Thursday 14 March 2019

Patriotic Point

Indians are need to get awaerness of nation's patriotism by getting good positive thoughts by education of RTI / several fundamental knowledge of old real patriotick people, who were pioneer of basic thought of freedom. Right now not royal family but people are in democratic mood

What is meaning of debating, when only cross firing done.
Need to make focusing on points or answers on which topic the debate held on such time, not on making new questions during debates
Media need to understand and as well giving knowledge of such patriotism flame in Nation...

For country
Old Congress ministry's person why not showing there good workout done for country, while recently new speaking on only Rafael and doubting on pulwama theory, is really bad
Fruitful mind if, old personnel maybe help new leader by old work running information-progress

Jigar Mehta/ Jaigishya

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