैं "र" मतलब नवगवो सजीव, मेरे ही "र" आयाम के ऐश्वर्य को, ज्ञान को, विद्या को, प्रदीप्त करने की अभ्यर्थना कर रहा हूं, है देव, स्वीकार करके मदद करो।

When children move forward at different home of their surrounding neighbours ... Same moment he speaking the below sentences... I did it previously, henceforth I know little for the same... My grand father and grand mother jointly moved forward with me along with said mashaal or MER MERAIYU.. And even more I know little things about it... My understanding is that and when I did it then after our neighbors got son, who are belongs to limdi village, means kathiyawad, then they made his son's name KIRAAT... His full name is KIRAAT NikhilBhai Rawal... 

How to made it means MER MERAIYU??

गन्ने के एक छोर पर काप करके उसमें आड़ी छोटी लकड़ी भरके ऊपर कपड़े से लपेटना होता है। फिर तेल ता घी की ज्योत जलानी होती है।

मेर मेरैयु, मेर मेरैयु
ઘી પુરાવે એને ઘેટો દીકરો
તેલ પુરાવે એને રૂપાળી દીકરી

For further see the YouTube video link given below

Jigar Mehta  /  Jaigishya

Friday 13 November 2020

Raakshas Veda

What is Raakshasa ????

What is Raakshasa vedas ????

Basically the fifth Veda is Ayurveda, but the same practical way in need of approach to human, animal, birds, hybreed.. henceforth in some regions in the ancient times the same Aayurved known as Raakshas Veda... And Shree Maha Atharvan rushi generated the Atharva Ved samhita as the one of most prior based structure of shloka and mantra and by that hidden effects of that chanting, released got from the bad or negative part of body or the else or  only from the combined 3 or 4 body's elements, instead of  panchmahabhut body's structure...

Bollywood film Rudraksh has little limited notes in same word and inspired me to write the blog.... About Raakshas Veda... See the link and it's time duration is 1.00.00 to 1.08.00....

The useful or meaningful words comes from alphabet which are specific sign of such symbols and the process of making that helpful to other by someone is known as muni, rushi or mantra drashtaa...

And if people accepted all as correct than the things considered as sat tatva prakruti which makes more better and best things in future... and If not than....the Sam was known as AVIDYA... Instead of Vidya...

Human body is made from five elements, we all know that but if from four or three or two some one ready to run that body by his own knowledge and if successful getting  it..than the society know as the person as God or Raakshas ...

How... See..

From The Brahm Vidya aayaam, the person who introduced himself as new or his knowledge is different from other and if that is somehow wrong in other eyes or if it is proven wrong theory from established knowledge or the new comers knowledge is poor against the scholar Acharya and if that person denied to surrender him means that Acharya than the ancient aarys society know him as Raakshas...and certain rules for him means Raakshas and if that Raakshas denied or disobey those rules than the established Arya society killed that person.

The world's all languages are proofs of certain method of sajeev survival skills by using speaking specific pronouncing alphabet more and more...

First was Brahmilipi and after cracking code when earth has seven bhumandal... than the man body getting seven chakra than so many things available on earth and still available...

Raakshas known as Agni veer, Aagiyo Vetaal known at mehsana district Gujarat, few other name would be there in Indian small region... for Raakshas...

Famous Chanakya had one minister and his name was Amaatya Raakshas...

Raawanaa was king of all asura or Raakshas Why....???

Raawanaa one name is dashanana... Means the person who knows the all 10 ten dimensions knowledge which we are know as the 2d, 3d 4d or .... 10 d videos...

We are knowing about 3d film but Dubai's mall has 10D show for children... It's looking live, real... But shooted on reel...

Raawanaa made the shiv Tandava stotra which content are developed inbuilt the BEEJ Mantra method...

Henceforth he knowing as the king of king of all asura or Raakshas...

Beej Mantra means processes of shlok or mantra and by tgat the DNA of one beej will not empty until and unless the earth disappear from universe's place ... Remarkable sentence....

Few examples of beej Mantra

Om gam ganpataye namaha

Om shan shanishchraya namaha

Alphabet than the word with same alphabetd god name... And Namaha mean like pranaam but not pranaam but as giving kind of respect way ... Meaning full words...

Learn the words ....

Raawanaa, Kumbhakarna, Vibhishan and Shurpankha

Raawanaa means buna hua R... Means furnished R mean one person's AshtaNidhi rup Which can used by other for Brahm Vidya and that is either in his knowledge or without knowledge.  A word KIRAAT is famous for same work... The other two phases are related to chitrkut ... Means we can see the photo in two phases not on three d but two d... chitra means photo and out means deep unsolved or hard questions...

It content consider with Jainism's parshwanath and moreover better understand you can see the Hollywood film the prince of given below... Sands miracle for time travel...

Kumbhakarna means the whole processes by the Karna means ear and by ear the whole Face

Vibhishan means the person who developed himself better way in all surrounding Raakshas caste... Or that kumbh or kalash...

Shurpankha sister means the lady who eat other God or Sura or sat chit tatva by the kaamvasnaa and giving save factor to the brother whose face famous... As like for raawanaa... Other way the Man getting his sperm down and thus he looses his enlightenment knowledge or Vidya...

By the beej mantra the person making new words and that way the new mantra making new god... either himself or other....

It's like the hybreed viruses matter relating theory... 1920 bird flue is now getting Covid 19 naval Corona... From SARS group...

And his Vac means speech or toungue still not considered as cine. means PAaP...  We know the word as Vaccination point of view... Word vaccine ... 

Vibhishan is like Dasyu... 

विभीषण मतलब जो विशिष्ठ रूप से भीषण मतलब भयानक हो वैसा। 

Further see the link for understanding language how helping to establishing new words and other religious

Hybreed Viruses about Corona and hibru language

Reference taken from Google pdf which are mentioned in Hindi language...

... आर्यों के अत्याचार का शिकार माने गए दास या दस्यु ही राक्षस समझ लिए गए हैं | वस्ततः राक्षस शब्द का अर्थ दस्यु या दास के काफ़ी पास है | परंतु राक्षस को भिन्न नस्ल या वंश मानना कोरी कल्पना ही है |

पहले के लेखों में हम देख ही चुके हैं कि दास या दस्यु कोई भिन्न जाति या नस्ल नहीं बल्कि विध्वंसकारी गतिविधियों में रत मनुष्यों को ही कहा जाता था |

राक्षस कौन हैं और वेद में स्त्री राक्षसी के भी वध की आज्ञा क्यों दी गई है ? यह देखेंगे –

ऋग्वेद ७ |१०४| २४

हे राजेन्द्र !  आप पुरुष राक्षस का और छल कपट से हिंसा करने वाली स्त्री राक्षसी का भी वध करो | वे दुष्ट राक्षस भोर का उजाला न देखें |

यहां राक्षसों को यातुधान ( जो मनुष्यों के निवास स्थान पर आक्रमण करते हैं ) और क्रव्याद ( कच्चा मांस खाने वाले ) कहा गया है |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|१७

जो राक्षसी रात में उल्लू के समान हिंसा करने के लिए निकलती है, वह अन्य राक्षसों के साथ नष्ट हो जाए |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४| १८

हे बलवान रक्षकों ! आप प्रजा में विविध प्रकार से रक्षा के लिए स्थित हों | विध्वंसकारी और रात्रि में आक्रमण करने वाले राक्षसों को पकड़ें |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|२१

परम ऐश्वर्यशाली राजा, हिंसा करने वाले तथा शांतिमय कार्यों में विघ्न करने वाले राक्षसों का नाशक है |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|२२

उल्लू, कुत्ते, भेड़िये, बाज़ और गिद्ध के समान आक्रमण करनेवाले जो राक्षस हैं, उनका संहार करो |

स्पष्ट है कि राक्षस शब्द तबाही मचाने वाले, क्रूर आतंकियों और भयंकर अपराधियों के लिए प्रयुक्त हुआ है | ऐसे महादुष्ट पुरुष या स्त्री दोनों ही दंड के पात्र हैं |

इसी सूक्त के दो मंत्र राक्षस कर्म से बचने के लिए कहते हैं –

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|१५

यदि मैं यातुधान ( मनुष्यों के निवास स्थान पर आक्रमण करने वाला) हूं और यदि मैं किसी मनुष्य के जीवन को नष्ट करता हूं | यदि मैं ऐसा हूं तो, हे भगवन! मैं आज ही मर जाऊं | परंतु यदि मैं ऐसा नहीं हूं तो, जो मुझको व्यर्थ ही यातुधान कहता है वह नष्ट हो जाए |

ऋग्वेद ७|१०४|१६

जो मुझको यातुधान या राक्षस कहता है, जबकि मैं राक्षस नहीं हूं, और जो राक्षसों के साथ होने पर भी स्वयं को पवित्र कहता है ऐसे दोनों प्रकार के मनुष्यों का नाश हो |

जो सदाचारी जनों को झूठे ही कलंकित करे और स्वयं राक्षसों – आतंकियों का समर्थक होकर भी सदाचारी बनने का दंभ करे, ऐसे भयंकर समाज घातकों के लिए भी वेद में दयाभाव के बिना विनाश की आज्ञा है |


Moreover the word used for making full name or mantra for society is important and if  you can get it's mastery, never can defeats you...

Dasyu means the yajan of D  for U...

The word is Da sya U...

And that is the theory of making one god or Raakshas either good or bad...

Let's together praying for the VACCINE of Corona.......

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 12 November 2020

Hybreed Viruses and India

There were every moment on earth special places has on so called time various compititon made by nature in all different stages or factor...

Few examples

Mughal's has only policies on rulling, they did but while so many Rajputana or rajwada had music compititon and mostly baiju bawra and tansen...while Europe has science and other activities during 300 hundred years... ie 1600 to 1900... years centuries...

And not stoped by that only but making patern of products by name was also rised from that time... As name of proud of country ...

The same are giving few odds during these Corona pandemic... How, is question but few observed points...

My concern with the hybread viruses of cold and cough... There are not any pattern trademarks but nature did it very sadly and rudely... World is suffering from bird flue since 1921... and Now from 2020 as Corona effects... After a century time...

What necessary of expanding the virus in same group as more dangerous highbreeed is a question in my mind... May be other have same but I wrote it...

Indian Ayurvedic medicine has the key and capacity to remove any virus or bacteria from body from it's last unit.. or cell ...

But the limited or bounded education sources focus only on medicine facilities which comes from fishes, artificial chamicle etcetera...

See the best example...

Previously in India mostly did neem's daatan, means the liquid of the wooden stick move forward all over in mouth till the digestive system back gate and people were healthy...

Than Colgate came with carbonet bubble and broken the Idea ... now again the same Colgate company came with neem Shakti... Where we are stands??? As Indian...!!!

See the WhatsApp reference notes... language Gujarati...

દક્ષિણ આફ્રિકાની એક યુનિવર્સીટીના દરવાજા પર નીચે મુજબનો અદભૂત સંદેશ લખેલો છે. 

" જો તમે કોઇપણ રાષ્ટ્રનું અસ્તિત્વ ખતમ કરી દેવા માંગતા હોય તો અણૂબોંબ કે મીસાઇલ ફેંકવાની જરૂર નથી, પણ એ દેશના શિક્ષણની ગુણવત્તાને ખતમ કરી દો અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓને પાસ થવા માટેના ટૂંકા અને અનૈતિક રસ્તાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરતા કરી દો એટલે એ દેશ આપો આપ ખતમ થઇ જશે કારણ કે...

આવા ડોકટરોના હાથથી અનેક દર્દીઓ મોતને ભેટશે,

આવા ઇજનેરોના હાથથી બનેલા અનેક મકાનો અને પૂલો જમીનદોસ્ત થઇ જશે,

આવા અર્થશાસ્ત્રીઓ અને હીસાબનીશોના હાથથી દેશનું અર્થતંત્ર ખોખલું થઇ જશે અને નાણા વ્યવસ્થા ખોરવાઇ જશે. 

આવા ધર્મગુરુઓના હાથથી માનવતા ઉજાગર થવાને બદલે મરી પરવરશે,

આવા જજ અને વકીલોના હાથથી ન્યાયનું ગળું ટૂંપાય જશે,

"શિક્ષણનું પતન એ દેશનું પતન છે."

"Downgrading education means downgrading Nation.."

Other simple example..

Reservations was that old time matter means about 1950.. As very poor education Ratio when we got freedom... Now means at 2020 the Indian Ratio is higher in education but still reservations available...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

JAY Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

See the whole hibru language covered in star...

Wednesday 11 November 2020

language!? what is that?!

Basically my subject was difficult and different but trile based tried on same... 
My subject was...

Interest types money and benefits from  foreign language and it's limited alphabet numbers 26... In vyaakaran (grammar) samaas, alankaar and chhand...

But take advantage of newspaper article and mentioned things whatever I known by sadkrupa buddhi...

Well I previously known that fact which had learnt by my father that world has two common sign for eating food and drinking water... 
For food eating... Four fingers and thumb combined attached put near to mouth is ancient style
Covered Palm by fingers and Only thumb put near to mouth is drinking water ancient style...

Now see the language part...

German alphabet is the part of languages that’s origins trace back to early 700s. German contains the twentysix letters of the English alphabet and adds the extra letters ä, ö, ü and ß. 

All German letter have upper and lowercase version except for ß. The letter ß will never be at the start of a word. See the german language chart.

The Spanish language is written using the Spanish alphabet, which is the Latin script with one additional letter: eñe ⟨ñ⟩, for a total of 27 letters.

The French alphabet is based on the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, uppercase and lowercase, with five diacritics and two orthographic ligatures. Standard French contrasts up to 12 oral vowels and up to 4 nasal vowels.

See the Portuguese Brazilian alphabets here hinder with chart... that also about near 26..

The Russian alphabet uses letters from the Cyrillic script to write the Russian language. The modern Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters.
German, English other has 26 alphabets
Russian has 33 alphabets
Sanskrut and Hindi along with Gujarati has little changed alphabetd and mostly bear 49 numbers alphabets...

संस्कृत Shivambu महत्व is different but will consider later on...

Different Matter written but having little participation for same in Hindi too...

पुरुष सूक्त यजुर्वेद में कहि पर पुरुख सूक्त। ओर जहां ज है उसे य कहा है। वह वेदके शाखाकीय प्रबंधन में पढ़ा था।

बहुपत्नीत्व प्रथा का आर्य समाज में विविध धर्म के साथ विस्तृति एवम संकोचन से वर्तमान स्थिति।

92 बानू, ब्यानवे की संख्या एवम इजिप्त की भाई बहन सीरियस ओसायरस की बात जो बीज के अनुसंधान पर गॉड भगवान की पुश्त की बात। DNA की सुरक्षाकी लम्बी थियोरी।

पिरुज़, रुजान piruz ruzan brother and sister common are RU...and here little special note by reference of Mr Ashok Chavda.. for faarsee word RU... You can translate by Google.. for understanding...
રૂમાલ દૈનિક જીવનના વ્યવહારમાં ચલણી થયેલો ફારસી શબ્દ ‘રૂમાલ’ વાસ્તવમાં 'રૂ' અર્થાત્ ચહેરો, મુખાકૃતિ, મુખ, મોંઢુ અને માલ” અર્થાત્ સામાન, જગત, વિશ્વ એમ બે શબ્દોનું યુગ્મ છે. આમ, રૂમાલ એટલો ચહેરો લૂછવાનો કાપડનો ટુકડો કે સામાન, દુપટ્ટો, શાલ, અંગૂઠો ઇત્યાદિ, રૂમાલનો ફારસી પર્યાય રૂપાક છે જ, પરંતુ એ રૂમાલ જેટલો વિશેષ પ્રયોજાતો નથી. સાહિત્યકારો અને ભાવકો ‘દાદ' શબ્દસૌદર્ય શબ્દથી પરિચિત હોય જ. દાદ સાથે રૂ આવે એટલે રૂદાદ કે રૂએદાદ અર્થાત્ કેફિયત, રૂબરૂ અર્થાત્ આમનેસામને સન્મુખ, હાજર કરવું. દર અર્થાતુ ઘરનો દરવાજો, ઘૂંઘટમાં મુખ છુપાયેલું રહે છે એટલે ઘૂંઘટ માટે રૂ-બંદ. ભાગેડુ માટે રૂ-પોશ, પૃથ્વીની સપાટી એમ કહીએ. એની તુલનામાં રૂ-એ-ઝમીં કેટલું કાવ્યાત્મક ભાસે છે! ધબકાર જીવન સૂચક છે તો રૂબકાર ચિત્તની એકાગ્રતા.

દાક્તર અશોક ચાવડા

मनन मनन manan friend and his brother in law name also manan... Manan means thought

नीरज नीरज my friend name is Niraj but his wife's husband and brother's names are same which  are uncommon issues..

जरत्कारु जरत्कारु jaratkaaru name related to vedokt based Mahabharata's story for Arjun great grand son janmejay yagna...

I AM giving respect to God Ashojarthushtra...

Different names of Prostitute in Hindi are 
सौतन, means all body or 100 body
रखेल, means playing R factors related to body means hole
Raand र अण्ड, means the lady's periods time material when played by someone...
वेश्या, means the lady related to trade factor of body...
गणिका। Means Shakti of such specific crowd which maintains special person's sperm or having contact for special reasons... Also famous as NagarVadhu in Gujarati or NagarBahu in Hindi means city's lady...

Alphabet and mathematics factorial for making words from that on probabilities..m

26! Factorial of 26

Value of 26!, i.e. factorial of 26 = 

We can say as 4x10rest to 27 it's more than the sanskrut number Akharva and akhshohini...

Akhshohini is in Mahabharata and Akharva is in shiv Tandava stotra...

रसप्रवाहमाधुरीविजृम्भणामधुव्रतम् ।
स्मरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं
गजान्तकान्धकान्तकं तमन्तकान्तकं भजे ॥१०॥

We can use same only 26 alphabets by that much ways... surprised... isn't it???

But we can not used our capacity is bound by the lord or sat chit prakruti...

We can see 49 alphabets in sanskrut but not only that the recent research says that the alphabet is used in Veda are not only sanskrut but that's also used in other talpadeee different languages too like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam etc...

I know that sanskrut matruka ... But mostly people know only the Matrix Hollywood film...

In my childhood once read or listen things that Tamil is part of sanskrut... newspaper article gives in Gujarati language...but that time unknown from Brahmilipi... Which are on based of body's signs...used all body part and little odd signs and full proofs language abolished by time to time and generated new as sanskrut language and maintain all possible swar and vyanjan ..

My mean to say about the ancient, old, recent old and latest newborn and died language about Morse code...

I read that from book of Shree father walece that in hibru language they don't using any swar for god Yahova.. they used the name as yahvah...यहवह...(זה hibru language) or in Gujarati Pelo third purush ekvachan... Once heard by piruz khambatta and made self......... Forget it...

कचरे का कचरा चोकखा चणाक मतलब सबसे ज्यादा क्लीन परंतु पंचभूत के मूल स्वरूपका कचरा नजरमें न होने के कारण ध्यान ही न दे तो आसपास जात पात, धर्म, का एक बहुत बड़ा ज्यादा न भेद सके ऐसे आवरण से बचना मुश्किल हो सकता था।

Thus we get different languages for from God...

If there are no dust there are not pollution.. but if there are little air and if bad smell than also little odd entropy.. 

स्वामी सचिदानंद के सभी लिखी हुई पुस्तक में यूरोप के वर्णन में स्वच्छ नगर की बात पिले बाल वाले लोगोंके ज़िक्र में साफ है।

Not only that but somewhere I read or know that the Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil are unique and Sanskrut derived from that but hidden truths are different... That is 100% sure.. from brahmi lipi to sansktut and from sanskrut other arranged as according as need possible and available for the dimension level for sapta jihvaa matter...

Still in Veda odd words available see the example... From rugved Mandal 2 sukt 21 shook 5... The special word highlighted by dark mode...

यज्ञेन गातुमप्तुरो विविद्रिरे धियो हिन्वाना उशिजो मनीषिणः । 

अभिस्वरा निषदा गा अवस्यव इन्द्रे हिन्वाना द्रविणान्याशत॥५॥

ऋग्वेदः 2, 21, 5

शीघ्रता से कार्य करने वाले ज्ञानीजन, समृद्धि की कामना से श्रेष्ठ यज्ञीय कर्मों में स्तुतियाँ करते हुए योग्य मार्ग पा जाते हैं, और अपने संरक्षण की कामना से इन्द्रदेव की स्तुतियाँ करते हुए उनके समीप रहकर धन प्राप्त करते हैं॥५॥

- ऋग्वेद, 2, 21, 5

Hidden words meaning not translate proper...

There are versatility of alphabets and it's  words making style and it's unique meaning on different times different purposes... There are many perspective for occasion and benefits... 


You can't find this word at other places but the senses are...

You Singing AMUPTa UR O read as sanskrut... little hindden matter... Which will rarely used at other placd by the alphabet... Hinvana... Is also used for Indra is a miracle...

Here I am not going to explained any thi6more but the words manipulation is hidden byasyers and presentation given better way for the Vedic god Indra...

After sanskrut so many isolated from same...

See the language sandhi, matruka standard...

Tamil # tam+ IL

Kannada # Kann + AD

Telugu # Te + L + Ug + U

Malayalam # Ma + Lay + A + Lam

गुजराती # ग + उ + जर + र + अति 

Still various meaning available if making different way sandhi...

It's like a step by step process of getting higher destination in spiritual level in universes... If understand all by Agni Purana ekakshar Kosh, sanskrut sandhi, and sanskrut matruka level....

Little surprised matter... with odds... We can understand by the same way the hard core truths of hidden facts if God...

Gadsby is a 1939 novel by Ernest Vincent Wright which does not include any words that contain the letter E, the most common letter in English. A work that deliberately avoids certain letters is known as a lipogram. See the Wikipedia link,is%20known%20as%20a%20lipogram.

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishya