Wednesday 27 March 2019

Rikish The Moon

We are getting light from sun but the other important reflection getting from moon too...

There are different from sharp yellow and smooth white light.

Though getting smooth light from moon, moon has so much black shades and shadows on half side or the earth's side phases of moon only.

Recently captured photos and research focusing on other side of the moon and there are no black shadows.

Think, whatever giving soft light from main source to other, it has many darkness too of such said object like earth, weather it's positive or negative... But really, earth's good friend moon is absorbing such negative hard thing from us and which we can not denied.
Natural feature are made black shadows on moon and said poet by word as
दागदार चांद। Black spoted moon

My mother's recent bhajan and words meaning are...

शिवजी हमने आपको फूल चढाया जी
फूल को तो भँवरे ने अभडाया हो जी।
शिवजी हम ने आपको दूध चढाया जी
दूध को तो बछड़े ने अभड़ाया जी।
शिवजी हमने आपको चंदन चढ़ाया जी
चंदन को तो नाग ने अभड़ाया जी।

Avoiding to write other words as lengthy bhajan. Here we are avoiding to discuss about eclipse matter.

But my concern and concept is very clearly shine...

In Sanskrut special words for same process are...
Pratyaksh and Apratyaksh
Paroksh along with Aparoksh

Yes now need to understand light and shadows as knowledge meaning as Gyan...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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