Sunday 31 March 2019


एकही रगसिया गाड़ा
जिगर काम नही करता
आइना पूछे परी से
मलबा किधर छूना है
जयंती अंकल की बात
छूना नही खड़े रहना है
आभासी बिम्ब प्रति न था
स्वयं मैं था अजीबो गरीब
लेकिन था, हु और रहूंगा
मन मेरे, सिर्फ तू जानता है
सवेरे रोया हु, शाम देखी है
अन्न पानी भी बचा है,
सिर्फ चाड़िया निकल गया।
दिल में मगज मस्तिष्क
कह के भी कुछ नही करता
सिर्फ स, श, ष, क, ख, ग
से यग्न की तरफ वषट्आकार
मात्र जय जिष्णु की सोच से
राष्टउत्कर्ष सराहनिय देखता है।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

वैष्णो देवी मे घोड़ी या घोड़ो को सवारी करते समय चालक दक्खत बोलते हुये आगे ले जाता है।
मतलब दुख कम हो

Gomukhee / गोमुखी

मंदिरमे शिव शक्ति युग्म के ऊपर चढाया हुआ जल या दुग्ध जहाँ से निकलता है वह स्थान।

व्यहवार मे गाय के मुख से कुछ निकलता नही पर कहने सोचने की बात है कि गाय जो खाती है उसमें से अगर पवित्र दुग्ध  बन सके तो उसके विचार जो भी होगे तो वह अच्छे ही होंगे। और जो भी चयन हो वह बहता हुआ हो पानी के जैसा।
मतलब सुविचार वाली वाणी।
जिसे व्यास पीठ भी कहते है।
जहाँ से कई लोग धर्मलाभ लेते है।
गाय में 33 कोटि देवता का श्वास कहा है।

So as per the calculation
Vasu.                 08
Aaditya.            12
Rudra.                11
Ashvinikumar.  02
Total.                 33

हाथी को हस्ति या कुंजर अलग रूपमे क्यों कहा गया है?

Need to learn sandhi vyakaran

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 30 March 2019

Government Job and Other Income source

Municipal corporation sweepers job hours
7 to 11 am morning
3 to 6.00 pm evening
Between 11 to 3.00 pm, he can do other privet work & making earning sources are valid in Ahmedabad is really very big non understandable matter
while such other way India facing recession????

Even my daddy also worked for AMC and made side income too between 11.00 to 3.00 pm. He was passed away but I can't agree with such labour inspector sleeping time in whole the nation wide theory.

Mostly all major cities labour inspector avoiding this biggest thing and grant for as All, all correct is big question on government employees as how they are working in office or in fields???????

Since long time this blunder is working on and on....

Basically rules are there in nation as
When or if you are government's running employee or corporation running employee, nothing to do on other earning part without prior information to the superior or need consent letter needed to make other earning sources from savings job from spot inspection of labour inspector...

Placement consultancy services is different things but the person who is on main payroll of government register or corporation register can't do work other side .... rules denied by so many government's employees and labour inspector and commissioner are not aware of same as likely highest corrupt matter in my eyes.

In Indian legislation mostly all MLA has different earning sources. Which are not tolerated from Indian but the lake of information of rules benefit taken by so many person and still we can not see Indian currency standard high as on today while India getting fourth positive position in international space factor for specific reason without increase sensex or currency's international value.

Awake India ....

Even in such case in news paper advertising of jobs are very lower pay scale if compare to minimum wages act, are granted by news paper and labour inspector or office are really disgusting things for India and it's running government strategic level...

Only on political base if your country's currency's international value making up and down... need to think on our education level... isn't so????

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Clean City with Vehicles Dump Yard

Today morning while coming from daughter's school, saw police's dump yard of old vehicles at besides of Akhbarnagar bridge. Maybe who were not fulfill up loan payment or broken traffic rules or detained vehicles are there. But so long time passed away and there are no change and so many dust getting place on all vehicles as heavy layer on same vehicles.

Even some one get one of vehicle for his or her for own used by robbery and used by changing number plate, no one can justify that the vehicle is from said same dump yard.

Government movement is about Clean City. Swachchhta Abhiyaan. But state and central government still not made any guide lines for said Abhiyaan on this subject.

Maybe as same place are available in other city areas too. Like raipur, mithakhali, etceteras... This is not only for Ahmedabad,or Gujrat but think on nation wide...

Need to make progress on vehicles HARAAJEE for cleaning city is needed move for police department. If very old vehicles which are not useful, should be move to garbage for whole disbursement of vehicle.

Really state government since long no made any guide lines and if there are I Never seen in news paper or any on any news channels for same class standard.

This are my observation if wrong please let me know, inform other too...

Jigar Mehta  /  Jaigishya

Thursday 28 March 2019

For Space 4th Nation India

No sensex change when India know as the fourth big powerful country in space science internationally...

But if political changes will make...

Maybe different status should be seen on sensex part... friends need to think on same

.. Even not rupees international level change...

China Global TV Network
For making interest in Indian economic forums when India's all channels interested in political agenda only... good advisable steps for Indian news channels media as inspiration of making interest in international or Asia's economic subjecr on debates part...

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Rikish The Moon

We are getting light from sun but the other important reflection getting from moon too...

There are different from sharp yellow and smooth white light.

Though getting smooth light from moon, moon has so much black shades and shadows on half side or the earth's side phases of moon only.

Recently captured photos and research focusing on other side of the moon and there are no black shadows.

Think, whatever giving soft light from main source to other, it has many darkness too of such said object like earth, weather it's positive or negative... But really, earth's good friend moon is absorbing such negative hard thing from us and which we can not denied.
Natural feature are made black shadows on moon and said poet by word as
दागदार चांद। Black spoted moon

My mother's recent bhajan and words meaning are...

शिवजी हमने आपको फूल चढाया जी
फूल को तो भँवरे ने अभडाया हो जी।
शिवजी हम ने आपको दूध चढाया जी
दूध को तो बछड़े ने अभड़ाया जी।
शिवजी हमने आपको चंदन चढ़ाया जी
चंदन को तो नाग ने अभड़ाया जी।

Avoiding to write other words as lengthy bhajan. Here we are avoiding to discuss about eclipse matter.

But my concern and concept is very clearly shine...

In Sanskrut special words for same process are...
Pratyaksh and Apratyaksh
Paroksh along with Aparoksh

Yes now need to understand light and shadows as knowledge meaning as Gyan...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Disgusting manifest sentence

Chokidar will do nothing when opposition doing work for making opportunity to release or using RBI reserve balance as early possible......I confirmed, disgusting manifest produced by Rahul Gandhi for election 2019.

Maybe from myself personally sentences count as non patriotism... Even not healthy election, but just vote for or if not winning elections, just break the vote...

He said by Twitter
Today is a historic day..
It is on this day that the Congress party launched its final assault on poverty.
5 Crore of the poorest families in India, will receive Rs. 72,000 Per Year
#NyayForIndia is our dream & our pledge.
The time for change has come.

Indirectly or other Sense, if Indian choose this man's party, it will be bad effect on EDUCATED India.
Maybe young Indian people accept that we are not interesting or not in capacity to do labour work but will take free currency from government...

India and Indian are educated and this is time to prove self status...though village people are comes from lower economic family but chances never lose by this time to prove for them selves...

Those who are not educated come to Know count the money of country.
जो पढ़े हुए नही है उनको पैसो की गिनती तो आती है।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 24 March 2019

33 crores dev and devee

We all know that Vedas are counted as अपौरुषेय aporushey.... Since long but how is different but today little different matter compile here....

In Indian mythology as per Veda puran 33 kotee (not caror) Dev at available for human in the world. How it is that is good brief description hereunder.

8 eight Vasu (आठ वसु)
Anil वायु
apas जल
vyos आकाश
dhara पृथ्वि
dhruv ध्रुव
anal अग्नि
Pabhas अरुण उदय
som सोम

12 Aaditya  ( बारह आदित्य)
Shak शक (नेतृत्व)
Ansh अंश (हिस्सा)
Aaryamaan आर्यमान (श्रेष्ठ मानव)
Dharohar धरोहर (भाग)
Dhatree धात्री (अनुष्ठान कौशल)
Vastra वस्त्र ( शिल्प कौशल)
Mitra मित्र
Ravee / kushan रवी (समृद्धि)
Savitra/Parjanya सवित्र/पर्जन्य (शब्दो की शक्ति)
Vivaswan विवस्वान (कानून)
Varun वरुण ( भाग्य का प्रतिक)
Vaaman वामन (ब्रह्मांड का कानून)

11 Rudra रुद्र
Aanand आनंद
Vigyan विज्ञान
Manas मनस
Praan प्राण
Vaak वाक
Prathamasana सषक
Tatpurush तत्पुरुष
Aghoraa अघोरा (साधु)
Vaamdev वामदेव ( ब्राह्मण)
Sadyojaat सद्योजात (जो उतपन्न हो)
Aatma आत्मा

2 Ashvinikumar दो अश्विनीकुमार
Indra इंद्र
Prajapati प्रजापति

So as per the calculation
Vasu.                 08
Aaditya.            12
Rudra.                11
Ashvinikumar.  02
Total.                 33

These are all compile in cow as per Veda. Mostly two names are famous for cow....
Kapila and kaamdhenu....
Very much symbolic of mythology.

Lord dutt or gurudev dutt picture is very familiar and famous for all of us...due to application and mobile miss match ... Can't put here but you can find on Google too...

Four dogs are related to veda's one leg....
Means new one branch what ever will be find in nature as according....
Mostly Yagnavalkya and shaaklayan are famous....

Jay gurudev dutt

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 23 March 2019


आप हो या आप: ओ
आप थे या आ पथे
हो से थे के बीच की दूरी तय कर
सत्याग्रह छावनी से शीलज
वाया लंदन अंकुर
मेमनगर बस गया।
क्वार्टर से मणिनगर नही
कश्मीर से बंगलुरु तक
महुआ से पंचमढ़ी तक
मैं ही मैं हूं कि प्रतीति कराई है पत्नी को।
पर कई बार अपने बालक की प्रतीति से दूर था।
बालक किसे कहते है ?
जवाब था,
सच्चाई के स्पंदन जहा मिले।
दुग्ध से दूध और मिल्क से मिल तक
खलु से ही सत्य सभर वेद उपनिषद पुराण।
के, ख, ग से शुरू मात्राएँ
विदेशी भाषा जानी तो
सर्वजन हिताय, सर्वजन सुखाय
किया है तभी
सर्वग्न होनेसे ड्रेगन जाना।
सबके साथ चलने पर
हो से थे कि कहानी अवगत हुई।
अंततोगत्वा, हो से थे तक चश्मा जुड़ गए।
फ़िरभी हो से थे के बाद चश्मा शरीर के साथ नही रहे।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 20 March 2019

VishwaMitra Rushi

Today I knew that as per veda's & brahmrushi Vishwamitra, when agochar vishwa started such things with yourself, first they put an answer in kind of baby girl born at your home
Vishwamitra has shakuntala
He killed 100 son of Ambrish
Releaved shunah shap
Then got Vedas & vasishtha
After then he getting last place in saptarshi clusters which is in tail of bear as and in Ursa major...

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishya

Monday 18 March 2019

जय गुरुदेव दत्त

!!! દત્ત બાવની !!!
                  !!! दत्त बावनी !!!

જય યોગીશ્વર દત્ત દયાળ, તું જ એક જગમાં પ્રતિપાળ;
जय योगीश्वर दत्त दयाल, तुं ज एक जग मां प्रतिपाळ !..(१)

અત્ર્યનસૂયા કરી નિમિત્ત, પ્રગટ્યો જગકારણ નિશ્ચિત.
अत्रनसूया करी निमित्त, प्रगट्यो जग कारण निश्चित !..(२)

બ્રહ્મા હરિહરનો અવતાર, શરણાગતનો તારણહાર;
ब्रह्मा हरिहर नो अवतार, शरणागतनो तारणहार !..(३)

અંતર્યામી સત્ ચિત્ સુખ, બહાર સદગુરુ દ્વિભૂજ સુમુખ.
अंतर्यामी सत् चित् सुख, बहार सद्गुरु द्विभूज सुमुख !..(४)

ઝોળી અન્નપૂર્ણા કરમાંહ્ય, શાંતિ કમંડલ કર સોહાય;
झोळी अन्नपूर्णा करमांह्य, शांति कमंडल कर सोहाय !..(५)

ક્યાંય ચતુર્ભૂજ ષડ્ભૂજ સાર, અનંતબાહુ તું નિર્ધાર.
क्यांय चतुर्भुज षड्भूज सार, अनंतबाहु तुं निर्धार !..(६)

આવ્યો શરણે બાળ અજાણ, ઊઠ દિગંબર, ચાલ્યા પ્રાણ;
आव्यो शरणे बाळ अजाण, उठ दिगंबर चाल्या प्राण !..(७)

સુણી અર્જુન કેરો સાદ, રીઝ્યો પૂર્વે તું સાક્ષાત્.
सुणी अर्जुन केरो साद, रीझ्यो पूर्वे तुं साक्षात् !..(८)

દીધી રિદ્ધિ સિદ્ધિ અપાર, અંતે મુક્તિ મહાપદ સાર;
दीधी रिध्धि सिध्धि अपार, अंते मुक्ति महा पद सार !..(९)

કીધો આજે કેમ વિલંબ, તુજ વિણ મુજને ના આલંબ.
कीधो आजे केम विलंब, तुज विण मुजने ना आलंब !..(१०)

વિષ્ણુશર્મ દ્વિજ તાર્યો એમ, જમ્યો શ્રાદ્ધમાં દેખી પ્રેમ;
विष्णुशर्म द्विज तार्यो एम, जम्यो श्राध्धमां देखी प्रेम !..(११)

જંભ દૈત્યથી ત્રાસ્યા દેવ, કીધી મ્હેર તેં ત્યાં તતખેવ.
जंग दैत्य थी त्रास्या देव, कीधी म्हेर तें त्यां ततखेव !..(१२)

વિસ્તારી માયા દિતિસુત, ઇન્દ્રકરે હણાવ્યો તૂર્ત;
विस्तारी माया दितिसुत, ईन्द्रकरे हणाव्यो तूर्त !..(१३)

એવી લીલા કંઇ કંઇ શર્વ, કીધી વર્ણવે કો તે સર્વ.
एवी लीला कंइ कंइ शर्व, कीधी वर्णवे को ते सर्व !..(१४)

દોડ્યો આયુ સુતને કામ, કીધો એને તેં નિષ્કામ;
दोड्यो आयु सुतने काम, कीधो अेने तें निष्काम !..(१५)

બોધ્યા યદુને પરશુરામ, સાધ્યદેવ પ્રહલાદ અકામ.
बोध्या यदुने परशुराम, साध्यदेव प्रहलाद अकाम !..(१६)

એવી તારી કૃપા અગાધ, કેમ સૂણે ના મારો સાદ;
एवी तारी कृपा अगाध, केम सुणे ना मारो साद !..(१७)

દોડ, અંત ના દેખ અનંત, મા કર અધવચ શિશુનો અંત.
दोड अंत ना देख अनंत, मा कर अधवच शिशु नो अंत !..(१८)

જોઇ દ્વિજસ્ત્રી કેરો સ્નેહ, થયો પુત્ર તું નિઃસંદેહ;
जोई द्विजस्त्री केरो स्नेह, थयो पुत्र तुं नि:संदेह !..(१९)

સ્મર્તૃગામી કલિતાર કૃપાળ, તાર્યો ધોબી છેક ગમાર.
स्मर्तृगामी कलितार कृपाळ, तार्यो धोबी छेक गमार !..(२०)

પેટ પીડાથી તાર્યો વિપ્ર, બ્રાહ્મણ શેઠ ઉગાર્યો ક્ષિપ્ર;
पेट पीडाथी तार्यो विप्र, ब्राह्मण शेठ उगार्यो क्षिप्र !..(२१)

કરે કેમ ના મારી વ્હાર, જો આણીગમ એક જ વાર.
करे केम ना मारी व्हार, जो आणीगम एक ज वार !..(२२)

શુષ્ક કાષ્ઠ ને આણ્યાં પત્ર, થયો કેમ ઉદાસીન અત્ર ;
शुष्क काष्ठ ने आण्यां पत्र, थयो केम उदासीन अत्र !..(२३)

જર્જર વંધ્યા કેરાં સ્વપ્ન, કર્યા સફળ તેં સુતનાં કૃત્સ્ન.
जर्जर वंध्या केरा स्वप्न, कर्या सफळ तें सुतनां कृत्स्न !..(२४)

કરી દૂર બ્રાહ્મણનો કોઢ, કીધા પૂરણ એના કોડ;
करी दूर ब्राह्मण नो कोढ, राधा पूरण अेना कोड !..(२५)

વંધ્યા ભેંસ દૂઝવી દેવ, હર્યું દારિદ્રય તેં તતખેવ.
वंध्या भेंस दूझवी देव, हर्युं दारिद्रय तें ततखेव !..(२६)

ઝાલર ખાઇ રીધ્યો એમ, દીધો સુવર્ણઘટ સપ્રેમ;
झालर खाई रीझ्यो एम, दीधो सुवर्ण घट सप्रेम !..(२७)

બ્રાહ્મણસ્ત્રીનો મૃત ભરથાર, કીધો સજીવન તેં નિર્ધાર.
ब्राह्मण स्त्री नो मृत भरथार, कीधो सजीवन तें निर्धार !..(२८)

પિશાચ પીડા કીધી દૂર, વિપ્રપુત્ર ઊઠાડ્યો શૂર;
पिशाच पीडा कीधी दूर, विप्रपुत्र उठाड्यो शूर !..(२९)

હરી વિપ્રમદ અત્યંજ હાથ, રક્ષ્યો ભક્ત ત્રિવિક્રમ તાત.
हरी विप्रमद अत्यंज हाथ, रक्ष्यो भक्त त्रिविक्रम तात !..(३०)

નિમિષમાત્રે તંતુક એક, પહોંચાડ્યો શ્રીશૈલે દેખ;
निमेषमात्रे तंतुक एक, पहोंचाड्यो श्रीशैले देख !..(३१)

એકીસાથે આઠ સ્વરૂપ, ધરી દેવ બહુરૂપ અરૂપ.
एकीसाथे आठ स्वरुप, धरी देव बहुरुप अरुप !..(३२)

સંતોષ્યા નિજ ભક્ત સુજાત, આપી પરચાઓ સાક્ષાત્;
संतोष्या निज भक्त सुजात, आपी परचाआे साक्षात !..(३३)

યવનરાજની ટાળી પીડ, જાતપાતની તને ન ચીડ.
यवन राज नी टाळी पीड, जातपातनी तने न चीड !..(३४)

રામકૃષ્ણરૂપે તેં એમ, કીધી લીલાઓ કંઇ તેમ;
रामकृष्ण रुपे तें एम, कीधी लीला ओ कंई तेम !..(३५)

તાર્યાં પથ્થર ગણિકા વ્યાધ, પશુપંખી પણ તુજને સાધ.
तार्या पथ्थर गणिका व्याध, पशुपंखी पण तुज ने साध !..(३६)

અધમઓધારણ તારું નામ, ગાતાં સરે ન શાં શાં કામ;
अधम ओधारण तारुं नाम, गातां सरे न शां शां काम !..(३७)

આધિ વ્યાધિ ઉપાધિ સર્વ, ટળે સ્મરણમાત્રથી સર્વ.
आधि व्याधि उपाधि सर्व, टळे स्मरणमात्रथी सर्व !..(३८)

મૂઠચોટ ના લાગે જાણ, પામે નર સ્મરણે નિર્વાણ;
मूठ चोट ना लागे जाण, पामे नर स्मरणे निर्वाण !..(३९)

ડાકણ શાકણ ભેંસાસુર, ભૂત પિશાચો જંદ અસુર.
डाकण शाकण भेंसासुर, भूत पिशाचो जंद असुर !..(४०)

નાસે મૂઠી દઇને તૂર્ત, દત્તધૂન સાંભળતાં મૂર્ત;
नासे मूठी दईने तूर्त, दत्तधून सांभळतां मूर्त !..(४१)

કરી ધૂપ ગાએ જે એમ “દત્તબાવની” આ સપ્રેમ.
करी धूप गाए जे एम, "दत्तबावनी" आ सप्रेम !..(४२)

સુધરે તેના બંને લોક, રહે ન તેને ક્યાંયે શોક;
सुधरे तेना बंने लोक, रहे न तेने क्यांये शोक !..(४३)

દાસી સિદ્ધિ તેની થાય, દુઃખ દારિદ્રય તેનાં જાય.
दासी सिद्धि तेनी थाय, दु:ख दारिद्रय तेनां जाय !..(४४)

બાવન ગુરુવારે નિત નેમ, કરે પાઠ બાવન સપ્રેમ;
बावन गुरुवारे नित नेम, करे पाठ बावन सप्रेम !..(४५)

યથાવકાશે નિત્ય નિયમ, તેને કદી ન દંડે યમ.
यथावकाशे नित्य नियम, तेने कदा न दंडे यम !..(४६)

અનેક રૂપે એજ અભંગ, ભજતાં નડે ન માયા-રંગ;
अनेक रुपे अेज अभंग, भजतां नडे न माया रंग !..(४७)

સહસ્ત્ર નામે નામી એક, દત્ત દિગંબર અસંગ છેક.
सहस्त्र नामे नामी एक, दत्त दिगंबर असंग छेक !..(४८)

વંદુ તુજને વારંવાર, વેદ શ્વાસ તારા નિર્ધાર;
वंदु तुज ने वारंवार, वेद श्वास तारा निर्धार !..(४९)

થાકે વર્ણવતાં જ્યાં શેષ, કોણ રાંક હું બહુકૃતવેષ.
थाके वर्णवतां ज्यां शेष, कोण रांक हुं बहुकृतवेष !..(५०)

અનુભવ-તૃપ્તિનો ઉદ્દગાર, સૂણી હસે તે ખાશે માર;
अनुभव तृप्ति नो उदगार, सूणी हसे ते खासे मार !..(५१)

તપસી તત્વમસિ એ દેવ, બોલો જય જય શ્રીગુરુદેવ.
तपसी तत्वमसि ए देव, बोलो जय जय श्रीगुरुदेव !..(५२)

!!! અવધૂત ચિંતન શ્રી ગુરુદેવ દત્ત !!!
!!! अवधूत चिंतन श्री गुरुदेव दत्त !!!


!!! अनंतकोटी ब्रह्माण्डनायक, राजाधिराज, योगीराज, परब्रह्म श्री सच्चिदानंद सद्गुरु साई नाथ महाराज की जय !!!

                    !!! गुरु देव दत्त !!!

ॐ कार बिंदु संयुक्तम

ॐ कार बिंदु संयुक्तम

आज तक सब अ। उ। म।  ॐ कार को जिस रूप से सोचा, पर मुझे शायद दूसरा विकल्प सोचनीय लगता है।

स्त्री के गर्भ के योनि द्वार स्थान से अंदर के विभागमें मतलब "3", वीर्य के एक कोष का अँड कोष से अलग भाव से मतलब स्वतंत्र रुप से रहकर अग्नि पुराण एकाक्षरी कोष "ण" का प्रमुख प्रमाण देना या तो कीसी गुप्त बात को संकेत से कहने की चेष्टा परम् उच्च स्तरीय चिह्न के रूप से जताना। वेदों में उल्लेख है की ऋषि अपने ही वीर्यक कोष का सेवन करने से अमरत्व तरफ कूच करते है।

रजस्वला स्त्री का रज मतलब कोष वीर्यक कोष से अलग करना मतलब मनुष्य की पूर्ण वय से उर्ध्व मतलब रिवर्स mode मे माता के गर्भ में जाना यानी गीता के 15 पाठ के प्रथम श्लोक का प्राथमिक चरण प्रतिपादित करना।

..मागृध्...तेन त्यक्तेन भुंजीथा.....

"अ",  "उ",  "म" वाले ओम शब्द के आकार या शब्दाक्षरार्थ को स्त्री के गर्भगृह से लेकर पूर्ण रुप से चिह्न के रूप से या तो जिसे अतिक्रमण कहते है ( predator or किसी का वर्तमान समय से आगे होना और बताना) या तो किसी का मृत्यु समय तय होने के बाद उसकी उर्ध्व योगिक क्रियामें मनुष्य देह का वापस स्त्री के गर्भ में पिता के वीर्य के एक कोष तक पहुंचाने वाला आयाम जिसे नया जन्म या तो परम् पिता एक होने का प्रभूत्व जताना।

यह जो कर सकता है उसे परम् पिता कहा जाता रहा है। लेकिन जबजब कुछ नैसर्गिक प्रकल्प विकल्प आते है तो परम पिता बदलाया है उसकी जानकारी प्राप्त करने हेतुक .................... बहोत लिखा जा सकता है पर ......... ;थोड़ा.......अल्प विराम........;

भाषा कठिन है पर समज सरल है।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Odd but happy dreams and facts

Biren Soni was came in my dream who is died before few months. He was at AMC Quarter behind Nirav at Bus stop and shake hands with me front of Nirav Tripathi and there were Niraj - Vaishali both smiling on us. Biren seems look happy... infact we all were happy. Then my mother jigisha g Mehta gone with unknown, face didn't recognize by me but she was cried so much. I seen Sonu too and said her you are looking sexy but you are my sister...and me, my wife and Sonu made big hug...

Day before yesterday mate Ganesh Kaka but in dream today I mate Ganesh urf Kanal Ramanbhai Patel. At quarter I safely handle saved television but in presence of Kaushal Shah, but suddenly off mode printer down in surface  and running smoothly and good words, sentences written on paper. Vaibhavi is very much Happy. Few other unknown faces are too happy over there. I didn't recognize.

Today morning I remember Neeta mamee too on specific time when Rekha bhabhi's nanand's son's sandeep's wife died today.

Nita mami was mother of Aashiq and Priyanka.

During doing anything all of sudden my eyes going to cry or other sense it put out side liquids from eyes. When I wash it I feel like soap kind loose water material...

Thanks qudrat who gives me feeling of breathing of other things...

Specific matter as episode done in my life.

I'm confirmly blaming specific person duly named Piruz Arisbhai Khambhatta, for such odd life of mine. Even from Vaibhavi I can feel body double image and action previously done.

I love Onida brand as there is kachindo...
Which is changing colour when feeling odd.

I am feeling my wife's body as kachinda, but not only colour part but with effect of changing in body parts too.

She confirmed on her own mouth this thing.

Mostly due to my mother, wife's mouth I am suffered lot and unknown reason behind that whatever I am speaking on other faces which count as either mad person or childish behavior. But in most certain it's all true...
this is may be my last day confession.

So many things done and happen in my life.

I am waiting for my death.
yes I am waiting for my death and praying that predator which ever I seen certain time and getting headache... this time please do not make try to open my eyes while I am moving in non vibration position of my body, by my own mind order...

because my own mother blaming badly in such case. My wife telling me to take phycologist therapy medicine though I have no problems. My daughter not even count me as daddy's personality due to incapacity of finance earning position. That's all due to few behavior.

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 16 March 2019

Naad Brahm

Based on instrument DAMRU

Human has three types capacity for making noise without hands or other body parts... that is mouth, nose, and guda or gand road...

Maximum urja by mouth words

In winter by sneezing nose or in cold and cough situation while coming out side liquid from nose by sneezing....

By gand or guda due to fart...

Only mouth and fart noises same as..ppppppppppppp

12 to 15 meter long daigestiv system has capacity to making noise of such alphabets of Sanskrut पपपपपपपप looking like the numeric figure five...
Means there is such common thing between the same...

डम डम डम
Naad dam dam dam
By damru

In side body while odkaar...only ddddddddddddd
Means ड्ड्ड्ड्ड्ड्ड़ड़ड़ड़ड़

While fart P or प seat whole getting vibration and close
While odkaar d or S
Mouth oppening but in side the throt  the valve getting vibration and close...

Simple sentence
Whatever body has its fine and that same in Galaxy

Damru noise called as naad brahm

By the mud marble noise made on leather
Vibration done inside

One Man handle things for making noise

Called as
gar gar badshah
In farsee or Urdu...
same meaning and that is
Great God....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya


मैं और तुम नदी के किनारे
समांतर अवस्थाओं में
बहते हुए जल को दिशा देनेमें
सामर्थ्य स्वरूप से सिद्ध
मानसिक, कायिक और वाचिक
सूक्ष्म , स्थूल और कारण शरीर से
पूर्ण से पूर्णत्व की ओर
बढते बढ़ते ब्रह्म पुत्र के
तूफान को शांत करके
नद के डेल्टा प्रदेश पहुचे है।
सिर्फ बोये हुए बीजो की फसलको
पक्व धान रूप में लाने वाले
अग्नि को सराहनीय नमन से
नए देशोत्कर्ष संस्कार सिंचनका
आहवाहन करते है।
हे विश्व देव,
हमारी प्राथमिक प्रार्थना
स्वीकार करो।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 14 March 2019

Parsee month day's name

The Parsi Zoroastrian Calendar has Thirty (30) Days.

They are given below, alongwith their meaning:


Hormazd – Lord of Wisdom

Bahman – Good Mind

Ardibehesht – Truth & Order

Shehrevar – Great Power

Asfandarmad – Devotion

Khordad – Perfection

Amerdad – Immortality

Dae-pa-adar – Giver of Fire

Adar – Fire

Ava – Water

Khorshed – Sun

Mohor – Moon

Tir – Star

Gosh – Cow

Dae-pa-meher – Giver of Friendship

Meher – Friendship

Sarosh – Prayer

Rashne – Judge

Fravardin – Guardian Spirit

Behram – Victory

Mino Ram – Joy and Peace

Govad – Wind

Dae-pa-din – Giver of Religion

Din – Religion

Ashishvangh – Wealth

Ashtad – Justice

Asman – Sky

Zamyad – Earth

Manrespand – Holy Words

Aneran – Endless Light

The oldest (though not dateable) testimony for the existence of the day dedications comes from Yasna 16, a section of the Yasnaliturgy that is – for the most part – a veneration to the 30 divinities with day-name dedications. The Siroza – a two-part Avesta text with individual dedications to the 30 calendar divinities – has the same sequence.

1.Dadvah Ahura Mazdā, 2. Vohu Manah, 3. Aša Vahišta, 4. Khšathra Vairya, 5. Spenta Ārmaiti, 6. Haurvatāt, 7. Ameretāt
8.Dadvah Ahura Mazdā, 9. Ātar, 10. Āpō, 11. Hvar, 12. Māh, 13. Tištrya, 14. Geuš Urvan
15.Dadvah Ahura Mazdā, 16. Mithra, 17. Sraoša, 18. Rašnu, 19. Fravašayō, 20. Verethragna, 21. Rāman, 22. Vāta
23.Dadvah Ahura Mazdā, 24. Daēna, 25. Aši, 26. Arštāt, 27. Asmān, 28. Zam, 29. Manthra Spenta, 30. Anaghra Raočā

The month-names (with Avestan language names in parentheses), in the ordinal sequence used today, are:

1. Frawardin (Frauuašinąm)
2. Ardwahisht (Ašahe Vahištahe)
3. Khordad (Haurvatātō)
4. Tir (Tištryehe)
5. Amurdad (Amərətātō)
6. Shahrewar (Xšaθrahe Vairyehe)
 7. Mihr (Miθrahe)
 8. Aban (Apąm)
 9. Adur (Āθrō)
10. Dae (Daθušō [Ahurahe Mazdå])
11. Wahman (Vaŋhə̄uš Manaŋhō)
12. Spendarmad (Spəntayā̊ Ārmatōiš)

Gatha days details

  • Jashan of Asha Vahishta, dedicated to fire and all other luminaries.
  • Jashan of Hauravata, dedicated to the waters.
  • Jashan of Ameretat, dedicated to plants.
  • Jashan of Kshatra Vairya, dedicated to metals and minerals.
  • Jashan of Vohu Manah, dedicated to animal creation.
  • Jashan of Aramaiti, dedicated to the earth.

Gahambar days details 

These are the six seasonal festivals celebrated by the Zoroastrians to commemorate the six universal creations of God and reaffirm the sanctity of God's creation. They are celebrated for five days each, during different seasons of the year. The actual dates on which they fall vary, depending upon the Zoroastrian calendar. During the five festive days of Gahambar, the five material creations are honored, namely earth, water, plants, animals and humans. The first four days are spend reciting verses from the scriptures and on the fifth day people come together and enjoy a feast. The six Gahambar festivals are:

  • Maidyozarem Gahambar. It is the mid spring festival, comes in April or May each year.
  • Maidyoi-shema Gahambar. It is the mid summer festival, falls in June or July each year.
  • Paitishahema Gahambar. It is celebrated on the occasion of bringing the harvest home, falls in September every year.
  • Ayathrem Gahambar is celebrated to mark the return of the herd of cattle from grazing in far away lands, which was the custom in ancient days. It usually falls in October.
  • Maidyarem Gahambar is celebrated to mark the mid year winter festivals, falls either in December or January.
  • Hamaspathmaidyem Gahambar. It is called festival of all souls, celebrated usually in March.

Patriotic Point

Indians are need to get awaerness of nation's patriotism by getting good positive thoughts by education of RTI / several fundamental knowledge of old real patriotick people, who were pioneer of basic thought of freedom. Right now not royal family but people are in democratic mood

What is meaning of debating, when only cross firing done.
Need to make focusing on points or answers on which topic the debate held on such time, not on making new questions during debates
Media need to understand and as well giving knowledge of such patriotism flame in Nation...

For country
Old Congress ministry's person why not showing there good workout done for country, while recently new speaking on only Rafael and doubting on pulwama theory, is really bad
Fruitful mind if, old personnel maybe help new leader by old work running information-progress

Jigar Mehta/ Jaigishya

Sunday 10 March 2019

Black Panther

As per rugved and madhuchchhanda's storyline
मतलब Well-done
Meaning in airy situation speech of body moleculs...
वायब्रेनिण or वायब्रेनियन
मतलब लिंग तय करने के बाद जीभ के कम्पन
Vibreniyan Material...
Meaning making vibration in such compound after clarify it's molecular power energy

Watching film black panther...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya