Saturday 30 March 2019

Government Job and Other Income source

Municipal corporation sweepers job hours
7 to 11 am morning
3 to 6.00 pm evening
Between 11 to 3.00 pm, he can do other privet work & making earning sources are valid in Ahmedabad is really very big non understandable matter
while such other way India facing recession????

Even my daddy also worked for AMC and made side income too between 11.00 to 3.00 pm. He was passed away but I can't agree with such labour inspector sleeping time in whole the nation wide theory.

Mostly all major cities labour inspector avoiding this biggest thing and grant for as All, all correct is big question on government employees as how they are working in office or in fields???????

Since long time this blunder is working on and on....

Basically rules are there in nation as
When or if you are government's running employee or corporation running employee, nothing to do on other earning part without prior information to the superior or need consent letter needed to make other earning sources from savings job from spot inspection of labour inspector...

Placement consultancy services is different things but the person who is on main payroll of government register or corporation register can't do work other side .... rules denied by so many government's employees and labour inspector and commissioner are not aware of same as likely highest corrupt matter in my eyes.

In Indian legislation mostly all MLA has different earning sources. Which are not tolerated from Indian but the lake of information of rules benefit taken by so many person and still we can not see Indian currency standard high as on today while India getting fourth positive position in international space factor for specific reason without increase sensex or currency's international value.

Awake India ....

Even in such case in news paper advertising of jobs are very lower pay scale if compare to minimum wages act, are granted by news paper and labour inspector or office are really disgusting things for India and it's running government strategic level...

Only on political base if your country's currency's international value making up and down... need to think on our education level... isn't so????

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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