Monday 30 December 2019

Duryodhan and demon Kabandh both same

Demon kabandh and duryodhan both are two sides of one coin as according to my individual personal knowledge…

In mahabharat, duryodhan seat was broken by bheem by his gadaa… And in ramayana demon kabandh was already seated on earth without his seat as according to the picture… Is hands only were in working condition…

Ramayan demand carbon story e off ram lakshman r mentioned here under in Hindi language…

…कुछ दूर जाने पर अचानक उन्होंने एक अजीब से प्राणी को देखा, वह एक राक्षस था जिसका नाम था ‘कबंध’। महर्षि वाल्मीकि रचित रामायण के अनुसार यह राक्षस उस काल के सबसे अजीबोगरीब राक्षसों में से एक था। जो स्थूलशिरा नामक ऋषि के श्राप से दैत्य बन गये थे, क्योकि वह देव लोगों को अजीबोगरीब रूप से डराते थे। उन्हीका उद्धार राम ने किया।

इस राक्षस का सिर, घड़, मुख, कोई भी अंग सही स्थान पर नहीं था। कहते हैं कि इसका मुंह इसके पेट के स्थान पर था। और इसका दिमाग इसके सीने पर था तथा दोनों के बीचो-बीच थी इसकी आंख, लेकिन एक ही आंख। कहते हैं कि जब श्रीराम और लक्ष्मण ने उस राक्षस को देखा तो वह ज़ोर-ज़ोर से चिल्ला रहा था।

Kabandh demon and raam laxman

रामायण ग्रंथ में कबंध तथा श्रीराम की इस वार्तालाप के ऊपर एक श्लोक मौजूद है – “गच्छ शीघ्रमितो वीर सुग्रीवं तं महाबलम्। वयस्यं तं कुरु क्षिप्रमितो गत्वाद्य राघव।।“

अर्थात् सुग्रीव ही वह शख़्स है जो उन्हें सीताजी तक पहुंचने में मदद कर सकता है। उन्हें उसकी सहायता जरूर लेनी चाहिए। कंबध ने आगे कहा कि ऐसा नहीं है कि श्रीराम अकेले अपनी पत्नी तक पहुंचने तथा दैत्य रावण के साथ संघर्ष करने के लिए सक्षम नहीं हैं, वरन् उसके इस सुझाव के पीछे एक खास कारण छिपा है।

इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि एक इंसान अपनी समझदारी का उपयोग करके एक बलवान को परास्त नहीं कर सकता, लेकिन उसकी समझदारी इसमें ही है कि वह उस बलवान को हराने के लिए सही विकल्पों का प्रयोग करे। अत: कबंध के अनुसार श्रीराम के लिए सुग्रीव एकमात्र ऐसा विकल्प था जो कठिनाई के इस मार्ग में उनके लिए सहायक सिद्ध होने वाला था।

लेकिन रामायण ग्रंथ का यह श्लोक हमें किसी को अपने स्वार्थ के लिए इस्तेमाल करना नहीं सिखाता। अपितु जब तक आप स्वयं किसी को पसंद नहीं करते, उसका साथ नहीं चाहते तब तक अपने स्वार्थ के लिए उसका उपयोग कतई ना करें।

Basically when male or lady if destroy someone or other male seat, he cannot using his reproductive system with female… As according to this story part in mahabharat bima destroy duryodhan seat portion and duryodhan was live until ashwathama who’s next senapati of those days times period culture person used brahmastra against Arjun son abhimanyu son parikshit…

Basically ashvtthama attacked on child who is newborn ladies tummy or womb…

Apart from this blog site I just again recall my memory when at Atlanta building 9th or 10th floor Mr piruz a khambhataa was done action like heating my tummy and then after at least about 10 years, my nephew sujal mehta heating my tummy … Two days before yesterday…

I also heated my sister’s tummy at bholanath bhuvan maninagar during childhood…

But dost I’m really very unknown from The spiritual sense….

Since long aboute 5 years not done job without running staying at home and just only writing and making blogs, Twitter or Facebook or else kind of media part and God may be knows better, what will happen with me now, but writing and speaking mostly true … may be wrong but most of all kind of work done by me in 5 by 6 of my bedroom not only me but my wife too… I don’t know what is true but this all started by present is become better as according to my best of knowledge and I am really really really….

This includes sahastrarjun and parshuram story too as so many versions knows as sahastra kind nature or face of arjun which belongs to to ramayana as then after dashanan or rawana…

Parshuram cut sahastrarjun hands and killed him… And rawana means dashanan means all q 10 sides cover6by one face or any side the noise came whichever you hear is one person and know as rawana and if you decide atleast one side noise or the noise”s one side … Your name could be Dashrath… As he is only person who killed shravan by budbud noise of water bubbles…

In Bible there are a sentence as " my hand is under your seats so I am doing your work...." Like that ...  Chapter is unknown for me but Veda has purush sukt and about dashangul shloks... Very important and need to understand thor character as living since 1500 years....!!!!

Sunday 29 December 2019

PM’s nation controlling as family head’s matter

…we know that what is prime minister and president work….but if thinking on .. contribution as pioneer base… Need to focus past years full finished and furnished success steps…as well as as per probabilities up coming new works or projects…

We know that… Laws of both things or catagories …but getting better national reward or growing growth… Need reaching in micro interior area of states, district, cities, villages by leaders and party people as maintaiing product or reputation which is previously maintain by their subordinates and other leaders…’s on going process…

Fruits gaining from Mkt and people buy them by money but need to make similar prices for all states and villagers economical…ways are unique…but need to find and therefore they are there…

Trademark and copyright and patent act…are for such products for few years then again process need more money for few more years maintain but reputation is really very high subject when whole rulling party of national government following one man and asking vote on his karma or speeches…

That’s Ethical ways for trading and others investment in product and projects…if are available only when other subordinates support till villagers side areas….

Jay gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya


सुन्नत (अरबी سنة (एक वचन) سنن (बहुवचन) : हज़रत मुहम्मद के प्रवचन, शिक्षा, मार्गदर्शन को सुन्नत कहते हैं। हज़रत मुहम्मद के काल में उनके अनुयायी या सहाबा को दिए गए मार्गदर्शन या ज्ञान को सुन्नह या सुन्नत (फ़ारसी और उर्दू शब्द) कहते हैं, जो सारे मुस्लिम जगत को अमल करने के लिए कहा गया।  इस्लाम धर्म में क़ुरान और हदीस साबित पुस्तकें हैं। और इन्हीं की बुनियाद पर इस्लामीय न्याय शास्त्र बना है। सुन्नत का मतलब “मार्ग” या “जीवन शैली” या “जीवन विधी” के भी होते हैं, जिसे मुसल्मान अपने जीवन में अपनाता है।

यहाँ तिब्बती लामाजी का एक प्रबुद्ध श्लोक याद आता है।

नम्म यो हो रेंगे क्यो।

सुन्नत….. यह एक अरबी शब्द है, जिसका अर्थ “आसानी से बहना या सीधा चलने वाली राह “। सही तौर पर इसका अर्थ साफ़-सुथरा सीधा रास्ता है।

कुछ भी कवर्ड ढंका हुआ है पर मुझे अपने कुरान और हदीस से सिंगुलैरिटी कोड में आने के लिये जो करना है वह कर्म। जो सिर्फ यही नही बल्कि अलग अलग धर्मो में विविध रूपसे किया जाता है।

जैसे कि बपतिस्मा, जनोई, ज्यूस लोगों की भी कुछ परंपरा shalom में है।

आज मैंने खापरो कोडियो को जाना।

सुन्नत मतलब स उ न्न त 

ज्यादा विस्तृति करण कहे तो 

स (उन)नु  तन 

तन, बदन का अच्छा विभाग 

ऊपर की तरफ अच्छी और विनम्र रूप से जाता हुआ

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Friday 27 December 2019

Breasts Tax means Mulakarma

Today I got confirmation on my little dark side knowledge from this Link as in South India previously Brahmin know by his clothes and design…. More over lower cast Brahmin gave tax for clothing their ladies…see the Link given below…

Storyline of a movie is hereunder…

Nangeli lived in the early 19th century at Cherthala in the erstwhile princely state of Travancore (Kerala) in India and supposedly, cut off her breasts in an effort to protest against the caste-based breast tax.

The village officer of Travancore, came to her home to survey her breasts and clothes alongwith collect the breast tax.

Nangeli revolted against the harassment; cutting off her breasts and presenting them to him in a plantain leaf. She died soon from loss of blood. Nangeli’s husband, Chirukandan, seeing her mutilated body was overcome by grief and jumped into her funeral pyre – in what was supposedly the first male sati.

Following the death of Nangeli, a series of people’s movements were set off.

Soon the place she lived had come to be called as Mulachiparambu (meaning place of the breasted woman).

Here I produced the link of the said ploted film trailer.. originally the film is in Malayalam

Picture telling ancient history

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Spot on small i and j

We all know English has only 26 alphabets. But the maker of alphabets definitely put individual spot, small spot on alphabet “I” and alphabet “J”.

I am not knowing sure much on that knowledge but as per my recent concerned, I know that only things are, “I” is the alphabet which belongs to number 9 and alphabet “J” is belongs to number 10… as according to the the 26 alphabet…

As per English digital instrument of computer or calculator numbers starting from 0 and finishing with 9… but… Yes… But… That is not human language…

While humans ancient Sanskrut are belongs to us, are not only that but it is concerned with 0 to 9 and than 10… Which is most important…

“I” means self singularity and “J” means as per Sanskrut “ज+इ=जे”… Means things are definitely is there with search curiosity or kind of wish…

Yesterday means on 26th December 2019 ... The smallest object which is not different from smaller earth but part of Earth’s, put it’s shadow on small sun, which has huge shine, for making three spot straight lines.

That’s fire ring sun eclipse. But in India, North East side, when the sun stop for such reason as per old and ancient historical methods or sentences people knowing that as “Arun” means the sun who is stopped himself by or from Sach way and now he has needs pity… As though stopped but he has his or her or it own shine or knowledge… and people can get benefits from same…

Benefits of that should be reached to earth’s people in short while as recently we seen so many heavy things released by sun in universe.

That’s only possible when someone know such things and put it or his or her effort in our self for growing our self or generations better which name knows on the earth as “teacher” or “kachina”…

Ancient cupids pictures from European historical symbolism shows that very much old person looking like as dwarf with bow and arrow… Is the best example for my today’s blog inspiration.

Though there is nothing but so much kind of good knowledge everywhere and whoever, whatever knows by someone wanted to give any else, we can say that has “spot”…

Our parents were given two papers exams in a day…we are given one exam in a day and new generation giving 20 marks exam in a day…!!!!!!

We are lucky … We have good memories on such important humans and humanity things…

That’s “spot” basis basic work in our life…

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishya

This picture was taken by camera from
sattva Vikas school

Sunday 22 December 2019

Tatkshan has Manyu means anger of child

See if you pay
Of rogue tea leaves,

What was put in some milk turned red with shame or Anger

Yes and but …
both are there…

.. When black is unknown from such controlled contact.. till that time black but on second moments, Gray than specific colour grip up by black…just need to test by exams of Rang, Rup, Ras….than decision will be appropriate by either shame or anger…

… Name abhimanyu… name’s one means is little anger too… Basically manyu it self means anger but child’s anger…

Draupadi once asked udhishthir by same word when dyut done…

She used same “Manyu”
word, shlok is there so when if you have no anger on time of big or every time wrong work front of you… You need to decide weather yo live or dead…

Krushna himself once got anger on Arjun though he had pledge not take weapon but against bhishm he did better…anger is beautiful sometimes..

….. Kalee Devi also got feels shame, after put leg on his husband

…. I can understand why Krushna pickup chakra in Mahabharata against bhishm… Sometimes we can not see wrong for other too… always Smiley face is not answer for everything…
That’s the time to decide on self decision…
And that is only

तत्क्षण… Manyu means anger of child is to be considered but if someone elder and you counted as child, than also anger could be considered practical way in society recently days….

See all persons activities are unique… and others are counting how it is after act…

big question for my self is unique and myself constantly got anger on one person, but symontus way I really unknown his own actually conditions of practical world…

तत्क्षण is always unique and if strikes positive in life of your own, you will get miracle life somehow…

Jay gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishya

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Nipple निप्पल

This is really very odd subject if people considered this is subject about Lady that is right but the concept of the word specific NIPPLE is really very different and good as per Vedas or upanishad or else purn sahitya and most of effective Sanskrit matruka and word meaning…

Nipple if we considered in Sanskrit we can write as like the the specific alphabet

निप्पल Nipple

हमारी आधी इच्छा से जुड़ी हुई पूर्ण पल

English translation of that Hindi sentence is

full moment connected with our halff wish

each and every human or animal or bird or insect who have knowledge or who have not knowledge … mostly knowing how to do intercourse with another gender and that is universal truth …

but most of that who are cross the limit or or got the proper knowledge and wisdom regarding these, they are knowing as God and want to reborn by human mother’s tummy and after Born all homo “sapiens, sapiens” getting or want milk from mother….by mouth… Which comes from mothers nipple

In Sanskrit we all know the mother milk as KSHEER or KSHEERAAMRUT…

Basically we are thankful to those person who made the word nipple in English for every female or animal or human but somehow recent days the bad media on website are doing really very bad with that all ladies who are joint with those business for their home survival things…

One proverb is there “Zukti hai duniya jhukane wala chahie” translation of these Hindi words are in English as under “Bending the world should be”

Knowledge is empower everyone if you received, do better for universal truth at anywhere any moment on earth…

Jay gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 15 December 2019

પપ્પાની વાત

હું હતો તો તું આવ્યો, હું હતો તો તું છે...
હું છું તો તું પણ છે, હું છું ને તું પણ છે...
હું નહિ હોઉં તો પણ તું હશે,
હું નથી તો તું અને કોઈક તો છે જ...

આ વાત હતી પિતા અને પુત્રની
આ વાત છે પિતા અને પૌત્રીની
આ વાત રહી પિતા અને પૌત્રી ની
આ વાત રહશે પુત્રી અને એના પિતાની

આમ તો હું ન ફરત પણ અલગ વિચાર મારફતે,
થયો અસ્વીકાર મારો નફરત કારણે દેવ મારફતે
બાકી, ફતેહ કરી સ્વર્ગથી કોણ અણગમાએ પાછું આવે?
માત્ર મિત્ર માટે ત્રિપંખીયા વ્યુહે?

કૃષ્ણ જેવું મોહક સ્મિત જાળવો

દુર્વાસા ઋષિ તૈયાર છે દરેક વાર ગુસ્સા માટે

પરંતુ જીવન જીવવા યાદ રાખો પપ્પાના શબ્દો

રામ હસ્યાં નથી અને કૃષ્ણ રડ્યા નથી

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Friday 13 December 2019

Street light focus on Vedh of triangle

Subject is unique for unfortunately wise knowledge...Street light focus on Vedh of triangle

In Mahabharata story Arjun married draupadee only when he crossed or cleared out targeted moving died fish over head by its running picture in water near his foot steps...

In this picture I would like to focus things that we are watching is or are not perfect but our tendency are believe that we can see is or are only lights... Means wise knowledge...but that maybe different sometimes...

See the candle lighting lamp light is given to us not at the spot exactly stands but it's giving us at least one feet down... from the spot where it is stands... with long wooden rode...with traditional way or oil lamp...

In second picture we can see the light at the exact spot where it is stands with iron rode.. with electric service...

Now the equation for this thing for knowledge is unique by pytha virus...

Ab2 + Bc2 = Ac2 

is correct authenticate way, but for traditional way we need to walk or reached at spot until we get lights which is mostly parralal from the rode height at least one feet...

Need to understand wise knowledge for world's level spiritual sense of humor and making meeting with God directly...

Jay gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 12 December 2019

દ્વિજા જીગર મહેતા

બુધીયો બે પૈસા નો છોડ
રાહે રોશન ફૂલ છે
સવાર સમજીને ઘરે પણ આવે
ચા કોફી પરાણે બનાવડાવે
સંધ્યાથી સવાલ પુછાવે
મિત્ર...તું કોણ છે?
૪૨વર્ષે જવાબ મળ્યો.
"દ્વિજા" એટલે શું?
ચન્દ્ર ની કળા નહિ જ.
યજ્ઞ નો હોતા (આચાર્ય) 
પોતાની જાતને બીજામાં 
આરૂઢ કરી આપેલ જ્ઞાન થી
યજ્ઞમાં બીજા બ્રાહ્મણો થકીના
યજ્ઞ મંત્રો ના ઉદ્ગાનથી
હૂત દ્રવ્ય ના હોમાત્મક કાર્યથી
યજમાન દ્વારા
પોતાના યજ્ઞ નું ફળ મેળવે
ત્યારે મંત્રો બોલતા બ્રાહ્મણને
પોતાના મુખનું મંત્ર ગાન ગણાવા
આચાર્ય ખુદ બીજા બ્રાહ્મણોને 
દ્વિજ રૂપે ઓળખાવે છે...
જેને મિત્ર ની વિશિષ્ટ કળા કહેવાય છે
યુરેનિયમ ના આઇસો ટોપ જગ પ્રસિદ્ધ છે.
સામે પક્ષે વિકિરણો ની હાનિ પણ નિશ્ચિત હોય છે
બચી જનાર મનુષ્ય કહેવાય છે...

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

phallus or priapus

Copy from Wikipedia

Mural of Priapus depicted with the attributes of Mercury in a fresco found in Pompeii
Phallic religious sculpture of Linga, Kathmandu street, Nepal 1973

phallus is a penis (especially when erect),[1] an object that resembles a penis, or a mimetic image of an erect penis.

Any object that symbolically—or, more precisely, iconically—resembles a penis may also be referred to as a phallus; however, such objects are more often referred to as being phallic (as in "phallic symbol"). Such symbols often represent fertility and cultural implications that are associated with the male sexual organ, as well as the male orgasm.


Tintinnabulum from Pompeii showing a phallus

The term is a loanword from Latin phallus, itself borrowed from Greek φαλλός, which is ultimately a derivation from the Proto-Indo-European root *bʰel- "to inflate, swell". Compare with Old Norse (and modern Icelandicboli "bull", Old English bulluc "bullock", Greek φαλλή "whale".[2]


The Hohle phallus, a 28,000-year-old siltstone phallus discovered in the Hohle Fels cave and reassembled in 2005, is among the oldest phallic representations known.[3]


Classical antiquityEdit

Polyphallic wind chime from Pompeii; a bell hung from each phallus

In traditional Greek mythologyHermes, god of boundaries and exchange (popularly the messenger god) is considered to be a phallic deity by association with representations of him on herms (pillars) featuring a phallus. There is no scholarly consensus on this depiction and it would be speculation to consider Hermes a type of fertility god. Pan, son of Hermes, was often depicted as having an exaggerated erect phallus.

Priapus is a Greek god of fertility whose symbol was an exaggerated phallus. The son of Aphrodite and either Dionysus or Adonis, according to different forms of the original myth, he is the protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens, and male genitalia. His name is the origin of the medical term priapism.

The city of Tyrnavos in Greece holds an annual Phallus festival, a traditional event celebrating the phallus on the first days of Lent.[4]

The phallus was ubiquitous in ancient Roman culture, particularly in the form of the fascinum, a phallic charm.[5][6] The ruins of Pompeii produced bronze wind chimes (tintinnabula) that featured the phallus, often in multiples, to ward off the evil eye and other malevolent influences. Statues of Priapus similarly guarded gardens. Roman boys wore the bulla, an amulet that contained a phallic charm, until they formally came of age. According to Augustine of Hippo, the cult of Father Liber, who presided over the citizen's entry into political and sexual manhood, involved a phallus. The phallic deity Mutunus Tutunus promoted marital sex. A sacred phallus was among the objects considered vital to the security of the Roman state which were in the keeping of the Vestal VirginsSexuality in ancient Rome has sometimes been characterized as "phallocentric".[7]

Ancient IndiaEdit

Traditional flower offering to a Lingam in Varanasi

Shiva, the most ancient widely worshipped, and the foremost of the Indian deities with prehistoric origins, and the third of the Hindu Trinity—and the most widely worshipped and edified male deity in the Hindu pantheon, is worshipped much more commonly in the form of the Lingam, or the phallus. Evidence of phallic worship in India dates back to prehistoric times. Stone Lingams with several varieties of stylized "heads", or the glans, are found to this date in many of the old temples, and in museums in India and abroad. The famous "man-size" lingam in the Parashurameshwar Temple in the Chitoor District of the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh, better known as the Gudimallam Lingam, is about 1.5 metres (5 ft) in height, carved in polished black granite. Dated back to ca. 2300–2800 BC, it is one of the existing lingams from the pre-Buddhist period. The almost naturalistic giant lingam is distinguished by its prominent, bulbous "glans", and an anthropomorphic form of Parashurama carved in high relief on the "shaft". Shiva Lingams in India have tended to become more and more stylized over the centuries, and existing lingams from before the 6th century show a more leaning towards the naturalistic style, with the "glans" clearly indicated.

Etymology of “linga”, or “lingam”Edit

Linguistic evidence indicates that the post-Vedic Hindus not only adopted the tradition/ cult of the linga from the pre-Vedic non-Aryans, but even the term itself is of Austric origin. — Mahadev Chakravarti: The Concept of Rudra-Siva Through the Ages (p. 130)

The word "linga", while ubiquitous in the Austro-Asiatic world, cannot be seen originally to be occurring in the Indo-European languages. Chakravarti further says that when these two words entered Sanskrit, they, along with another word "langula" (tail) were derivations of the same root syllable "lang" or "lng". If this correlation is accepted on the basis of the obvious phonetic proximity between the three words linga ~ langala ~ langula, then it is not hard to recognize the semantic evolution of the words — because the usage of the phallus or the male generative organ in human procreation and the usage of a tool/implement like the ploughshare (langula) to till the earth for its fertility to bring forth life-supporting vegetation have a natural and spontaneous symbolical parallel and similarity to each other. Stone lingams have been found in several Indus Civilization sites, varying in size from 3 feet in length to very small pieces. These are found to be of steatite, sandstone and burnt clay. Some among these are unmistakably naturalistic in their rendition. Phallic worship was prevalent in India from the Chalcolithic period itself, and it was closely associated with magical rites based religion of that time. Stone lingams have been found in several Indus Civilization sites, varying in size from 3 feet in length to very small pieces. These are found to be of steatite, sandstone and burnt clay. Some among these are unmistakably naturalistic in their rendition.

Ancient EgyptEdit

Egyptian statuette of Osiris with phallus and amulets

The phallus played a role in the cult of Osiris in ancient Egyptian religion. When Osiris' body was cut in 14 pieces, Set scattered them all over Egypt and his wife Isis retrieved all of them except one, his penis, which was swallowed by a fish; see the Legend of Osiris and Isis. Isis made him a wooden replacement.

The phallus was a symbol of fertility, and the god Min was often depicted as ithyphallic, that is, with an erect penis.

Ithyphallic Man with a Harp, Romano-Egyptian, 3rd-4th century Brooklyn Museum


According to the Indonesian chronicles of the Babad Tanah Jawi, Prince Puger gained the kingly power from God, by ingesting sperm from the phallus of the already-dead Sultan Amangkurat II of Mataram.[8][9]


The phallus is commonly depicted in its paintings.

Ancient ScandinaviaEdit

Husavik Phallusmuseum (Icelandic Phallological Museum), Húsavík


The Mara Kannon Shrine (麻羅観音) in NagatoYamaguchi prefecture is one of many fertility shrines in Japan that still exist today. Also present in festivals such as the Danjiri Matsuri (だんじり祭)[10] in KishiwadaOsaka prefecture, the Kanamara Matsuri, in Kawasaki, and the Hōnen Matsuri (豊年祭 Harvest Festival), in Komaki (小牧市 Komaki-shi)Aichi Prefecture (愛知県 Aichi-ken), though historically phallus adoration was more widespread.


Phallus representation Cucuteni Culture 3000 BC

Kuker is a divinity personifying fecundity, sometimes in Bulgaria and Serbia it is a plural divinity. In Bulgaria, a ritual spectacle of spring (a sort of carnival performed by Kukeri) takes place after a scenario of folk theatre, in which Kuker's role is interpreted by a man attired in a sheep- or goat-pelt, wearing a horned mask and girded with a large wooden phallus. During the ritual, various physiological acts are interpreted, including the sexual act, as a symbol of the god's sacred marriage, while the symbolical wife, appearing pregnant, mimes the pains of giving birth. This ritual inaugurates the labours of the fields (ploughingsowing) and is carried out with the participation of numerous allegorical personages, among which is the Emperor and his entourage.[11]


The bear on the arms of PorteinSwitzerland has a clearly visible red phallus, in accordance with the long-held tradition.

In Switzerland, the heraldic bears in a coat of arms had to be painted with bright red penises, otherwise they would have been mocked as being she-bears. In 1579, a calendar printed in St. Gallen omitted the genitals from the heraldic bear of Appenzell, nearly leading to war between the two cantons.[12][13][14]

The AmericasEdit

Figures of Kokopelli and Itzamna (as the Mayan tonsured maize god) in Pre-Columbian America often include phallic content. Additionally, over forty large monolithic sculptures (Xkeptunich) have been documented from Terminal Classic Maya sites with the majority of examples occurring in the Puuc region of Yucatán (Amrhein 2001). Uxmal has the largest collection with eleven sculptures now housed under a protective roof on site. The largest sculpture was recorded at Almuchil measuring more than 320 cm high with a diameter at the base of the shaft measuring 44 cm.[15]

Alternative sectsEdit

St. Priapus Church (French: Église S. Priape) is a North American new religion that centres on the worship of the phallus. Founded in the 1980s in Montreal, Quebec, by D. F. Cassidy, it has a following mainly among homosexual men in Canada and the United States. Semen is also treated with reverence and its consumption is an act of worship.[16] Semen is esteemed as sacred because of its divine life-giving power.


Phallic-Head Plate, Gubbio, Italy, 1536

The symbolic version of the phallus, a phallic symbol is meant to represent male generative powers. According to Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis, while males possess a penis, no one can possess the symbolic phallus. Jacques Lacan's Ecrits: A Selection includes an essay titled The Signification of the Phallus in which sexual differentiation is represented in terms of the difference between "being" and "having" the phallus, which for Lacan is the transcendent signifier of desire. Men are positioned as men insofar as they wish to have the phallus. Women, on the other hand, wish to be the phallus. This difference between having and being explains some tragicomic aspects of sexual life. Once a woman becomes, in the realm of the signifier, the phallus the man wants, he ceases to want it, because one cannot desire what one has, and the man may be drawn to other women. Similarly, though, for the woman, the gift of the phallus deprives the man of what he has, and thereby diminishes her desire.

In Gender TroubleJudith Butler explores Freud's and Lacan's discussions of the symbolic phallus by pointing out the connection between the phallus and the penis. She writes, "The law requires conformity to its own notion of 'nature'. It gains its legitimacy through the binary and asymmetrical naturalization of bodies in which the phallus, though clearly not identical to the penis, deploys the penis as its naturalized instrument and sign". In Bodies that Matter, she further explores the possibilities for the phallus in her discussion of The Lesbian Phallus. If, as she notes, Freud enumerates a set of analogies and substitutions that rhetorically affirm the fundamental transferability of the phallus from the penis elsewhere, then any number of other things might come to stand in for the phallus.

Modern use of the phallusEdit

The phallus is often used to advertise pornography, as well as the sale of contraception. It has often been used in provocative practical jokes[17] and has been the central focus of adult-audience performances.[18]

The phallus had a new set of art interpretations in the 20th century with the rise of Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychoanalysis of psychology. One example is "Princess X"[19] by the Romanian modernist sculptor Constantin Brâncuși. He created a scandal in the Salon in 1919 when he represented or caricatured Princess Marie Bonaparte as a large gleaming bronze phallus. This phallus likely symbolizes Bonaparte's obsession with the penis and her lifelong quest to achieve vaginal orgasm.[20]

See also the Most Phallic Building contest for examples of phallic architecture.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

છબી ની સ્વાયત્તતા

આતો એક પુત્રની વાત છે.
મમ્મી નથી અને તહેવાર છે.
એવું નથી કે મમ્મી સાવ નથી.
એ મમ્મી મામા ના ત્યાં છે.
અને મારો પણ એક પતિ, પિતા
તરીકેનો અલગ વહેવાર પણ છે.
દૂરના સગાંઓ ફોન નથી ઉપાડતા
નજીકના ને ફોન હું નથી કરતો.
મિત્રો ને પોસ્ટ કાર્ડ લખી
જવાબની રાહ પણ નથી જોતો.
લખેલું વંચાય છે કે નહીં
તે પણ હવે તો બેદરકારી રાખી.
માત્ર લખું છું, વિચારોથી ઉર્જાને
તેજવાનથી વેગવાન અને
અસરકારક મનોવિજ્ઞાનથી
વ્યહવાર કુશળ બનાવા મથું છું.
"મહેતા" અટક ક્યારે "મેં હતા"
કરી ગઈ તે અસમય શોધું છું.
સમય સમય ને માન છબીએ,
છબી જ હવે તો બની ગઈ
કૂટ પ્રશ્નથી પ્રશ્ન ચિહ્નનની ચિત્રફૂટે.
અનુપમ ગીત છે જ ડેડી (ફિલ્મ)નું 
આયના મુજસે મેરી પહેલી સી સુરત માંગે
મેરે અપને અપને હોને કઈ નિશાની માંગે...

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

songs of Lata M

_*મ્યુઝિક લવર્સ કોઈપણ રીતે સાચવી રાખજો 👇🏻*_

હું તમને ફોર્વર્ડ કરી રહ્યો છું: વીડિયો સાથે 19000 હિન્દી ગીત.

* હું તમને હજારો હિન્દી ગીતો અને વીડિયો અને ગીતો સાથે ગઝલો મોકલી રહ્યો છું. * * તમારી પસંદગીના ગાયક પર ક્લિક કરો, પછી તે ગીત પર ક્લિક કરો કે જેને તમે સાંભળો અને આનંદ માણો. *

* લતા મંગેશકર (3206) * <>

* મોહમ્મદ રફી (2019) * <>

* આશા ભોંસલે (1624) * <>

* કિશોર કુમાર (1431) * <>

* અલકા યાજ્ઞિક (1228) * <>

* ઉદિત નારાયણ (947) * <>

* મુકેશ (880) * <>

* કુમાર સનુ (800) * <>

* સોનુ નિગમ (714) * <>

* સુનિધિ ચૌહાણ (524) * <>

* અનુરાધા પુદવાલ (480) * <>

* તલાત મહમુદ (451) * <>

* શાન (352) * <>

* કવિતા કૃષ્ણમૂર્તિ (304) * <>

* અભિજિત (295) * <>

* મન્ના દે (269) * <>

* શ્રેયા ઘોષાલ (235) * <>

* સુરાયિયા (226) * <>

* સાધના સારમ (220) * <>

* ગુલામ અલી (209) * <>

* સુખવિન્દર સિંહ (204) * <>

* ગીતા દત્ત (203) * <>

* હેમંત કુમાર (199) * <>

* મહેન્દ્ર કપૂર (179) * <>

* શંકર મહાદેવન (164) * <>

* શમશાદ બેગમ (163) * <>

* સુરેશ વાડકર (158) * <>

* અમિત કુમાર (155) * <>

* હરિહરણ (148) * <>

* કુણાલ ગંજવાલા (144) * <>

* પંકજ ઉધાસ (144) * <>

* જગજિત સિંહ (141) * <>

* કે કે. (129) * <>

* વિનોદ રાઠોડ (129) * <>

* એસ પી બાલાસુબ્રમણ્યમ (119) * <http://www.

_*મ્યુઝિક લવર્સ કોઈપણ રીતે સાચવી રાખજો 👆🏻*_

Lata Mangeshkar's songs

_*મ્યુઝિક લવર્સ કોઈપણ રીતે સાચવી રાખજો 👇🏻*_

હું તમને ફોર્વર્ડ કરી રહ્યો છું: વીડિયો સાથે 19000 હિન્દી ગીત.

* હું તમને હજારો હિન્દી ગીતો અને વીડિયો અને ગીતો સાથે ગઝલો મોકલી રહ્યો છું. * * તમારી પસંદગીના ગાયક પર ક્લિક કરો, પછી તે ગીત પર ક્લિક કરો કે જેને તમે સાંભળો અને આનંદ માણો. *

* લતા મંગેશકર (3206) *

* મોહમ્મદ રફી (2019) *

* આશા ભોંસલે (1624) *

* કિશોર કુમાર (1431) * <>

* અલકા યાજ્ઞિક (1228) *

* ઉદિત નારાયણ (947) *

* મુકેશ (880) *

* કુમાર સનુ (800) *

* સોનુ નિગમ (714) *

* સુનિધિ ચૌહાણ (524) *

* અનુરાધા પુદવાલ (480) *

* તલાત મહમુદ (451) *

* શાન (352) *

* કવિતા કૃષ્ણમૂર્તિ (304) *

* અભિજિત (295) *

* મન્ના દે (269) *

* શ્રેયા ઘોષાલ (235) *

* સુરાયિયા (226) *

* સાધના સારમ (220) *

* ગુલામ અલી (209) *

* સુખવિન્દર સિંહ (204) *

* ગીતા દત્ત (203) *

* હેમંત કુમાર (199) *

* મહેન્દ્ર કપૂર (179) *

* શંકર મહાદેવન (164) *

* શમશાદ બેગમ (163) *

* સુરેશ વાડકર (158) *

* અમિત કુમાર (155) *

* હરિહરણ (148) *

* કુણાલ ગંજવાલા (144) *

* પંકજ ઉધાસ (144) *

* જગજિત સિંહ (141) *

* કે કે. (129) *

* વિનોદ રાઠોડ (129) *

* એસ પી બાલાસુબ્રમણ્યમ (119)*

_*મ્યુઝિક લવર્સ કોઈપણ રીતે સાચવી રાખજો 👆🏻*_

Tuesday 3 December 2019


મનુષ્યને મચ્છર કરડે તો ત્રણ પ્રકારના રોગ થઈ શકે.




ક્ષણભર ની જિંદગી માં સંસર્ગથી મચ્છર તો જાણે કહી જ રહ્યો છે...હું આવીશ તો તમે મારી થકી યુગો ના સંભારણા લઈ શકશો...

હું તમારે મેલે (૧૨ પ્રકાર ના શરીરના કચરે) રહેવા આવ્યો છું...આથી જ તો મેલેરહ્યા...

હું તમને ચિકન ગણી ખાવા આવ્યો છું, મને તમારી જાત ખાવા દ્યો...આથીજ તો ચિકન ગણ્યા....

હું તમારું શરીર લેવા આવ્યો છું મને તમારું અંગ રહેવા આપો... આથીજ તો દે અંગ યુ (ડેન્ગ્યુ)

આપણે જ આપણી જાત ને ક્ષણ ભર ની પારકી જિંદગી થી સંસર્ગ ટાળી જાતને તે જ બદી ના યુગ યુગ ના સંભારણા થી બચાવવાની છે....


સ્પ્રે ... અમે ( સ પ રે) સરસ પાંચ મહાભૂત શરીર સાથે રહીશું...
બેગોન (સ્પ્રે) ... અરે અમારે બબ્બે યુગો નથી સંભારવા...
હિટ (સ્પ્રે) ... અમે અમારી જાતે ગરમીથી રક્તકણ ખીલવીશું
કપૂર .. .. અમે (ક) એક શહેર (પુર) માં સુખેથી વસીશું...

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય
જય હિન્દ

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Friday 29 November 2019

અભિમાન ફળ્યું

આજે શાક લેવા ગયો, અમારા નિયત શાકવાળા પાસે જ. 

અભિમાનથી ભરપૂર હું, નવરો હોવા છતાં ફોનથી ઓર્ડર આપી બુક કરાવ્યું હતું, કે જેથી સમય ના બગડે. 

સમયથી સહેજ વહેલા પહોંચ્યો. સહકાર શાક વાળાનો ના મળ્યો, એ હાજર નહતો રહ્યો તથા શાક પણ બહાર નહતું રાખ્યું પેક કરીને. 

સહેજ મનથી ખળભળી બીજી જગ્યાથી શાક લાવ્યો. 

અંદાજિત સસ્તું લાગ્યું. 

ખાલી 90 રૂપિયા ના 250 gm દાણા ના લાવ્યો, પણ નોન બ્રાન્ડેડ શાક વાળા (લારીવાળા) વ્હેપારીને સહેજ મદદ કરતો આવ્યો. 100 ₹ ના 3 kg બટાકા ને 100 ₹ ની 1 kg ડુંગળી ફળી. 

વ્યાજબી ભાવ મળ્યા.

મારું અભિમાન ફળ્યું હોય એવું લાગ્યું.

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય

જય હિન્દ

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Tuesday 26 November 2019

how to government save expenses

If government's sector office and project or running equipment or administration structure... If to be sold out by government... The most effective effects are ...
  • Low pricing cost burden to govt. At all levels scales...
  • No salary increment worries for top most head...
  • No additional expensive expenses to be charged as all matters are in contract base mode...
  • Placement consultation to be raised and jobs needs to be provided by India's micro interior areas people opening by branch office by table counter...
  • Without competition till today time somany government Babu taken heavy salaries ... which would be 100% under control way of one big head only ... As one man can observe or supervise is sufficient for five branch office...
  • Privatization maybe affected to price of tickets of air mode or travel but mostly company trying to use if SRTC (state and road transport company) will help control to maintain individual expenses of other privatization or privets office expenses...
  • Due to the direct and indirect approach, so many air ticket would be getting different pricing online way still railway sufficient suffering blocked tickets problem though the hard and heavy softwares are used by government sector...


26 નવેમ્બર ભારતીય બંધારણ દિવસ તરીકે ઓળખાય છે આજના  દિવસે બંધારણ નું ડ્રાફટિંગ પૂર્ણ થઈ તેનો સ્વિકાર કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો .

ભારતનું મૂળ બંધારણને પ્રેમ બિહારી નારાયણ રાયજાદાએ સુંદર અક્ષરો સાથે ફ્લોવિંગ ઇટાલિયન સ્ટાઇલ  માં લખ્યું હતું.  દરેક પાનાને શાંતિનિકેતન નામ ના કલાકાર દ્વારા સુંદર અને ડેકોરેટિવ ચિત્રો સાથે  બનાવવામાં આવ્યું હતું.

254 પેન અને 303 પેન ની નિબ ના ઉપયોગ દ્વારા 6 મહિના માં બંધારણ લખીને પૂરું થયું.

બંધારણનું સૌથી મહત્વપૂર્ણ  “પ્રિયમબલ” જેને બંધારણનું આમુખ પણ કહેવામાં આવે છે, તે  બિયોહર રામમનોહર સિંહા દ્વારા ડેકોરેટ કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું. તે પણ નંદલાલ બોસ નો સ્ટુડન્ટ હતો.

જ્યારે ડ્રાફ્ટ તૈયાર કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો અને ચર્ચા અને વિચારણા માટે મૂકવામાં આવ્યો હતો, તેનો અંતિમ નિર્ણય લેવામાં આવે તે પહેલાં 2000 થી વધુ સુધારા કરવામાં આવ્યા હતા, 

ડો. રાજેન્દ્ર પ્રસાદ જી ભારતીય બંધારણ સભા ના ચેરમેન હતા.

ડો. ભીમરાવ રામજી આંબેડકર જી દ્રાફટિંગ કમિટિ ના ચેરમેન હતા.

ફાઇનલ ડ્રાફટિંગ થયા પછી, 26 નવેમ્બર 1949 ના રોજ ભારતનું બંધારણ સ્વીકારવામાં આવ્યું અને 24 જાન્યુઆરી, 1950 ના રોજ, બંધારણમાં 284 સભ્યોએ હસ્તાક્ષર કર્યા.

બંધારણ નું ડ્રાફટિંગ આખરે 26 નવેમ્બર, 1949 ના રોજ પૂર્ણ થયુ હતું. પરંતુ, 26 મી જાન્યુઆરી, 1950 ના રોજ બે મહિના પછી જ તેને કાયદેસર રીતે લાગુ કરવામાં આવ્યું. જે પ્રજાસત્તાક દિવસ તરીકે જાણીતું બન્યું.

 હસ્તલેખિત બંધારણ પર 24 મી જાન્યુઆરી, 1950 ના રોજ બંધારણ સભાના 284 સભ્યો દ્વારા હસ્તાક્ષર કરવામાં આવ્યા હતા, જેમાં 15 મહિલાઓનો સમાવેશ થતો હતો.  તે 26 જાન્યુઆરીના રોજ બે દિવસ પછી અમલમાં આવ્યો.

માત્ર જનહિત માટે... બીજેથી પ્રાપ્ત માહિતી પ્રસારિત કરેલ છે

Sunday 24 November 2019

અંગ રે જી

અંગ્રેજી ભાષા નો વાંક કેટલો?
વાંક તો કાંઈ નહી પણ ૨૬ મૂળાક્ષરો માં જો તમે ભૂલથી સ્મોલ અક્ષર વાંચો કેપિટલની જગ્યાએ તો કદાચ હાલના કોમ્પ્યુટરના સોફ્ટવેર મીડિયા ક્ષેત્રે અર્થો નો અનર્થ થઈ શકે...
દાખલ તરીકે Jigar / Jeegar
દાખલા તરીકે jigar / jeegar

તમે કેપિટલ "J" કહેતા હોવ અને સામે વાળો સ્મોલ "j" સમજે તો કોમ્પ્યુટર તો ગારબેજ ઇન ... ગારબેજ આઉટ જ કરશે..

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય
જય હિન્દ

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Saturday 23 November 2019

Pineapple and Nature

Pineapple saving self by himself's natural mechanism...with hard green leafs and spot on body... until and unless it is in hand of human...

Each tree and plants was maintain by nature when the earth started to born human and animals and birds and insect... Than man find bonsai's tree plantation... From Japan east side... Now dabur ltd, and Apple LTD. Company's making theirs logo with like according tree with leafs and fruits bite by some one... so many are there but just example...
One prisioner can change the big old one with positivity of his positive mind thinking and thoughts if read suitable books which papers are making by us from trees...
Think wise...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 22 November 2019

ब्रह्मदेव या ब्रह्मराक्षस

वेदोक्त कथनानुसार, बोलो तो सबकुछ हीन होता है। जबकि जब कोई देव या राक्षस क्रिया करता है तो वह या उसके मंत्र यजन का आगाज़ हमे पता नही चलता, या "यहवह" शब्द में सिर्फ मुह ही खुला होता है हमारा। हमे तो आगाज़ ही नही होता कि हमारे सातवें आसमान में क्या हो रहा है। यहाँ सातवें आसमान का मतलब हमारी त्वचा जिसे संस्कृतमे पुरुष के लिये त्वक शब्द उपयुक्त है।

मैन एक हिंदी फिल्म देखी थी, "रुद्राक्ष" जिसमे पात्रों के नाम पता नही पर कबीर बेदी जो संजय दत्त का पिता बताया है वह कहता है कि "हमे 'र' से शुरू होने वाले शब्दों का श्लोक का उच्चारण कभी नही करना चाहिये" राक्षस वेद पूरा "र" आयाम पर निर्धारित है।

"र" अक्षर बोलनेसे हमारी जिभ, तीन बार, मुँह को खुली दशा में रख कर मुँहके अंदर हिलती है। जिससे भारी कम्पन होता है जो "थ" प्रकृति को मुनासिब नही।

भागवद कथा में भी तीन प्रकार के वक्ता और श्रोता का उल्लेख है।


जो बोले कहे बगैर आंखों से समझते है।


जो सिर्फ निर्देशन से समझते है।

निम्न या हीन

जो किसीके बोलने सुनने के बाद ही समझते है।

यहाँ हमारी बात देव और दैत्य की है।

यहाँ हमारी बात ऋषि और राक्षस की है।

यहाँ हमारी बात मानव और दानव की है।

बात जो नही कोई हो पर जिससे मनुष्य एवम प्राणी मात्र जाति का सुख निहित हो ऐसी बात करने-कहने-सुनने वाला देव, ऋषि, मानव है या तो विरुद्ध प्रकृति वाला दैत्य, राक्षस , दानव कहा जा सकता है।

ब्रह्म सबका है, पहचानो और उपयोग करने का तरीका या उपयोग करने से यदि सबके लिये अच्छा काम आये तो ब्रह्म देव नही तो किसी एक के अंगत काम आये तो ब्रह्म राक्षस हम कह सकते है।

परा अपरा, क्षराक्षर , प्रत्यक्ष अप्रत्यक्ष, परोक्ष अपरोक्ष सभी ब्रह्म से जुड़े हुए है। ब्रह्म को सिर्फ क्षेत्र क्षेत्रग्न से समझने की दूरी है।

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Tuesday 19 November 2019

ગદ્ય ની પદ્ય વાત

કોઈના પણ એકની મન ની અંદરની 
છુપાયેલ આવૃત ઇચ્છાનો
સાક્ષાત્કાર કરાવનાર સઘળાંને
પદ્ય કવિ કહે છે.
ચોક્કસ મનુષ્ય ની પ્રગટ થયેલી
સાક્ષાત્કાર વાળી રચનાનું 
અનુમોદન કરાવનાર સઘળાંને 
ગદ્ય લેખક કહે છે
તમે જે વાંચ્યું તેને કવિતા કહે છે...
જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

બ્રહ્મવર્ચસ, બ્રહ્મચર્ય અને બ્રાહ્મીસ્થિતી

अहम ब्रह्मास्मि।

સંસ્કૃત સંસ્ક્રિત સંસ્કૃતિ નું ઉચ્ચ વિધાન.

બ્રહ્મવર્ચસ મતલબ ચોક્કસ ક્ષેત્ર નું સઘળું જ્ઞાન.

બ્રહ્મચર્ય મતલબ માત્ર સંભોગ થી દુર રહેવું એવું નહિ પણ તમારા જ્ઞાન ને ચોક્કસ રીતે સસંવર્ધિત કરી રાખવું. જ્ઞાન કોઈ પણ વિષયક હોઈ શકે. મેનકા જેવી અપ્સરાની સામે ચલિત ન થવું અથવા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ ને વિદ્યાર્થી બની શોધવા...

બ્રાહ્મીસ્થિતિ મતલબ જે તે અવસ્થા નું જ્ઞાન સંચય ચોક્ક્સ રીતે મળેલું હોય તેને કોઈ નિશ્ચિત વ્યક્તિ ને આપવાની ઈચ્છા રાખવી તે મુજબ મન કરી, કાર્યના ફળ પ્રાપ્તિ કરી શકે તેમ મુજબ ની સ્થિતિ માં ક્રિયાન્વિત જાતને પરોવવી અથવા તે મુજબ ની પંચમહાભૂત અવસ્થા વાળાની સાથે સદેહ સાથે જોડાઈ કર્મ નિભાવવું...

જેમાં યાદ રાખવું જ પડે કે...

"च" कार चंड तांडवम तन उत न शीव: तन शिवम

બીજી રીતે કહીયે તો...

विश्वम विष्णु वषट कारो...

ત્રણ શબ્દો જ માત્ર ઘણું કહે છે ને આખીરમાં આવતા

सर्व प्रहरणायुधाय नम:।

તમારે તમારા જ્ઞાન ને વેડફવું ના જોઈએ.

જય હિન્દ

જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય.

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Friday 15 November 2019

Returned to the innocence

A person born...not child
And with born return to the innocence...
A child cry when born naturally
A person laugh when starting to born
So many eyes blessings to child when born
Only person eyes watching truths when born
Child has every moment full with truth on world
Person has only few things as truth of world for universe
Child not starting making self as innocence as parents nature is selfish for only child's future...
Person not making self selfish when he really born as truth lamp open his eyes as do not to sleep but making self for long universal journey...
Leaving life innocence is not hard for child...
Returns to the innocence is positively possible but hard for person...If wanted to make self as child...or moving self to the innocence
Child's behaviour appreciate and welcome by all way even on simple activities...
Person act is sometimes hard to accept smooth way as the innocence way he has left remarkable action or activity on matured level...

Remember the universal truth...

Yourself is child, not untill your parents death but till the truth power live in yourself...
God or the lord is great, it's power gives you making inner light even in darkness if you want to make even small lamp for big society's civilization and next generation on positive response way...
When person making self from innocence way truthy... Getting childish behaviour and making lamp's flame very bright for big huge criteria of his surroundings...

Child making self innocence only when he or she watching the person making self innocence from the way or path of hard truth of glory... 

We know as Returned to the innocence...
Jay Gurudev Dattatreya
Jay Hind
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 14 November 2019

अधूरा, पर मधुरा बचपना

बचपन तो है बचपना नही।
बचपने से बाकात कोई नही।
अपने आप को पनपने के लिये
बचपनकी यादोंका पानी काफी है।
मोबाइल कितना कुछ खा गया
यहाँ तक कि अंगुलिके टेरवे के कोषभी गर्माहट से खा गया।
लेकिन मित्रों को याद करने कराने के तरीको से निजात न दिला सकता था।
हाथ अपने आप चले पोस्ट कार्ड पर पेन से
दिलकी शुभकामनाएं सीधी आ गयी।
हस्ताक्षर करनेकी जरूरत ना रही
जब टेढ़े मेढ़े हर अक्षरसे बने शब्दको
स्वर व्यंजनका सहारा मिला।
अधूरा फिरभी मधुरा।
जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय
जय हिंद
जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

From WhatsApp copy pasted under mentioned lines…

ए उम्र,
माना कि तू बडी हस्ती है।
जब चाहे मेरा बचपन छीन सकती है।
पर गुरूर मत कर अपनी हस्ती पर।
मुझे भी नाज है अपनी मस्ती पर।
है अग़र दम तो इतनी सी कर खता।
बचपन तो छीन लिया, बचपना छीन कर बता…

Maybe this is not PAK but APK

PAK means Pavithra, pure, 100% clean
I certainly getting anger on the face, not on child... As this face getting so many hours of my life...
Child is 💯% unknown from the based face of Piruz khambhataa...or his generations...
Due to this two teeth and under curved lower lip give me anger but the voice of child given me rooh vibration...
I am very common man but the few things which are started at private office culture, gives me 3x3 place from which I can making media chatting with you and others...
Those who having two teeth are saying me so many bad words too maybe not but the phase of face giving me bad feelings...
No one father liking comfortable zone in life but due to some children who are not aware of their own parents but available on Earth are if said bad or rough words to me and if so many bad things happen with me, than woho will responsible... According to my mind only a selfish person who started the slot words in tropical period of time is and that is why I mostly said words for Piruz khambhataa who was asked his company's president about plastics staircase...and on Mon availability of same force to resign his employees...
I am good and giving right direction but somehow the nature or the other people who related to me as mother, wife, daughter, nephew, etcetera... Are counted me as mad man since long and wife strong way recommend medicine of psychology regarding mind control.
I really thanks to sat tatwa that's other way known by maa ambaa, Lord Vishnu, or shiv Shakti, Jesus, asho jerthushtra, paigamberji, ..... Who are till today giving wealthyness to personal way not on national criteria..
Otherwise India Pakistan shrilanka bang6, Bhutan, Nepal are counted as  rich countries...
Jay Gurudev Dattatreya
Jay hind
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Prakash Parv of Agree Nanakji

People celebrating prakash parv of guru Nanak Dev Jayanti as 550 years cleared...
so many things we can write on that thing but my question is about present situation raised by few good people on political basis though my mummy told me do not talk or discuss on political things but nowadays need to write or think on this matter as and when one or very few person making sure together different religious people in one cradle or in one line and many of them doing rudely oppose by speech or else media thing...
Yes... We need to forgot few political decision and military people and need to maintain good smiley faces for making good minds thoughts for such good future of our next generation.
He must tell you about Mr navjot Singh sidhu, who is constantly doing good effort for gathering two Nations people very close but somehow odd few people, who are always watching political benefit, making so much nuisance on his speech or his behaviour or any kind of his sentence, whatever is spoken for maintain good relationship between two countries.
Here I must refused to write the name of country because navjot Singh sidhu is a very much strongest cricket man along with his best friend Imran Khan who was captain of other team.
Recent days kartarpur corridor is open by both countries political people for common civilians are really very good and effective as the 550 birth anniversary is to be celebrating by us as prakash parv.
Previously Mr atal bihari vajpayee started Lahore Express or bus services through wagah border is the one of the finest step at a time but then after so many confused confusion made by political ground any other Nation too as there prime Minister was very much guilty for such few corrupt business with Nation.
the world's SINDH prant is very much big and spread over through India, Pakistan and little more about Afghanistan too..
Sindh is also connected with Gujarat Kutch border area, saurashtra via sant Shri makan's kaapdi sampraday...
In ancient history of aarya samaaj, the area known as sapt Sindhu Pradesh and there are the mountains known by Hindu Kush Parvat Mala... which is jointly attached with most important to understand the Prakash Parv...
Swami sachidanand already written few words authenticate way for or based things of Prakash Parv and words are
Think positive, whatever and whenever or wherever you are belongs to the place, think positive and do as according. that would be definitely help you...
since long I am not earning but my uparjan is getting very different level and I am writing blogs, notes, tweeting on media on Facebook, Instagram or else media for getting positivity.
Nothing to do more but hopefully the Satya doing better for new generations people of the South Asia country who are constantly facing different type of economy problems. By reading or writing, knowing such few fact things of there old ancient people who were done good Path after freedom of their nation's Glory ways...
need to focus on positivity by trading and cultural activity instead of weapon or else thing thus we can originally tribute to Sri guru nanak on his 550 Jayanti by celebrating Prakash Parv ...
Jay gurudev Dattatreya
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 9 November 2019

संग से रंग

मेरी तस्वीरमे रँग किसी ओरका तो नही,
मेरे हालात की आंधी में बिखरना कभी नही।
एक तरफ है मेरे विचार, वही आपके करामाती सँग,
मन: संकल्प सिद्धि सोपान ओर ध्यानाकर्षित एक रँग।
शब्द जो बनाये मुखड़ा ओर अंतरा अच्छा अच्छा,
वहाँ मेरे अल्फाज़ बनाये शब्द सही सही।
आपके शब्द से बनते कई वाक्य विधान विचार विस्तार,
मेरे अल्फाज़ से बनते शब्द रंग विचार विस्तार।
लाल, नीला, पिला मुलरंग है शरीर श्री प्रकृति से जुड़े हुए,
मेरा तो न जाने कैसा रंग है विचार बादल का किसीसे जुड़े हुए।
कहते है प्राण प्रकृति मृत्यु पर्यन्त साथ होती है,
मेरा "र" अंग गोरा हो या काला पर परम् धीषणी से जुड़कर वापस आया है।
तभी तो गोर वर्णीय काया को श्याम श्रृंग की लालसा रही।
जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य