Tuesday 25 August 2020

God is not God

Beautiful things... GOD गोद ગોદ, બખોલ, ગુફા

Notes by experience...

Our hairs having Bita kerotin protein And it's having unique structure ...

Body has five elements... Each are once finished some how like as...(as individuals Human body stage)

Fire by water

Water by fire

Earth by maximum more smarter dust particles diluted by water or air and Even more finished by fire...

Air is having like mostly Brahmi sthiti and joined with any fragrance or any one air moleculer mode... Or sometime feel by a a humadity mode... Etcetera..

Sky only absorb all fours dust but there are no air... henceforth we can not live but see the other Star in night mode by real eyes...

But if the master of master, we knows as GOD,  making decision for saving life of new child he is making Kshetra and he knows the all corners of it wether it is round, square, rectangle, triangle or else shape or else way either 2d or 3d mode or folded...

The time travel also available in fixed land... but we can understand same as pratyaksh and paroksha level... as per ashtavakra Geeta chapters 20.... 

example way... if you are at inner side home and outer side rainy day.. you don't know what happened out side... but if you move out after stopping rain and you may see the place or land with water base forms... you assume or presume that rain was there... this is ideal position... fountain is different topics...

When the other bigger higher power put better efforts than old one which was saved by the masters or god, thing abolished or convert in new form whether it is try know as medicine or poison...to the body's five of one element...but if saved by the old one than the people not giving new name to god but considering as demon or devil and recognise the old one master as the biggest God... 

Process are same every where you may see probably... in South internals region if India and even in middle India.. so many new names god and goddess coming several times... those names never would be found in Vedas but the masters using new name as MATRUKA sandhi Shakti Yugma based factors...

my concern is related to God... in regional language Gujarati GOD means lap of human either male or female... for any child, it's parent are only ... the Param sat tatva..

I know perfect that world's any small flower's based are sex only but after that the other way so many children came out but the other things are whatever seen by child, it will learn by him/her...

if the care taker is good than only the new generation will find good path of life...

I think there are not tattu but writing on body with code as per ancient language means the PowerPoint of such symbol...  

In Sanskrut shodshopchaar Vidhi..  

Pujaree saying...  



And last  

Visarjan karishye...

JAY Gurudev Dattatreya...

JAY Hind..

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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