Thursday 7 March 2019

PEN's nucleus

Protons.    Positive
Electrons  Negative
Nutron.      Nuetrel

PEN has such liquid from which you write on paper but liquid know as INK and mostly available are
Blue      for students.  Like sky
Red       for teachers.  Like sun rise colour
Black    for heading or marking like moon's back side
Green.  For Audit such accounts... like trees on Earth

Nature giving us so many guide lines for develop self as well as humanity...

Highest important
Eyes weight is eight Gram
As same as about VRUSHAN... reproductive system's main important part of my as well as all male including animal male.

We can see not more but think better and used implemention and for that by reproductive system give sperm in to a lady's womb for new generation. Lady who we like most, we said the word LOVE... ideally...

Our thoughts has so many positive negative or nuetrel level.

If written good, get good or better. If written better, get Best. If written best, get the AALA condition... after reading and implementing ...

Henceforth we need PEN...
Who stayed in nucleus... as per Desi sandhi
New Kali... yes
Meaning... New girl...yes...

Little odd but unfortunately universal Truth...

My poem words are...
Mother...o my mother...
Taking care of my money...
However I am unknown from you...
But you are good...
Take care of my thoughts...
However I am ugly...
Take care of my self...
However I am rude
Take care of my inner peace and love
However I am not sure...
But I am a little PEN of father's thoughts
Who came out before complete pregnancy period
However I am behaving but still
Don't forget your lovely charming smiling closed lips
So many copies done...
But the upper lip's ....... Still not forget...
Mother...o my mother...
Your Nucleus made new Galaxy...
Named DWIJA...
Shower your love on her who is your Grand daughter...
Shower your love on her mother duly named Vaibhavi, too
Don't say bad words to me...
Faces made phases of life...
Mother o my mother
Taking care of my money

Money means soul's inner light or Sanskrut word Tej, Prakash, Ind... Related to the knowledge Sanskrut as Gyan...

Jigar Mehta/ Jaigishya

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